They interviewed him, he was incredibly tactful and respectful and talked like an adult, he made Barkley look childish in comparison. It was impressive, intellect over emotion, his size said it all without having to to acknowledge the obvious. I did see a call out photo from an absolutely massive I would say 6'7" 300+lbs wearing a MAGA hat and a mug-shot tee, Barkley did put it out there after all, so I can't fault him, I would be pissed too. But really that's their MO, provoke a fight and say you started it, this is basically Victoria Newland, the CIA and Russia on a micro scale. I'm so proud of our movement, It has been completely peaceful. even J6 wasn't what they expected.... they wanted a blood bath and didn't get it. Not to say the 2A doesn't have it's place, but it's a last resort. The 2A is like Godzilla that can be summoned if they do anything to outrageous like the Boston massacre. Our real strength is they think we are a bunch of dip-shit deliverance "boy you got a perdy mouth" types, nothing could be farther than than the truth. Most of these people have never met or tried to understand who we are, to them we are nothing more than a construct in their the mind. The truth is, we are the most intelligent and they hate that because we see though there lies. We see them on the side of the road trying to figure out how to change the tire on there BMW and laugh. We are the sons of liberty, our grit and our Kentucky long rifle beat their Red Coats and some red neck with an old Chevy he built blows the doors of their Lambo. They know what will happen if they take the boot off our neck and they hate us for it.
They interviewed him, he was incredibly tactful and respectful and talked like an adult, he made Barkley look childish in comparison. It was impressive, intellect over emotion, his size said it all without having to to acknowledge the obvious. I did see a call out photo from an absolutely massive I would say 6'7" 300+lbs wearing a MAGA hat and a mug-shot tee, Barkley did put it out there after all, so I can't fault him, I would be pissed too. But really that's their MO, provoke a fight and say you started it, this is basically Victoria Newland, the CIA and Russia on a micro scale. I'm so proud of our movement, It has been completely peaceful. even J6 wasn't what they expected.... they wanted a blood bath and didn't get it. Not to say the 2A doesn't have it's place, but it's a last resort. The 2A is like Godzilla that can be summoned if they do anything to outrageous like the Boston massacre. Our real strength is they think we are a bunch of dip-shit deliverance "boy you got a perdy mouth" types, nothing could be farther than than the truth. Most of these people have never met or tried to understand who we are, to them we are nothing more than a construct of the mind. The truth is, we are the most intelligent and they hate that because we see though there lies. We see them on the side of the road trying to figure out how to change the tire on there BMW and laugh. We are the sons of liberty, our grit and our Kentucky long rifle beat their Red Coats and some red neck with an old Chevy he built blows the doors of their Lambo. They know what will happen if they take the boot off our neck and they hate us for it.
They interviewed him, he was incredibly tactful and respectful and talked like an adult, he made Barkley look childish in comparison. It was impressive, intellect over emotion, his size said it all without having to to acknowledge the obvious. I did see a call out photo from an absolutely massive I would say 6'7" 300+lbs wearing a MAGA hat and a mug-shot tee, Barkley did put it out there after all, so I can't fault him, I would be pissed too. But really that's their MO, provoke a fight and say you started it, this is basically Victoria Newland, the CIA and Russia on a micro scale. I'm so proud of our movement, It has been completely peaceful. even J6 wasn't what they expected.... they wanted a blood bath and didn't get it. Not to say the 2A doesn't have it's place, but it's a last resort. The 2A is like Godzilla that can be summoned if they do anything to outrageous like the Boston massacre. Our real strength is they think we are a bunch of dip-shit deliverance "boy you got a perdy mouth" types, nothing could be farther than than the truth. Most of these people have never met or tried to understand who we are, to them we are nothing more than a construct of the mind. The truth is, we are the most intelligent and they hate that because we see though there lies. We see them on the side of the road trying to figure out how to change the tire on there BMW and laugh. We are the sons of liberty, our grit and our Kentucky long rifle beat their Red Coats and some red neck with an old Chevy he built blows the doors of their Lambo, they know what will happen if they take the boot off our neck and they hate us for it.
They interviewed him, he was incredibly tactful and respectful and talked like an adult, he made Barkley look childish in comparison. It was impressive, intellect over emotion, his size said it all without having to to acknowledge the obvious. I did see a call out photo from an absolutely massive I would say 6'7" 300+lbs wearing a MAGA hat and a mug-shot tee. Barkley did put it out there after all, so I can't fault him, I would be pissed too. But really that's their MO, provoke a fight and say you started it, this is basically Victoria Newland, the CIA and Russia on a micro scale. I'm so proud of our movement, It has been completely peaceful. even J6 wasn't what they expected.... they wanted a blood bath and didn't get it. Not to say the 2A doesn't have it's place, but it's a last resort. The 2A is like Godzilla that can be summoned if they do anything to outrageous like the Boston massacre. Our real strength is they think we are a bunch of dip-shit deliverance "boy you got a perdy mouth" types, nothing could be farther than than the truth. Most of these people have never met or tried to understand who we are, to them we are nothing more than a construct of the mind. The truth is, we are the most intelligent and they hate that because we see though there lies. We see them on the side of the road trying to figure out how to change the tire on there BMW and laugh. We are the sons of liberty, our grit and our Kentucky long rifle beat their Red Coats and some red neck with an old Chevy he built blows the doors of their Lambo, they know what will happen if they take the boot off our neck and they hate us for it.
They interviewed him, he was incredibly tactful and respectful and talked like an adult, he made Barkley look childish in comparison. It was impressive, intellect over emotion, his size said it all without having to to acknowledge the obvious. I did see a call out photo from an absolutely massive I would say 6'7" 300+lbs wearing a MAGA hat and a mug-shot tee. Barkley did put it out there after all, so I can't fault him, I would be pissed too. But really that's their MO, provoke a fight and say you started it, this is basically Victoria Newland, the CIA and Russia on a micro scale. I'm so proud of our movement, It has been completely peaceful. even J6 wasn't what they expected.... they wanted a blood bath and didn't get it. Not to say the 2A doesn't have it's place, but it's a last resort. The 2A is like Godzilla that can be summoned if they do anything to outrageous like the Boston massacre. Our real strength is they think we are a bunch of dip-shit deliverance "boy you got a perdy mouth" types, nothing could be farther than than the truth. Most of these people have never met or tried to understand who we are, to them we are nothing more than a construct of the mind.
They interviewed him, he was incredibly tactful and respectful and talked like an adult, he made Barkley look childish in comparison. It was impressive, intellect over emotion, his size said it all without having to to acknowledge the obvious. I did see a call out photo from an absolutely massive I would say 6'7" 300+lbs wearing a MAGA hat and a mug-shot tee. He did put it out there after all, so I can't fault him, I would be pissed too. But really that's their MO, provoke a fight and say you started it, this is basically Victoria Newland, the CIA and Russia on a micro scale. I'm so proud of our movement, It has been completely peaceful. even J6 wasn't what they expected.... they wanted a blood bath and didn't get it. Not to say the 2A doesn't have it's place, but it's a last resort. The 2A is like Godzilla that can be summoned if they do anything to outrageous like the Boston massacre. Our real strength is they think we are a bunch of dip-shit deliverance "boy you got a perdy mouth" types, nothing could be farther than than the truth. Most of these people have never met or tried to understand who we are, to them we are nothing more than a construct of the mind.
They interviewed him, he was incredibly tactful and respectful and talked like an adult, he made Barkley look childish in comparison. It was impressive, intellect over emotion, his size said it all without having to to acknowledge the obvious. I did see a call out photo from an absolutely massive I would say 6'7" 300+lbs wearing a MAGA hat and a mug-shot tee. He did put it out there after all, so I can't fault him, I would be pissed too.
They interviewed him, he was incredibly tactful and respectful and talked like an adult, he made Barkley look childish in comparison. It was impressive, intellect over emotion, his size said it all without having to to acknowledge the obvious. I did see a call out photo from an absolutely massive I would say 6'7" 300lbs wearing a MAGA hat and a mug-shot tee. He did put it out there after all, so I can't fault him, I would be pissed too.
They interviewed him, he was incredibly tactful and respectful and talked like an adult. He made Barkley look childish in comparison, it was impressive, intellect over emotion. His size said it all without having to to acknowledge the obvious, But I did see a call out photo from an absolutely massive I would say 6'7" 300lbs wearing a MAGA hat and a mug-shot tee. He did put it out there after all, so I can't fault him, I would be pissed too.
They interviewed him, he was incredibly tactful and respectful and talked like an adult. He made Barkley look childish in comparison, it was impressive, intellect over emotion,