Go to “Thesaltmustflow.com” and throw on a reeeestream. Also check out “Quite Frankly” I really love Frank and his guests, he’s a real talent and absolutely loves his audience. And finally for deep dives into issues “like let’s go to the Titanic deep” watch “The last American Vagabond”. Salty is like cocaine, Frank is like a fine bourbon, and The Last American Vagabond is like ADHD meds that you need to digest all the info he hoses out.
Go to “Thesaltmustflow.com” and throw on a reeeestream. Also check out “Quite Frankly” I really love Frank and his guests, he’s a real talent and absolutely loves his audience. And finally for deep dives into issues “like let’s go to the Titanic deep” watch “The last American Vagabond”.