Wonder who his C_A handler is. This whole thing reeks of clown fuckery!! Barbeque?! What the actual shit! So he just broke 4,000 people out of prisons and used them to assume power over Haiti?? Ya right!
edit- thx for correction, he "united 12 street gangs, THEN broke 4,000 people out of prison"
edit- and let's not forget Haiti's president was assassinated in 2021 which seems to have sparked (or allowed) this whole gang uprising into full gear. Was this more old guard "regime change"?
Wonder who his C_A handler is. This whole thing reeks of clown fuckery!! Barbeque?! What the actual shit! So he just broke 4,000 people out of prisons and used them to assume power over Haiti?? Ya right!
edit- and let's not forget Haiti's president was assassinated in 2021 which seems to have sparked (or allowed) this whole gang uprising into full gear. Was this more old guard "regime change"?
Wonder who his C_A handler is. This whole thing reeks of clown fuckery!! Barbeque?! What the actual shit! So he just broke 4,000 prisoners out and used them to assume power over Haiti?? Ya right!
edit- and let's not forget Haiti's president was assassinated in 2021 which seems to have sparked (or allowed) this whole gang uprising into full gear. Was this more old guard "regime change"?
Wonder who his C_A handler is. This whole thing reeks of clown fuckery!! Barbeque?! What the actual shit! So he just broke 4,000 prisoners out and used them to assume power over Haiti?? Ya right!
edit- and let's not forget Haiti's president was assassinated in 2021 which seems to have sparked this whole gang uprising into full gear. Was this more old guard "regime change"?
Wonder who his C_A handler is. This whole thing reeks of clown fuckery!! Barbeque?! What the actual shit! So he just broke 4,000 prisoners out and used them to assume power over Haiti?? Ya right!