The bulk of cancers are caused by the aggressive strains of herpetic viruses. These viruses attack the immune system when it is weak. They feed of toxic heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, solvents, petrochemicals, synthetic scents. When the virus feeds on these, they release stronger neurotoxins that destroy healthy cells.
Tips: -Stay away from pesticides and chemicals, as well as toxic beauty and home products that are not natural.
-Avoid foods that feed and contribute to cancer growth such as eggs, dairy, corn, Gluten, canola, GMO. No coffee or bad sugar. Pretty much anything that’s not natural.
-Reduce protein and animal protein completely if you have cancer.
-Lower fat
Beneficial cancer supplements:
melatonin (stops almost literally every cancer)
vitamin C - high amounts
lemon balm
nettle leaf
ALA (to help immune systems)
vitamins B
iodine (critical cancer preventative, helping to stave off cancers of the thyroid, breast, brain, lung, liver, stomach, pancreas, and those of the mouth and jaw, among others)
cat’s claw (have powerful anti-cancer and anti-tumor properties)
chaga mushroom (excellent source of betulinic acid which kills cancer cells on contact)
ginseng (prevents)
milk thistle (potent detoxifying herb with anti-cancer properties)
reishi (excellent preventative food as it contains compounds such as canthaxanthin and beta-1,3-D glucan, which can slow down the growth of tumors and help immune cells bind to tumor cells and remove them from the body)
Pau D’Arco (used to treat; contains antitumor compounds that help shrink and eliminate tumors from the body)
artichoke leaf extract (kills off cancer cells)
astragalus (fights cancer)
barley grass (beneficial)
spirulina (helps heal)
Helpful Anti Cancer and cancer healing foods: Important (all of these are amazing for helping with cancer)
Celery Juice (work to 32oz) ,avocados, Artichokes, grapes, lemons & limes, pomegranates, asparagus, broccoli, melons ,apples, bananas, papayas, mangoes, tomatoes, kiwis ,wild blueberries, red and orange bell peppers, turmeric, HMDS ,wheat grass, amla, blackberries, coconut water, crimini mushrooms, dill, fennel, mustard seeds, oranges, pecans, pomegranates, pumpkin, raspberries, sage, sunflower seeds, burdock root, cashews, chia seeds, chives, cleavers, currants, hibiscus tea, leafy greens, lychees, onions, potatoes, purslane, raw honey, red cabbage, sapodilla, spinach, shiitake mushrooms, sweet potatoes, wild cherry bark, Microgreen/Sprouts.
The bulk of cancers are caused by the aggressive strains of herpetic viruses. These viruses attack the immune system when it is weak. They feed of toxic heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, solvents, petrochemicals, synthetic scents. When the virus feeds on these, they release stronger neurotoxins that destroy healthy cells.
Tips: -Stay away from pesticides and chemicals, as well as toxic beauty and home products that are not natural.
-Avoid no foods that feed and contribute to cancer growth such as eggs, dairy, corn, Gluten, canola, GMO. No coffee or bad sugar. Pretty much anything that’s not natural.
-Reduce protein and animal protein completely if you have cancer.
-Lower fat
Beneficial cancer supplements:
melatonin (stops almost literally every cancer)
vitamin C - high amounts
lemon balm
nettle leaf
ALA (to help immune systems)
vitamins B
iodine (critical cancer preventative, helping to stave off cancers of the thyroid, breast, brain, lung, liver, stomach, pancreas, and those of the mouth and jaw, among others)
cat’s claw (have powerful anti-cancer and anti-tumor properties)
chaga mushroom (excellent source of betulinic acid which kills cancer cells on contact)
ginseng (prevents)
milk thistle (potent detoxifying herb with anti-cancer properties)
reishi (excellent preventative food as it contains compounds such as canthaxanthin and beta-1,3-D glucan, which can slow down the growth of tumors and help immune cells bind to tumor cells and remove them from the body)
Pau D’Arco (used to treat; contains antitumor compounds that help shrink and eliminate tumors from the body)
artichoke leaf extract (kills off cancer cells)
astragalus (fights cancer)
barley grass (beneficial)
spirulina (helps heal)
Helpful Anti Cancer and cancer healing foods: Important (all of these are amazing for helping with cancer)
Celery Juice (work to 32oz) ,avocados, Artichokes, grapes, lemons & limes, pomegranates, asparagus, broccoli, melons ,apples, bananas, papayas, mangoes, tomatoes, kiwis ,wild blueberries, red and orange bell peppers, turmeric, HMDS ,wheat grass, amla, blackberries, coconut water, crimini mushrooms, dill, fennel, mustard seeds, oranges, pecans, pomegranates, pumpkin, raspberries, sage, sunflower seeds, burdock root, cashews, chia seeds, chives, cleavers, currants, hibiscus tea, leafy greens, lychees, onions, potatoes, purslane, raw honey, red cabbage, sapodilla, shiitake mushrooms, sweet potatoes, wild cherry bark, Microgreen/Sprouts.