Taxation via FRAUD is extortion:
The following taxes are all collected based on fraudulently changing the name of something that is Constitutionally untaxable into a special category created specifically for "taxation" (aka extortion by organized crime). This is the trick that the American Bar Association and their state bar subsidiaries have enacted on us all:
IRS changes labor capital to "income" via fraud in order to extort tax
States change labor capital to "income" via fraud in order to extort tax
Counties change land patent to "real property equitable title" via fraud in order to extort tax
DMV changes property legal Title to "real property equitable title" via fraud in order to extort tax
Social Security creates a fraudulent contract with a baby in order to extort tax, turning the baby into a "dead corporate vessel" owned by the state. "Dead" entities have no natural rights because they are not "living men and women".
Medicare creates a fraudulent contract with a baby (SSN) in order to extort tax
The only taxes that my legal research has indicated MIGHT be lawful are the sales tax (sovereign state level) and import duty/tariff (federal level). Federal sales tax only applies jurisdictionally to Federal lands and territories per structure of the Republic and Constitution. All "national taxes" violate jurisdictional separation between sovereign states and the enumerated Federal duties unless collected from the state only. They cannot be collected from individuals directly, lawfully.
US gov't is FEDERAL and required to be "Republican*", not "Corporate" per Article IV, Section 4 of Constitution. US gov't is NOT national and "sovereign states" means "SUPREME STATES", as in nothing above them, including the federal gov't which they created by delegating enumerating powers to. States own the Federal gov't Constitutionally. This has been corrupted.
Statutory penalty for fraud is 3x actual and 200x punitive damages, and there is no statute of limitations for fraud.
Taxation via FRAUD is extortion:
The following taxes are all collected based on fraudulently changing the name of something that is Constitutionally untaxable into a special category created specifically for "taxation" (aka extortion by organized crime). This is the trick that the American Bar Association and their state bar subsidiaries have enacted on us all:
IRS changes labor capital to "income" via fraud in order to extort tax
States change labor capital to "income" via fraud in order to extort tax
Counties change land patent to "real property beneficial title" via fraud in order to extort tax
DMV changes property title to "real property beneficial title" via fraud in order to extort tax
Social Security creates a fraudulent contract with a baby in order to extort tax, turning the baby into a "dead corporate vessel" owned by the state. "Dead" entities have no natural rights because they are not "living men and women".
Medicare creates a fraudulent contract with a baby (SSN) in order to extort tax
The only taxes that my legal research has indicated MIGHT be lawful are the sales tax (sovereign state level) and import duty/tariff (federal level). Federal sales tax only applies jurisdictionally to Federal lands and territories per structure of the Republic and Constitution. All "national taxes" violate jurisdictional separation between sovereign states and the enumerated Federal duties unless collected from the state only. They cannot be collected from individuals directly, lawfully.
US gov't is FEDERAL and required to be "Republican*", not "Corporate" per Article IV, Section 4 of Constitution. US gov't is NOT national and "sovereign states" means "SUPREME STATES", as in nothing above them, including the federal gov't which they created by delegating enumerating powers to. States own the Federal gov't Constitutionally. This has been corrupted.
Statutory penalty for fraud is 3x actual and 200x punitive damages, and there is no statute of limitations for fraud.
Taxation via FRAUD is extortion:
The following taxes are all collected based on fraudulently changing the name of something that is Constitutionally untaxable into a special category created specifically for "taxation" (aka extortion by organized crime). This is the trick that the American Bar Association and their state bar subsidiaries have enacted on us all:
IRS changes labor capital to "income" via fraud in order to extort tax
States change labor capital to "income" via fraud in order to extort tax
Counties change land patent to "real property beneficial title" via fraud in order to extort tax
DMV changes property title to "real property beneficial title" via fraud in order to extort tax
Social Security creates a fraudulent contract with a baby in order to extort tax, turning the baby into a "dead corporate vessel" owned by the state. "Dead" entities have no natural rights because they are not "living men and women".
Medicare creates a fraudulent contract with a baby (SSN) in order to extort tax
The only taxes that my legal research has indicated MIGHT be lawful are the sales tax (sovereign state level) and import duty/tariff (federal level). Federal sales tax only applies jurisdictionally to Federal lands and territories per structure of the Republic and Constitution. All "national taxes" violate jurisdictional separation between sovereign states and the enumerated Federal duties unless collected from the state only. They cannot be collected from individuals directly.
US gov't is FEDERAL and required to be "Republican*", not "Corporate" per Article IV, Section 4 of Constitution. US gov't is NOT national and "sovereign states" means "SUPREME STATES", as in nothing above them, including the federal gov't which they created by delegating enumerating powers to. States own the Federal gov't Constitutionally. This has been corrupted.
Statutory penalty for fraud is 3x actual and 200x punitive damages, and there is no statute of limitations for fraud.
Taxation via FRAUD is extortion:
The following taxes are all collected based on fraudulently changing the name of something that is Constitutionally untaxable into a special category created specifically for "taxation" (aka extortion by organized crime). This is the trick that the American Bar Association and their state bar subsidiaries have enacted on us all:
IRS changes labor capital to "income" via fraud in order to extort tax
States change labor capital to "income" via fraud in order to extort tax
Counties change land to "real property" via fraud in order to extort tax
DMV changes property to "real property" via fraud in order to extort tax
Social Security creates a fraudulent contract with a baby in order to extort tax
Medicare creates a fraudulent contract with a baby (SSN) in order to extort tax
The only taxes that my legal research has indicated MIGHT be lawful are the sales tax (sovereign state level) and import duty/tariff (federal level). Federal sales tax only applies jurisdictionally to Federal lands and territories per structure of the Republic and Constitution. All "national taxes" violate jurisdictional separation between sovereign states and the enumerated Federal duties unless collected from the state only. They cannot be collected from individuals directly.
US gov't is FEDERAL and required to be "Republican*", not "Corporate" per Article IV, Section 4 of Constitution. US gov't is NOT national and "sovereign states" means "SUPREME STATES", as in nothing above them, including the federal gov't which they created by delegating enumerating powers to. States own the Federal gov't Constitutionally. This has been corrupted.
Statutory penalty for fraud is 3x actual and 200x punitive damages, and there is no statute of limitations for fraud.
Taxation via FRAUD is extortion:
The following taxes are all collected based on fraudulently changing the name of something that is Constitutionally untaxable into a special category created specifically for "taxation" (aka extortion by organized crime). This is the trick that the American Bar Association and their state bar subsidiaries have enacted on us all:
IRS changes labor capital to "income" via fraud in order to extort tax
States change labor capital to "income" via fraud in order to extort tax
Counties change land to "real property" via fraud in order to extort tax
DMV changes property to "real property" via fraud in order to extort tax
Social Security creates a fraudulent contract with a baby in order to extort tax
Medicare creates a fraudulent contract with a baby (SSN) in order to extort tax
The only taxes that my legal research has indicated MIGHT be lawful are the sales tax (sovereign state level) and import duty/tariff (federal level). Federal sales tax only applies jurisdictional to Federal lands and territories per structure of the Republic and Constitution. All "national taxes" violate jurisdictional separation between sovereign states and the enumerated Federal duties unless collected from the state only. They cannot be collected from individuals directly.
Statutory penalty for fraud is 3x actual and 200x punitive damages, and there is no statute of limitations for fraud.
Taxation via FRAUD is extortion:
The following taxes are all collected based on fraudulently changing the name of something that is Constitutionally untaxable into a special category created specifically for taxation. This is the trick that the American Bar Association and their state bar subsidiaries have enacted on us all:
IRS changes labor capital to "income" via fraud in order to extort tax
States change labor capital to "income" via fraud in order to extort tax
Counties change land to "real property" via fraud in order to extort tax
DMV changes property to "real property" via fraud in order to extort tax
Social Security creates a fraudulent contract with a baby in order to extort tax
Medicare creates a fraudulent contract with a baby (SSN) in order to extort tax
The only taxes that my legal research has indicated MIGHT be lawful are the sales tax (sovereign state level) and import duty/tariff (federal level). Federal sales tax only applies jurisdictional to Federal lands and territories per structure of the Republic and Constitution. All "national taxes" violate jurisdictional separation between sovereign states and the enumerated Federal duties unless collected from the state only. They cannot be collected from individuals directly.
Statutory penalty for fraud is 3x actual and 200x punitive damages, and there is no statute of limitations for fraud.
Taxation via FRAUD is extortion:
The following taxes are all collected based on fraudulently changing the name of something that is Constitutional untaxable into a special category created specifically for taxation:
IRS changes labor capital to "income" via fraud in order to extort tax
States change labor capital to "income" via fraud in order to extort tax
Counties change land to "real property" via fraud in order to extort tax
DMV changes property to "real property" via fraud in order to extort tax
Social Security creates a fraudulent contract with a baby in order to extort tax
Medicare creates a fraudulent contract with a baby (SSN) in order to extort tax
The only taxes that my legal research has indicated MIGHT be lawful are the sales tax (sovereign state level) and import duty/tariff (federal level). Federal sales tax only applies jurisdictional to Federal lands and territories per structure of the Republic and Constitution. All "national taxes" violate jurisdictional separation between sovereign states and the enumerated Federal duties unless collected from the state only. They cannot be collected from individuals directly.
Statutory penalty for fraud is 3x actual and 200x punitive damages, and there is no statute of limitations for fraud.