It was the 'sin of pride' that he could not tolerate the ridiule from the media, suggesting people to drink bleach,(media's interperation) heavy doses of sun light into the body, taking a horse medicine(Ivertmectin) with idiotic ideas. He knew in the beginning of the pandemic that the vaccine was not the solution, because had talked it down and suggested Hydroxychloroquine, that would stop it quickly before developing into a larger scale pandemic. When Cal Thomas asked him who he thought Jesus was, because he had said, he never felt the need to ask for God's forgiveness, said "Jesus to me is somebody I can think about for security and confidence, somebody I can revere in terms of bravery and in terms of courage and because I consider the Christian religion so important, somebody I can totally reply on in my own mind". Correction, it's not about a religion but a relationship with Jesus Christ If he asked for the Lord's forgivenss and for Salvation,that sin of pride,would have been washed away, all he needed was to ask for the 'Full Armor of God' that would have given him courage to stand up too Big Pharma, pressuring for the safe and proven therapeutics, by renown Doctors, world wide,(not Fauci "I represent science") not pushing the experimental covid vaccine, derived from stored fetuses, that some faith leaders, called a blessing from God.
It was the 'sin of pride' that he could not tolerate the ridiule from the media, suggesting people to drink bleach,(media's interperation) heavy doses of sun light into the body, taking a horse medicine(Ivertmectin) with idiotic ideas. He knew in the beginning of the pandemic that the vaccine was not the solution, because had talked it down and suggested Hydroxychloroquine, that would stop it quickly before developing into a larger scale pandemic. When Cal Thomas asked him who he thought Jesus was, because he had said, he never felt the need to ask for God's forgiveness, said "Jesus to me is somebody I can think about for security and confidence, somebody I can revere in terms of bravery and in terms of courage and because I consider the Christian religion so important, somebody I can totally reply on in my own mind". Correction, it's not about a religion but a relationship with Jesus Christ If he asked for the Lord's forgivenss and for Salvation,that sin of pride,would have been washed away, all he needed was to ask for the 'Full Armor of God' that would have given him courage to stand against Big Pharma, pressuring for the safe and proven therapeutics, by renown Doctors, world wide,(not Fauci "I represent science") not pushing the experimental covid vaccine, derived from stored fetuses, that some faith leaders, called a blessing from God.