Nattokinase or better yet Ivermectin(natto dissolves and dissipates the spikes, Ivermectin binds to them)
Only 2 simple things I know of that have shown consistent results, The Zelenko Protocol is less simple but also likely to work
There is also this
Which have good odds and have been in US medical journal
As a carnivore autophagy is somewhat or a recurring theme in me
and it is immediately startable(ever wonder why you loose appetite when sick, this is the body trying to start this very thing...) without any supplements and definitively worth an immediate try....
From what you are saying about her reacting to virtually anything not introducing anything at all beyond water for a few days may be the best and most immediate way to go.................
Nattokinase or better yet Ivermectin(natto dissolves and dissipates the spikes, Ivermectin binds to them)
Only 2 simple things I know of that have shown consistent results, The Zelenko Vrotocol is less simle but also likely to work
There is also this
Which have good odds and have been in US medical journal
As a carnivore autophagy is somewhat or a recurring theme in me
and it is immediately startable(ever wonder why you loose appetite when sick, this is the body trying to start this very thing...) without any supplements and definitively worth an immediate try....
From what you are saying about her reacting to virtually anything not introducing anything at all beyond water for a few days may be the best and most immediate way to go.................
Nattokinase or better yet Ivermectin(natto dissolves and dissipates the spikes, Ivermectin binds to them)
Only 2 simle things I know of that have shown consistent results, The Zelenko Vrotocol is less simle but also likely to work
There is also this
Which have good odds and have been in US medical journal
As a carnivore autophagy is somewhat or a recurring theme in me
and it is immediately startable(ever wonder why you loose appetite when sick, this is the body trying to start this very thing...) without any supplements and definitively worth an immediate try....
From what you are saying about her reacting to virtually anything not introducing anything at all beyond water for a few days may be the best and most immediate way to go.................
Nattokinase or better yet Ivermectin(natto dissolves and dissipates the spikes, Ivermectin binds to them)
Only 2 simle things I know of that have shown consistent results, The Zelenko Vrotocol is less simle but also likely to work
There is also this
Which have good odds and have been in US medical journal
As a carnivore autophagy is somewhat or a recurring theme in me
and it is immediately startable(ever wonder why you loose appetite when sick, this is the body trying to start this very thing...) without any supplements and definitively worth an immediate try....