Birth Control and Homosexuality: Intended Consequences
Turning the world gay was a part of the neo-Malthusian design. See the Jaffe memo from around 1967. It states explicitly that it is necessary to push propaganda to encourage gayness to reduce the population. That memo came from the same people that ran planned parenthood who created and pushed the pill.
That's just the tip of the iceberg on that one though. That same effort of hormonal birth control plus homosexuality to reduce the population goes back to the early 1900s, and even as far back as the 1870s.
Birth Control and Homosexuality: Intended Consequences
Turning the world gay was a part of the neo-Malthusian design. See the Jaffe memo from around 1967. It states explicitly that it is necessary to push propaganda to encourage gayness to reduce the population. That memo came from the same people that ran planned parenthood who created and pushed the pill.
Birth Control and Homosexuality: Intended Consequences
Turning the world gay was a part of the neo-Malthusian design. See the Jaffe memo from around 1967. It states explicitly to push propaganda to encourage gayness to reduce the population. That memo came from the same people that ran planned parenthood who created and pushed the pill.