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Reason: None provided.


(perhaps someone can condense my three posts into a clear overview, unfornately I am only good at chasing rabbits and CopyPasta and I am not so good to bring the findings into a condensed orderly overview - thanks frens)

My previous posts about Obama, Robert Wolf, Anthony Scaramucci brought me to Wang Jian/chinese HNA group and his sudden death 'fall from a wall' - ...

  1. Obama, Soros, Robert Wolf:

  2. Anthony Scaramucci:

  3. Regarding the above it is also important to investigate Amy Gutmann, please go to the following post for the long findings regarding FOLLOW THE PEN(N) - Who is Amy Gutmann?


  5. HNA Group - Soros - Michael Doyle - United Nations - Amy Guttmann - Vanguard:

.... BUT it got MUCH deeper!

(while researching Wang Jian, Purim and Rothschild -> see further below, ...


(enjoy to explore this webpage - a hoax, art, mocking us?)

... but then I found this:


(CAT LADY?) "October 2012 - January 2013, "The Countess and Her Cats", The Mark Twain House and Museum, Hartford, CT"

(!!!!!!!) Spring 1999, "Through the Looking-Glass", Darkly, National Boston Video Center, Boston, MA[37]

"A tarot deck based upon the writings of William Shakespeare, "The Shakespeare Oracle: Let the Bard Predict Your Future," written by A. Bronwyn Llewellyn, was illustrated by von Buhler and released in 2003.[63]"

THE WHOLE WORLD IS A STAGE (see also further below regarding PURIM & MASKS)

(I close now before I am totally lost in this - tell me, if you find more regarding all of this)

HERE IS THE RESEARCH regarding Wang Jian / HNA:

The sudden death of HNA co-chairman Wang Jian after an accident in France has complicated the restructuring at the Chinese aviation-to-finance conglomerate, which has been ordered by Beijing to return to its aviation roots after an aggressive international acquisition spree.

**Wang, 57, died on Tuesday after falling off a wall near a scenic church in Provence. **Wang, a former civil aviation official, directed most of the operations at the company he had jointly headed since it was founded in the early 1990s.

Wang was seen as the driving force behind the $40bn spending binge that turned HNA from a regional airline into a conglomerate with stakes in businesses ranging from Hilton Worldwide to Deutsche Bank.

Many international bankers saw him as the primary point of contact in the group — US private equity group Blackstone, which sold a number of assets to HNA, even threw a party in New York featuring masks of Wang’s face in 2017.

His death sparked internet conspiracy theories. But local French police said Wang fell accidentally and foul play was not suspected. He was anxious about his own longevity, according to one business associate, and even purchased sets of expensive furniture made of rare sandalwood in the belief that this would help him live longer. "

"**For three years, HNA had international asset managers salivating as it gobbled up global assets in a $40bn shopping spree.

Last February Blackstone, which frequently sells to Chinese buyers, hosted HNA co-founder Wang Jian in a charity fundraiser in New York, featuring GLITZY GOLD MASK OF MR WANG'S FACE.

Two months later HNA inked one of its highest-profile deals, with the purchase of a 9.9 per cent stake in Deutsche Bank, Germany’s biggest lender.***

EVERY SINGLE TIME: Purim Celebration - Wearing masks (also Wang Jian s. a.):

Q-Drop 196 (also 195):

They are meeting to celebrate purim!

"Former mayor Michael Bloomberg ... The story of Purim tells of an immigrant queen—Esther—and a king who felt Jews were responsible for all of his kingdom’s problems and had to be eliminated … As the story goes, Esther intervenes… convinces the king he was wrong and saves the lives of the Jews."

"Purim Ball Co-Chair Stephen A. Schwarzman, chairman and CEO of the Blackstone Group, presented Global Corporate Honoree Chairman Wang Jian, co-founder of HNA with a crystal bowl decorated with two roosters in keeping with the current Chinese calendar’s “Year of the Rooster.

Chairman Wang Jian heads a global Fortune 500 company with a workforce of more than 410,000 whose focus is on tourism and financial services whose largesse includes 6,500 eyesight recovery operations around the world.

In his acceptance address, which he gave in Chinese with simultaneous English translation, Chairman Wang Jian proclaimed that the Jewish and Chinese cultures are “the two oldest cultures in the world with the imperative of responsibility for the less fortunate.

Full text of the speeches held on the Purim celebration were Wang Jian was honored with the "glitzy gold mask" - They love families, traditions and generational connectedness!!


(btw: CARNIVAL MUCH? Who were the Venetians really -> masks? The Rhodanites? Ashkenazi? Kazars? The medieval black death started from Caffa (Ukraine) with merchant ships! Think abut that!)

"On Purim we dress up with masks and costumes. This seemingly superficial custom is laden with deeper meaning. On Purim we remember that in the world, nothing is as it seems. The real world lies beneath all the superficiality.

In fact, the words Megillat Esther, the Scroll of Esther, also means to reveal (megaleh in Hebrew) the hidden (haster). The Purim story peels back the mask and reveals that which is hidden.

Many of the main characters in the Esther story wear masks, not identifying who they really are or what their true motives are. Haman pretends to have the only the king’s best interests in mind when he advises the king to annihilate the Jewish People, pretending that the Jews are a threat to his kingdom since they follow their own laws and customs, and not those of the rest of Persia. In reality, he sought to destroy the Jews for his own evil genocidal wishes, as he was the descendant of Amalek, the ancient biblical tribe that was best on the destruction of the Jewish People.

Mordechai never reveals that he is a relative and friend of Esther’s; he pretends to be a simple person who happened to save the King’s life. It is Esther who reveals it to the king at the end that Mordechai is her dear relative.

And of course, Esther herself wears a mask; she pretends to be a gentile queen, never revealing her Jewish identity, until the very end of the Purim story."

EDIT: I INCLUDE THIS VIDEO/POST by Tool regarding SODOMY of children (sucking energy, Crowley, accessing different dimensions)

1 year ago
234 score
Reason: None provided.


(perhaps someone can condense my three posts into a clear overview, unfornately I am only good at chasing rabbits and CopyPasta and I am not so good to bring the findings into a condensed orderly overview - thanks frens)

My previous posts about Obama, Robert Wolf, Anthony Scaramucci brought me to Wang Jian/chinese HNA group and his sudden death 'fall from a wall' - ...

  1. Obama, Soros, Robert Wolf:

  2. Anthony Scaramucci:

  3. Regarding the above it is also important to investigate Amy Gutmann, please go to the following post for the long findings regarding FOLLOW THE PEN(N) - Who is Amy Gutmann?


  5. HNA Group - Soros - Michael Doyle - United Nations - Amy Guttmann - Vanguard:

.... BUT it got MUCH deeper!

(while researching Wang Jian, Purim and Rothschild -> see further below, ...


(enjoy to explore this webpage - a hoax, art, mocking us?)

... but then I found this:


(CAT LADY?) "October 2012 - January 2013, "The Countess and Her Cats", The Mark Twain House and Museum, Hartford, CT"

(!!!!!!!) Spring 1999, "Through the Looking-Glass", Darkly, National Boston Video Center, Boston, MA[37]

"A tarot deck based upon the writings of William Shakespeare, "The Shakespeare Oracle: Let the Bard Predict Your Future," written by A. Bronwyn Llewellyn, was illustrated by von Buhler and released in 2003.[63]"

THE WHOLE WORLD IS A STAGE (see also further below regarding PURIM & MASKS)

(I close now before I am totally lost in this - tell me, if you find more regarding all of this)

HERE IS THE RESEARCH regarding Wang Jian / HNA:

The sudden death of HNA co-chairman Wang Jian after an accident in France has complicated the restructuring at the Chinese aviation-to-finance conglomerate, which has been ordered by Beijing to return to its aviation roots after an aggressive international acquisition spree.

**Wang, 57, died on Tuesday after falling off a wall near a scenic church in Provence. **Wang, a former civil aviation official, directed most of the operations at the company he had jointly headed since it was founded in the early 1990s.

Wang was seen as the driving force behind the $40bn spending binge that turned HNA from a regional airline into a conglomerate with stakes in businesses ranging from Hilton Worldwide to Deutsche Bank.

Many international bankers saw him as the primary point of contact in the group — US private equity group Blackstone, which sold a number of assets to HNA, even threw a party in New York featuring masks of Wang’s face in 2017.

His death sparked internet conspiracy theories. But local French police said Wang fell accidentally and foul play was not suspected. He was anxious about his own longevity, according to one business associate, and even purchased sets of expensive furniture made of rare sandalwood in the belief that this would help him live longer. "

"**For three years, HNA had international asset managers salivating as it gobbled up global assets in a $40bn shopping spree.

Last February Blackstone, which frequently sells to Chinese buyers, hosted HNA co-founder Wang Jian in a charity fundraiser in New York, featuring GLITZY GOLD MASK OF MR WANG'S FACE.

Two months later HNA inked one of its highest-profile deals, with the purchase of a 9.9 per cent stake in Deutsche Bank, Germany’s biggest lender.***

EVERY SINGLE TIME: Purim Celebration - Wearing masks (also Wang Jian s. a.):

Q-Drop 196 (also 195):

They are meeting to celebrate purim!

"Former mayor Michael Bloomberg ... The story of Purim tells of an immigrant queen—Esther—and a king who felt Jews were responsible for all of his kingdom’s problems and had to be eliminated … As the story goes, Esther intervenes… convinces the king he was wrong and saves the lives of the Jews."

"Purim Ball Co-Chair Stephen A. Schwarzman, chairman and CEO of the Blackstone Group, presented Global Corporate Honoree Chairman Wang Jian, co-founder of HNA with a crystal bowl decorated with two roosters in keeping with the current Chinese calendar’s “Year of the Rooster.

Chairman Wang Jian heads a global Fortune 500 company with a workforce of more than 410,000 whose focus is on tourism and financial services whose largesse includes 6,500 eyesight recovery operations around the world.

In his acceptance address, which he gave in Chinese with simultaneous English translation, Chairman Wang Jian proclaimed that the Jewish and Chinese cultures are “the two oldest cultures in the world with the imperative of responsibility for the less fortunate.

Full text of the speeches held on the Purim celebration were Wang Jian was honored with the "glitzy gold mask" - They love families, traditions and generational connectedness!!


(btw: CARNIVAL MUCH? Who were the Venetians really -> masks? The Rhodanites? Ashkenazi? Kazars? The medieval black death started from Caffa (Ukraine) with merchant ships! Think abut that!)

"On Purim we dress up with masks and costumes. This seemingly superficial custom is laden with deeper meaning. On Purim we remember that in the world, nothing is as it seems. The real world lies beneath all the superficiality.

In fact, the words Megillat Esther, the Scroll of Esther, also means to reveal (megaleh in Hebrew) the hidden (haster). The Purim story peels back the mask and reveals that which is hidden.

Many of the main characters in the Esther story wear masks, not identifying who they really are or what their true motives are. Haman pretends to have the only the king’s best interests in mind when he advises the king to annihilate the Jewish People, pretending that the Jews are a threat to his kingdom since they follow their own laws and customs, and not those of the rest of Persia. In reality, he sought to destroy the Jews for his own evil genocidal wishes, as he was the descendant of Amalek, the ancient biblical tribe that was best on the destruction of the Jewish People.

Mordechai never reveals that he is a relative and friend of Esther’s; he pretends to be a simple person who happened to save the King’s life. It is Esther who reveals it to the king at the end that Mordechai is her dear relative.

And of course, Esther herself wears a mask; she pretends to be a gentile queen, never revealing her Jewish identity, until the very end of the Purim story."

1 year ago
210 score
Reason: None provided.


(perhaps someone can condense my three posts into a clear overview, unfornately I am only good at chasing rabbits and CopyPasta and I am not so good to bring the findings into a condensed orderly overview - thanks frens)

My previous posts about Obama, Robert Wolf, Anthony Scaramucci brought me to Wang Jian/chinese HNA group and his sudden death 'fall from a wall' - ...

  1. Obama, Soros, Robert Wolf:

  2. Anthony Scaramucci:

  3. Regarding the above it is also important to investigate Amy Gutmann, please go to the following post for the long findings regarding FOLLOW THE PEN(N) - Who is Amy Gutmann?


.... BUT it got MUCH deeper!

(while researching Wang Jian, Purim and Rothschild -> see further below, ...


(enjoy to explore this webpage - a hoax, art, mocking us?)

... but then I found this:


(CAT LADY?) "October 2012 - January 2013, "The Countess and Her Cats", The Mark Twain House and Museum, Hartford, CT"

(!!!!!!!) Spring 1999, "Through the Looking-Glass", Darkly, National Boston Video Center, Boston, MA[37]

"A tarot deck based upon the writings of William Shakespeare, "The Shakespeare Oracle: Let the Bard Predict Your Future," written by A. Bronwyn Llewellyn, was illustrated by von Buhler and released in 2003.[63]"

THE WHOLE WORLD IS A STAGE (see also further below regarding PURIM & MASKS)

(I close now before I am totally lost in this - tell me, if you find more regarding all of this)

HERE IS THE RESEARCH regarding Wang Jian / HNA:

The sudden death of HNA co-chairman Wang Jian after an accident in France has complicated the restructuring at the Chinese aviation-to-finance conglomerate, which has been ordered by Beijing to return to its aviation roots after an aggressive international acquisition spree.

**Wang, 57, died on Tuesday after falling off a wall near a scenic church in Provence. **Wang, a former civil aviation official, directed most of the operations at the company he had jointly headed since it was founded in the early 1990s.

Wang was seen as the driving force behind the $40bn spending binge that turned HNA from a regional airline into a conglomerate with stakes in businesses ranging from Hilton Worldwide to Deutsche Bank.

Many international bankers saw him as the primary point of contact in the group — US private equity group Blackstone, which sold a number of assets to HNA, even threw a party in New York featuring masks of Wang’s face in 2017.

His death sparked internet conspiracy theories. But local French police said Wang fell accidentally and foul play was not suspected. He was anxious about his own longevity, according to one business associate, and even purchased sets of expensive furniture made of rare sandalwood in the belief that this would help him live longer. "

"**For three years, HNA had international asset managers salivating as it gobbled up global assets in a $40bn shopping spree.

Last February Blackstone, which frequently sells to Chinese buyers, hosted HNA co-founder Wang Jian in a charity fundraiser in New York, featuring GLITZY GOLD MASK OF MR WANG'S FACE.

Two months later HNA inked one of its highest-profile deals, with the purchase of a 9.9 per cent stake in Deutsche Bank, Germany’s biggest lender.***

EVERY SINGLE TIME: Purim Celebration - Wearing masks (also Wang Jian s. a.):

Q-Drop 196 (also 195):

They are meeting to celebrate purim!

"Former mayor Michael Bloomberg ... The story of Purim tells of an immigrant queen—Esther—and a king who felt Jews were responsible for all of his kingdom’s problems and had to be eliminated … As the story goes, Esther intervenes… convinces the king he was wrong and saves the lives of the Jews."

"Purim Ball Co-Chair Stephen A. Schwarzman, chairman and CEO of the Blackstone Group, presented Global Corporate Honoree Chairman Wang Jian, co-founder of HNA with a crystal bowl decorated with two roosters in keeping with the current Chinese calendar’s “Year of the Rooster.

Chairman Wang Jian heads a global Fortune 500 company with a workforce of more than 410,000 whose focus is on tourism and financial services whose largesse includes 6,500 eyesight recovery operations around the world.

In his acceptance address, which he gave in Chinese with simultaneous English translation, Chairman Wang Jian proclaimed that the Jewish and Chinese cultures are “the two oldest cultures in the world with the imperative of responsibility for the less fortunate.

Full text of the speeches held on the Purim celebration were Wang Jian was honored with the "glitzy gold mask" - They love families, traditions and generational connectedness!!


(btw: CARNIVAL MUCH? Who were the Venetians really -> masks? The Rhodanites? Ashkenazi? Kazars? The medieval black death started from Caffa (Ukraine) with merchant ships! Think abut that!)

"On Purim we dress up with masks and costumes. This seemingly superficial custom is laden with deeper meaning. On Purim we remember that in the world, nothing is as it seems. The real world lies beneath all the superficiality.

In fact, the words Megillat Esther, the Scroll of Esther, also means to reveal (megaleh in Hebrew) the hidden (haster). The Purim story peels back the mask and reveals that which is hidden.

Many of the main characters in the Esther story wear masks, not identifying who they really are or what their true motives are. Haman pretends to have the only the king’s best interests in mind when he advises the king to annihilate the Jewish People, pretending that the Jews are a threat to his kingdom since they follow their own laws and customs, and not those of the rest of Persia. In reality, he sought to destroy the Jews for his own evil genocidal wishes, as he was the descendant of Amalek, the ancient biblical tribe that was best on the destruction of the Jewish People.

Mordechai never reveals that he is a relative and friend of Esther’s; he pretends to be a simple person who happened to save the King’s life. It is Esther who reveals it to the king at the end that Mordechai is her dear relative.

And of course, Esther herself wears a mask; she pretends to be a gentile queen, never revealing her Jewish identity, until the very end of the Purim story."

1 year ago
175 score
Reason: None provided.


(perhaps someone can condense my three posts into a clear overview, unfornately I am only good at chasing rabbits and CopyPasta and I am not so good to bring the findings into a condensed orderly overview - thanks frens)

My previous posts about Obama, Robert Wolf, Anthony Scaramucci brought me to Wang Jian/chinese HNA group and his sudden death 'fall from a wall' - ...

  1. Obama, Soros, Robert Wolf:

  2. Anthony Scaramucci:

  3. Regarding the above it is also important to investigate Amy Gutmann, please go to the following post for the long findings regarding FOLLOW THE PEN(N) - Who is Amy Gutmann?


.... BUT it got MUCH deeper!

(while researching Wang Jian, Purim and Rothschild -> see further below, ...


(enjoy to explore this webpage - a hoax, art, mocking us?)

... but then I found this:


(CAT LADY?) "October 2012 - January 2013, "The Countess and Her Cats", The Mark Twain House and Museum, Hartford, CT"

(!!!!!!!) Spring 1999, "Through the Looking-Glass", Darkly, National Boston Video Center, Boston, MA[37]

"A tarot deck based upon the writings of William Shakespeare, "The Shakespeare Oracle: Let the Bard Predict Your Future," written by A. Bronwyn Llewellyn, was illustrated by von Buhler and released in 2003.[63]"

THE WHOLE WORLD IS A STAGE (see also further below regarding PURIM & MASKS)

(I close now before I am totally lost in this - tell me, if you find more regarding all of this)

HERE IS THE RESEARCH regarding Wang Jian / HNA:

The sudden death of HNA co-chairman Wang Jian after an accident in France has complicated the restructuring at the Chinese aviation-to-finance conglomerate, which has been ordered by Beijing to return to its aviation roots after an aggressive international acquisition spree.

**Wang, 57, died on Tuesday after falling off a wall near a scenic church in Provence. **Wang, a former civil aviation official, directed most of the operations at the company he had jointly headed since it was founded in the early 1990s.

Wang was seen as the driving force behind the $40bn spending binge that turned HNA from a regional airline into a conglomerate with stakes in businesses ranging from Hilton Worldwide to Deutsche Bank.

Many international bankers saw him as the primary point of contact in the group — US private equity group Blackstone, which sold a number of assets to HNA, even threw a party in New York featuring masks of Wang’s face in 2017.

His death sparked internet conspiracy theories. But local French police said Wang fell accidentally and foul play was not suspected. He was anxious about his own longevity, according to one business associate, and even purchased sets of expensive furniture made of rare sandalwood in the belief that this would help him live longer. "

"**For three years, HNA had international asset managers salivating as it gobbled up global assets in a $40bn shopping spree.

Last February Blackstone, which frequently sells to Chinese buyers, hosted HNA co-founder Wang Jian in a charity fundraiser in New York, featuring GLITZY GOLD MASK OF MR WANG'S FACE.

Two months later HNA inked one of its highest-profile deals, with the purchase of a 9.9 per cent stake in Deutsche Bank, Germany’s biggest lender.***

EVERY SINGLE TIME: Purim Celebration - Wearing masks (also Wang Jian s. a.):

Q-Drop 196 (also 195):

They are meeting to celebrate purim!

"Former mayor Michael Bloomberg ... The story of Purim tells of an immigrant queen—Esther—and a king who felt Jews were responsible for all of his kingdom’s problems and had to be eliminated … As the story goes, Esther intervenes… convinces the king he was wrong and saves the lives of the Jews."

"Purim Ball Co-Chair Stephen A. Schwarzman, chairman and CEO of the Blackstone Group, presented Global Corporate Honoree Chairman Wang Jian, co-founder of HNA with a crystal bowl decorated with two roosters in keeping with the current Chinese calendar’s “Year of the Rooster.

Chairman Wang Jian heads a global Fortune 500 company with a workforce of more than 410,000 whose focus is on tourism and financial services whose largesse includes 6,500 eyesight recovery operations around the world.

In his acceptance address, which he gave in Chinese with simultaneous English translation, Chairman Wang Jian proclaimed that the Jewish and Chinese cultures are “the two oldest cultures in the world with the imperative of responsibility for the less fortunate.

Full text of the speeches held on the Purim celebration were Wang Jian was honored with the "glitzy gold mask" - They love families, traditions and generational connectedness!!


(btw: CARNIVAL MUCH? Who were the Venetians really -> masks? The Rhodanites? Ashkenazi? Kazars? The medieval black death started from Caffa (Ukraine) with merchant ships! Think abut that!)

"On Purim we dress up with masks and costumes. This seemingly superficial custom is laden with deeper meaning. On Purim we remember that in the world, nothing is as it seems. The real world lies beneath all the superficiality.

In fact, the words Megillat Esther, the Scroll of Esther, also means to reveal (megaleh in Hebrew) the hidden (haster). The Purim story peels back the mask and reveals that which is hidden.

Many of the main characters in the Esther story wear masks, not identifying who they really are or what their true motives are. Haman pretends to have the only the king’s best interests in mind when he advises the king to annihilate the Jewish People, pretending that the Jews are a threat to his kingdom since they follow their own laws and customs, and not those of the rest of Persia. In reality, he sought to destroy the Jews for his own evil genocidal wishes, as he was the descendant of Amalek, the ancient biblical tribe that was best on the destruction of the Jewish People.

Mordechai never reveals that he is a relative and friend of Esther’s; he pretends to be a simple person who happened to save the King’s life. It is Esther who reveals it to the king at the end that Mordechai is her dear relative.

And of course, Esther herself wears a mask; she pretends to be a gentile queen, never revealing her Jewish identity, until the very end of the Purim story."

1 year ago
127 score
Reason: None provided.


(perhaps someone can condense my three posts into a clear overview, unfornately I am only good at chasing rabbits and CopyPasta and I am not so good to bring the findings into a condensed orderly overview - thanks frens)

My previous posts about Obama, Robert Wolf, Anthony Scaramucci brought me to Wang Jian/chinese HNA group and his sudden death 'fall from a wall' - ...

  1. Obama, Soros, Robert Wolf:

  2. Anthony Scaramucci:

  3. Regarding the above it is also important to investigate Amy Gutmann, please go to the following post for the long findings regarding FOLLOW THE PEN(N).


.... BUT it got MUCH deeper!

(while researching Wang Jian, Purim and Rothschild -> see further below, ...


(enjoy to explore this webpage - a hoax, art, mocking us?)

... but then I found this:


(CAT LADY?) "October 2012 - January 2013, "The Countess and Her Cats", The Mark Twain House and Museum, Hartford, CT"

(!!!!!!!) Spring 1999, "Through the Looking-Glass", Darkly, National Boston Video Center, Boston, MA[37]

"A tarot deck based upon the writings of William Shakespeare, "The Shakespeare Oracle: Let the Bard Predict Your Future," written by A. Bronwyn Llewellyn, was illustrated by von Buhler and released in 2003.[63]"

THE WHOLE WORLD IS A STAGE (see also further below regarding PURIM & MASKS)

(I close now before I am totally lost in this - tell me, if you find more regarding all of this)

HERE IS THE RESEARCH regarding Wang Jian / HNA:

The sudden death of HNA co-chairman Wang Jian after an accident in France has complicated the restructuring at the Chinese aviation-to-finance conglomerate, which has been ordered by Beijing to return to its aviation roots after an aggressive international acquisition spree.

**Wang, 57, died on Tuesday after falling off a wall near a scenic church in Provence. **Wang, a former civil aviation official, directed most of the operations at the company he had jointly headed since it was founded in the early 1990s.

Wang was seen as the driving force behind the $40bn spending binge that turned HNA from a regional airline into a conglomerate with stakes in businesses ranging from Hilton Worldwide to Deutsche Bank.

Many international bankers saw him as the primary point of contact in the group — US private equity group Blackstone, which sold a number of assets to HNA, even threw a party in New York featuring masks of Wang’s face in 2017.

His death sparked internet conspiracy theories. But local French police said Wang fell accidentally and foul play was not suspected. He was anxious about his own longevity, according to one business associate, and even purchased sets of expensive furniture made of rare sandalwood in the belief that this would help him live longer. "

"**For three years, HNA had international asset managers salivating as it gobbled up global assets in a $40bn shopping spree.

Last February Blackstone, which frequently sells to Chinese buyers, hosted HNA co-founder Wang Jian in a charity fundraiser in New York, featuring GLITZY GOLD MASK OF MR WANG'S FACE.

Two months later HNA inked one of its highest-profile deals, with the purchase of a 9.9 per cent stake in Deutsche Bank, Germany’s biggest lender.***

EVERY SINGLE TIME: Purim Celebration - Wearing masks (also Wang Jian s. a.):

Q-Drop 196 (also 195):

They are meeting to celebrate purim!

"Former mayor Michael Bloomberg ... The story of Purim tells of an immigrant queen—Esther—and a king who felt Jews were responsible for all of his kingdom’s problems and had to be eliminated … As the story goes, Esther intervenes… convinces the king he was wrong and saves the lives of the Jews."

"Purim Ball Co-Chair Stephen A. Schwarzman, chairman and CEO of the Blackstone Group, presented Global Corporate Honoree Chairman Wang Jian, co-founder of HNA with a crystal bowl decorated with two roosters in keeping with the current Chinese calendar’s “Year of the Rooster.

Chairman Wang Jian heads a global Fortune 500 company with a workforce of more than 410,000 whose focus is on tourism and financial services whose largesse includes 6,500 eyesight recovery operations around the world.

In his acceptance address, which he gave in Chinese with simultaneous English translation, Chairman Wang Jian proclaimed that the Jewish and Chinese cultures are “the two oldest cultures in the world with the imperative of responsibility for the less fortunate.

Full text of the speeches held on the Purim celebration were Wang Jian was honored with the "glitzy gold mask" - They love families, traditions and generational connectedness!!


(btw: CARNIVAL MUCH? Who were the Venetians really -> masks? The Rhodanites? Ashkenazi? Kazars? The medieval black death started from Caffa (Ukraine) with merchant ships! Think abut that!)

"On Purim we dress up with masks and costumes. This seemingly superficial custom is laden with deeper meaning. On Purim we remember that in the world, nothing is as it seems. The real world lies beneath all the superficiality.

In fact, the words Megillat Esther, the Scroll of Esther, also means to reveal (megaleh in Hebrew) the hidden (haster). The Purim story peels back the mask and reveals that which is hidden.

Many of the main characters in the Esther story wear masks, not identifying who they really are or what their true motives are. Haman pretends to have the only the king’s best interests in mind when he advises the king to annihilate the Jewish People, pretending that the Jews are a threat to his kingdom since they follow their own laws and customs, and not those of the rest of Persia. In reality, he sought to destroy the Jews for his own evil genocidal wishes, as he was the descendant of Amalek, the ancient biblical tribe that was best on the destruction of the Jewish People.

Mordechai never reveals that he is a relative and friend of Esther’s; he pretends to be a simple person who happened to save the King’s life. It is Esther who reveals it to the king at the end that Mordechai is her dear relative.

And of course, Esther herself wears a mask; she pretends to be a gentile queen, never revealing her Jewish identity, until the very end of the Purim story."

1 year ago
127 score
Reason: None provided.


(perhaps someone can condense my three posts into a clear overview, unfornately I am only good at chasing rabbits and CopyPasta and I am not so good to bring the findings into a condensed orderly overview - thanks frens)

My previous posts about Obama, Robert Wolf, Anthony Scaramucci brought me to Wang Jian/chinese HNA group and his sudden death 'fall from a wall' - ...

Regarding the abve it is important to investigate Amy Gutmann, please go to the end of the post for the long findings regarding FOLLOW THE PEN(N).

.... BUT it got MUCH deeper!

(while researching Wang Jian, Purim and Rothschild -> see further below, ...


(enjoy to explore this webpage - a hoax, art, mocking us?)

... but then I found this:


(CAT LADY?) "October 2012 - January 2013, "The Countess and Her Cats", The Mark Twain House and Museum, Hartford, CT"

(!!!!!!!) Spring 1999, "Through the Looking-Glass", Darkly, National Boston Video Center, Boston, MA[37]

"A tarot deck based upon the writings of William Shakespeare, "The Shakespeare Oracle: Let the Bard Predict Your Future," written by A. Bronwyn Llewellyn, was illustrated by von Buhler and released in 2003.[63]"

THE WHOLE WORLD IS A STAGE (see also further below regarding PURIM & MASKS)

(I close now before I am totally lost in this - tell me, if you find more regarding all of this)

HERE IS THE RESEARCH regarding Wang Jian / HNA:

The sudden death of HNA co-chairman Wang Jian after an accident in France has complicated the restructuring at the Chinese aviation-to-finance conglomerate, which has been ordered by Beijing to return to its aviation roots after an aggressive international acquisition spree.

**Wang, 57, died on Tuesday after falling off a wall near a scenic church in Provence. **Wang, a former civil aviation official, directed most of the operations at the company he had jointly headed since it was founded in the early 1990s.

Wang was seen as the driving force behind the $40bn spending binge that turned HNA from a regional airline into a conglomerate with stakes in businesses ranging from Hilton Worldwide to Deutsche Bank.

Many international bankers saw him as the primary point of contact in the group — US private equity group Blackstone, which sold a number of assets to HNA, even threw a party in New York featuring masks of Wang’s face in 2017.

His death sparked internet conspiracy theories. But local French police said Wang fell accidentally and foul play was not suspected. He was anxious about his own longevity, according to one business associate, and even purchased sets of expensive furniture made of rare sandalwood in the belief that this would help him live longer. "

"**For three years, HNA had international asset managers salivating as it gobbled up global assets in a $40bn shopping spree.

Last February Blackstone, which frequently sells to Chinese buyers, hosted HNA co-founder Wang Jian in a charity fundraiser in New York, featuring GLITZY GOLD MASK OF MR WANG'S FACE.

Two months later HNA inked one of its highest-profile deals, with the purchase of a 9.9 per cent stake in Deutsche Bank, Germany’s biggest lender.***

EVERY SINGLE TIME: Purim Celebration - Wearing masks (also Wang Jian s. a.):

Q-Drop 196 (also 195):

They are meeting to celebrate purim!

"Former mayor Michael Bloomberg ... The story of Purim tells of an immigrant queen—Esther—and a king who felt Jews were responsible for all of his kingdom’s problems and had to be eliminated … As the story goes, Esther intervenes… convinces the king he was wrong and saves the lives of the Jews."

"Purim Ball Co-Chair Stephen A. Schwarzman, chairman and CEO of the Blackstone Group, presented Global Corporate Honoree Chairman Wang Jian, co-founder of HNA with a crystal bowl decorated with two roosters in keeping with the current Chinese calendar’s “Year of the Rooster.

Chairman Wang Jian heads a global Fortune 500 company with a workforce of more than 410,000 whose focus is on tourism and financial services whose largesse includes 6,500 eyesight recovery operations around the world.

In his acceptance address, which he gave in Chinese with simultaneous English translation, Chairman Wang Jian proclaimed that the Jewish and Chinese cultures are “the two oldest cultures in the world with the imperative of responsibility for the less fortunate.

Full text of the speeches held on the Purim celebration were Wang Jian was honored with the "glitzy gold mask" - They love families, traditions and generational connectedness!!


(btw: CARNIVAL MUCH? Who were the Venetians really -> masks? The Rhodanites? Ashkenazi? Kazars? The medieval black death started from Caffa (Ukraine) with merchant ships! Think abut that!)

"On Purim we dress up with masks and costumes. This seemingly superficial custom is laden with deeper meaning. On Purim we remember that in the world, nothing is as it seems. The real world lies beneath all the superficiality.

In fact, the words Megillat Esther, the Scroll of Esther, also means to reveal (megaleh in Hebrew) the hidden (haster). The Purim story peels back the mask and reveals that which is hidden.

Many of the main characters in the Esther story wear masks, not identifying who they really are or what their true motives are. Haman pretends to have the only the king’s best interests in mind when he advises the king to annihilate the Jewish People, pretending that the Jews are a threat to his kingdom since they follow their own laws and customs, and not those of the rest of Persia. In reality, he sought to destroy the Jews for his own evil genocidal wishes, as he was the descendant of Amalek, the ancient biblical tribe that was best on the destruction of the Jewish People.

Mordechai never reveals that he is a relative and friend of Esther’s; he pretends to be a simple person who happened to save the King’s life. It is Esther who reveals it to the king at the end that Mordechai is her dear relative.

And of course, Esther herself wears a mask; she pretends to be a gentile queen, never revealing her Jewish identity, until the very end of the Purim story."


EDIT: Connected to my original findings is AMY GUTMANN, President PENN UNIVERSITY and very important to the whole Biden-Obama-Robert Wolf-HNA-China-Story!

DON'T FORGET TO FOLLOW THE PEN(N) (here: Penn University)!!!

Read carefully this wiki page = many more connections are there to follow!

"Another highlight in innovation is Penn's biomedical research and clinical breakthroughs, approved by the FDA to treat cancer using a patient's own immune system.[22] The Wall Street Journal noted that "Today the university [Penn] lays claim to having incubated the world's biggest cancer breakthrough."[23] In addition, it is Penn Medicine researchers who developed the mRNA vaccine technology that is a critical component of Pfizer/BioNTech's and Moderna's COVID-19 vaccines, which are being deployed globally in the fight against COVID-19.[24]"

"Penn began an expansion east of the Schuylkill River with the purchase of the DUPONT Marshall Laboratory in September 2010. Gutmann said that the Marshall Lab property has "infinite possibilities" as a place to nurture startups and "technology transfer", where faculty with "great discoveries can attract venture capital" and bring ideas to market.[45]"

"In Fall 2016, Penn opened its Pennovation Center, the anchor of a 23-acre site that the university has dubbed Pennovation Works, on a Grays Ferry site along the south bank of the Schuylkill which was once home to the DuPont Co.'s Marshall Labs (where workers discovered the substance that led to the development of Teflon). The $35-million project is about 1 1/2 miles from the center of Penn's West Philadelphia campus. A large, red-letter sign reads "Pennovation" over the three-story, 58,000-square foot facility.[46] Pennovation includes an addition that resembles a crystal formation, representing the "crystallization of ideas"

(this sounds very much like George-Floyd-Cult) "On December 8, 2014, The Daily Pennsylvanian reported that student protesters concerned about the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, disrupted a holiday party for students at Gutmann's home. As a gesture of support for the students' cause, Gutmann joined them in lying on the ground to symbolize the four-and-a-half hours that Brown's body was left lying on the street in Ferguson after his death.[49]

-> see also 'Princeton University': "star professor K. Anthony Appiah (co-author with Gutmann of Color Conscious: The Political Morality of Race).[14]"

... and so on and on: Just read the whole wiki from top to bottom very carefully and follow blue links.

These are my findings regarding AMY GUTMAN from last night which I also totally forgot:

"PHILADELPHIA— The scientific team whose 2005 messenger RNA biology discovery at the University of Pennsylvania helped pave the way for the COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna received their first dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine together on Friday, Dec. 18 at Penn, more than 20 years after they began their basic science collaboration.

Drew Weissman, MD, PhD, a professor of Infectious Diseases in Penn’s Perelman School of Medicine, and Katalin Karikó, PhD, an adjunct associate professor at Penn and a senior vice president at BioNTech, together discovered that exchanging one of the four building blocks of messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) molecules could greatly increase its therapeutic potential. They shared their perspectives as longtime researchers in the field who are comfortable taking the vaccines themselves, and called on the public to trust the decades of scientific research that has led to these important vaccines now being deployed in the global fight against the virus, encouraging others to get vaccinated when it becomes available to them."

The “Biden Center” at the University of Pennsylvania has accepted around $70 million in Chinese gifts since 2017 and failed to disclose these funds to the federal government. US law requires foreign gifts that are over $250,000 to be reported and the donors to be identified in order to ensure national security. Biden’s relationship with C

1 year ago
110 score
Reason: None provided.


(perhaps someone can condense my three posts into a clear overview, unfornately I am only good at chasing rabbits and CopyPasta and I am not so good to bring the findings into a condensed orderly overview - thanks frens)

My previous posts about Obama, Robert Wolf, Anthony Scaramucci brought me to Wang Jian/chinese HNA group and his sudden death 'fall from a wall' - ...

Regarding the abve it is important to investigate Amy Gutmann, please go to the end of the post for the long findings regarding FOLLOW THE PEN(N).

.... BUT it got MUCH deeper!

(while researching Wang Jian, Purim and Rothschild -> see further below, ...


(enjoy to explore this webpage - a hoax, art, mocking us?)

... but then I found this:


(CAT LADY?) "October 2012 - January 2013, "The Countess and Her Cats", The Mark Twain House and Museum, Hartford, CT"

(!!!!!!!) Spring 1999, "Through the Looking-Glass", Darkly, National Boston Video Center, Boston, MA[37]

"A tarot deck based upon the writings of William Shakespeare, "The Shakespeare Oracle: Let the Bard Predict Your Future," written by A. Bronwyn Llewellyn, was illustrated by von Buhler and released in 2003.[63]"

THE WHOLE WORLD IS A STAGE (see also further below regarding PURIM & MASKS)

(I close now before I am totally lost in this - tell me, if you find more regarding all of this)

HERE IS THE RESEARCH regarding Wang Jian / HNA:

The sudden death of HNA co-chairman Wang Jian after an accident in France has complicated the restructuring at the Chinese aviation-to-finance conglomerate, which has been ordered by Beijing to return to its aviation roots after an aggressive international acquisition spree.

**Wang, 57, died on Tuesday after falling off a wall near a scenic church in Provence. **Wang, a former civil aviation official, directed most of the operations at the company he had jointly headed since it was founded in the early 1990s.

Wang was seen as the driving force behind the $40bn spending binge that turned HNA from a regional airline into a conglomerate with stakes in businesses ranging from Hilton Worldwide to Deutsche Bank.

Many international bankers saw him as the primary point of contact in the group — US private equity group Blackstone, which sold a number of assets to HNA, even threw a party in New York featuring masks of Wang’s face in 2017.

His death sparked internet conspiracy theories. But local French police said Wang fell accidentally and foul play was not suspected. He was anxious about his own longevity, according to one business associate, and even purchased sets of expensive furniture made of rare sandalwood in the belief that this would help him live longer. "

"**For three years, HNA had international asset managers salivating as it gobbled up global assets in a $40bn shopping spree.

Last February Blackstone, which frequently sells to Chinese buyers, hosted HNA co-founder Wang Jian in a charity fundraiser in New York, featuring GLITZY GOLD MASK OF MR WANG'S FACE.

Two months later HNA inked one of its highest-profile deals, with the purchase of a 9.9 per cent stake in Deutsche Bank, Germany’s biggest lender.***

EVERY SINGLE TIME: Purim Celebration - Wearing masks (also Wang Jian s. a.):

Q-Drop 196 (also 195):

They are meeting to celebrate purim!

"Former mayor Michael Bloomberg ... The story of Purim tells of an immigrant queen—Esther—and a king who felt Jews were responsible for all of his kingdom’s problems and had to be eliminated … As the story goes, Esther intervenes… convinces the king he was wrong and saves the lives of the Jews."

"Purim Ball Co-Chair Stephen A. Schwarzman, chairman and CEO of the Blackstone Group, presented Global Corporate Honoree Chairman Wang Jian, co-founder of HNA with a crystal bowl decorated with two roosters in keeping with the current Chinese calendar’s “Year of the Rooster.

Chairman Wang Jian heads a global Fortune 500 company with a workforce of more than 410,000 whose focus is on tourism and financial services whose largesse includes 6,500 eyesight recovery operations around the world.

In his acceptance address, which he gave in Chinese with simultaneous English translation, Chairman Wang Jian proclaimed that the Jewish and Chinese cultures are “the two oldest cultures in the world with the imperative of responsibility for the less fortunate.

Full text of the speeches held on the Purim celebration were Wang Jian was honored with the "glitzy gold mask" - They love families, traditions and generational connectedness!!


(btw: CARNIVAL MUCH? Who were the Venetians really -> masks? The Rhodanites? Ashkenazi? Kazars? The medieval black death started from Caffa (Ukraine) with merchant ships! Think abut that!)

"On Purim we dress up with masks and costumes. This seemingly superficial custom is laden with deeper meaning. On Purim we remember that in the world, nothing is as it seems. The real world lies beneath all the superficiality.

In fact, the words Megillat Esther, the Scroll of Esther, also means to reveal (megaleh in Hebrew) the hidden (haster). The Purim story peels back the mask and reveals that which is hidden.

Many of the main characters in the Esther story wear masks, not identifying who they really are or what their true motives are. Haman pretends to have the only the king’s best interests in mind when he advises the king to annihilate the Jewish People, pretending that the Jews are a threat to his kingdom since they follow their own laws and customs, and not those of the rest of Persia. In reality, he sought to destroy the Jews for his own evil genocidal wishes, as he was the descendant of Amalek, the ancient biblical tribe that was best on the destruction of the Jewish People.

Mordechai never reveals that he is a relative and friend of Esther’s; he pretends to be a simple person who happened to save the King’s life. It is Esther who reveals it to the king at the end that Mordechai is her dear relative.

And of course, Esther herself wears a mask; she pretends to be a gentile queen, never revealing her Jewish identity, until the very end of the Purim story."


EDIT: Connected to my original findings is AMY GUTMANN, President PENN UNIVERSITY and very important to the whole Biden-Obama-Robert Wolf-HNA-China-Story!

DON'T FORGET TO FOLLOW THE PEN(N) (here: Penn University)!!!

Read carefully this wiki page = many more connections are there to follow!

"Another highlight in innovation is Penn's biomedical research and clinical breakthroughs, approved by the FDA to treat cancer using a patient's own immune system.[22] The Wall Street Journal noted that "Today the university [Penn] lays claim to having incubated the world's biggest cancer breakthrough."[23] In addition, it is Penn Medicine researchers who developed the mRNA vaccine technology that is a critical component of Pfizer/BioNTech's and Moderna's COVID-19 vaccines, which are being deployed globally in the fight against COVID-19.[24]"

"Penn began an expansion east of the Schuylkill River with the purchase of the DUPONT Marshall Laboratory in September 2010. Gutmann said that the Marshall Lab property has "infinite possibilities" as a place to nurture startups and "technology transfer", where faculty with "great discoveries can attract venture capital" and bring ideas to market.[45]"

"In Fall 2016, Penn opened its Pennovation Center, the anchor of a 23-acre site that the university has dubbed Pennovation Works, on a Grays Ferry site along the south bank of the Schuylkill which was once home to the DuPont Co.'s Marshall Labs (where workers discovered the substance that led to the development of Teflon). The $35-million project is about 1 1/2 miles from the center of Penn's West Philadelphia campus. A large, red-letter sign reads "Pennovation" over the three-story, 58,000-square foot facility.[46] Pennovation includes an addition that resembles a crystal formation, representing the "crystallization of ideas"

(this sounds very much like George-Floyd-Cult) "On December 8, 2014, The Daily Pennsylvanian reported that student protesters concerned about the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, disrupted a holiday party for students at Gutmann's home. As a gesture of support for the students' cause, Gutmann joined them in lying on the ground to symbolize the four-and-a-half hours that Brown's body was left lying on the street in Ferguson after his death.[49]

-> see also 'Princeton University': "star professor K. Anthony Appiah (co-author with Gutmann of Color Conscious: The Political Morality of Race).[14]"

... and so on and on: Just read the whole wiki from top to bottom very carefully and follow blue links.

These are my findings regarding AMY GUTMAN from last night which I also totally forgot:

"PHILADELPHIA— The scientific team whose 2005 messenger RNA biology discovery at the University of Pennsylvania helped pave the way for the COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna received their first dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine together on Friday, Dec. 18 at Penn, more than 20 years after they began their basic science collaboration.

Drew Weissman, MD, PhD, a professor of Infectious Diseases in Penn’s Perelman School of Medicine, and Katalin Karikó, PhD, an adjunct associate professor at Penn and a senior vice president at BioNTech, together discovered that exchanging one of the four building blocks of messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) molecules could greatly increase its therapeutic potential. They shared their perspectives as longtime researchers in the field who are comfortable taking the vaccines themselves, and called on the public to trust the decades of scientific research that has led to these important vaccines now being deployed in the global fight against the virus, encouraging others to get vaccinated when it becomes available to them."

The “Biden Center” at the University of Pennsylvania has accepted around $70 million in Chinese gifts since 2017 and failed to disclose these funds to the federal government. US law requires foreign gifts that are over $250,000 to be reported and the donors to be identified in order to ensure national security. Biden’s relationship with C

1 year ago
107 score
Reason: None provided.


(perhaps someone can condense my three posts into a clear overview, unfornately I am only good at chasing rabbits and CopyPasta and I am not so good to bring the findings into a condensed orderly overview - thanks frens)

My previous posts about Obama, Robert Wolf, Anthony Scaramucci brought me to Wang Jian/chinese HNA group and his sudden death 'fall from a wall' - ...

EDIT: (regarding my original story, see above, I examined also Amy Gutmann more closely, but forgot to mention it, therefore ...)

DON'T FORGET TO FOLLOW THE PEN(N) (here: Penn University)!!!

Read carefully this wiki page = many more connections to follow!

"Another highlight in innovation is Penn's biomedical research and clinical breakthroughs, approved by the FDA to treat cancer using a patient's own immune system.[22] The Wall Street Journal noted that "Today the university [Penn] lays claim to having incubated the world's biggest cancer breakthrough."[23] In addition, it is Penn Medicine researchers who developed the mRNA vaccine technology that is a critical component of Pfizer/BioNTech's and Moderna's COVID-19 vaccines, which are being deployed globally in the fight against COVID-19.[24]"

"Penn began an expansion east of the Schuylkill River with the purchase of the DUPONT Marshall Laboratory in September 2010. Gutmann said that the Marshall Lab property has "infinite possibilities" as a place to nurture startups and "technology transfer", where faculty with "great discoveries can attract venture capital" and bring ideas to market.[45]"

"In Fall 2016, Penn opened its Pennovation Center, the anchor of a 23-acre site that the university has dubbed Pennovation Works, on a Grays Ferry site along the south bank of the Schuylkill which was once home to the DuPont Co.'s Marshall Labs (where workers discovered the substance that led to the development of Teflon). The $35-million project is about 1 1/2 miles from the center of Penn's West Philadelphia campus. A large, red-letter sign reads "Pennovation" over the three-story, 58,000-square foot facility.[46] Pennovation includes an addition that resembles a crystal formation, representing the "crystallization of ideas"

(this sounds very much like George-Floyd-Cult) "On December 8, 2014, The Daily Pennsylvanian reported that student protesters concerned about the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, disrupted a holiday party for students at Gutmann's home. As a gesture of support for the students' cause, Gutmann joined them in lying on the ground to symbolize the four-and-a-half hours that Brown's body was left lying on the street in Ferguson after his death.[49]

-> see also 'Princeton University': "star professor K. Anthony Appiah (co-author with Gutmann of Color Conscious: The Political Morality of Race).[14]"

... and so on and on: Just read the whole wiki from top to bottom very carefully and follow blue links.

.... BUT it got MUCH deeper!

(while researching Wang Jian, Purim and Rothschild -> see further below, ...


(enjoy to explore this webpage - a hoax, art, mocking us?)

... but then I found this:


(CAT LADY?) "October 2012 - January 2013, "The Countess and Her Cats", The Mark Twain House and Museum, Hartford, CT"

(!!!!!!!) Spring 1999, "Through the Looking-Glass", Darkly, National Boston Video Center, Boston, MA[37]

"A tarot deck based upon the writings of William Shakespeare, "The Shakespeare Oracle: Let the Bard Predict Your Future," written by A. Bronwyn Llewellyn, was illustrated by von Buhler and released in 2003.[63]"

THE WHOLE WORLD IS A STAGE (see also further below regarding PURIM & MASKS)

(I close now before I am totally lost in this - tell me, if you find more regarding all of this)

HERE IS THE RESEARCH regarding Wang Jian / HNA:

The sudden death of HNA co-chairman Wang Jian after an accident in France has complicated the restructuring at the Chinese aviation-to-finance conglomerate, which has been ordered by Beijing to return to its aviation roots after an aggressive international acquisition spree.

**Wang, 57, died on Tuesday after falling off a wall near a scenic church in Provence. **Wang, a former civil aviation official, directed most of the operations at the company he had jointly headed since it was founded in the early 1990s.

Wang was seen as the driving force behind the $40bn spending binge that turned HNA from a regional airline into a conglomerate with stakes in businesses ranging from Hilton Worldwide to Deutsche Bank.

Many international bankers saw him as the primary point of contact in the group — US private equity group Blackstone, which sold a number of assets to HNA, even threw a party in New York featuring masks of Wang’s face in 2017.

His death sparked internet conspiracy theories. But local French police said Wang fell accidentally and foul play was not suspected. He was anxious about his own longevity, according to one business associate, and even purchased sets of expensive furniture made of rare sandalwood in the belief that this would help him live longer. "

"**For three years, HNA had international asset managers salivating as it gobbled up global assets in a $40bn shopping spree.

Last February Blackstone, which frequently sells to Chinese buyers, hosted HNA co-founder Wang Jian in a charity fundraiser in New York, featuring GLITZY GOLD MASK OF MR WANG'S FACE.

Two months later HNA inked one of its highest-profile deals, with the purchase of a 9.9 per cent stake in Deutsche Bank, Germany’s biggest lender.***

EVERY SINGLE TIME: Purim Celebration - Wearing masks (also Wang Jian s. a.):

Q-Drop 196 (also 195):

They are meeting to celebrate purim!

"Former mayor Michael Bloomberg ... The story of Purim tells of an immigrant queen—Esther—and a king who felt Jews were responsible for all of his kingdom’s problems and had to be eliminated … As the story goes, Esther intervenes… convinces the king he was wrong and saves the lives of the Jews."

"Purim Ball Co-Chair Stephen A. Schwarzman, chairman and CEO of the Blackstone Group, presented Global Corporate Honoree Chairman Wang Jian, co-founder of HNA with a crystal bowl decorated with two roosters in keeping with the current Chinese calendar’s “Year of the Rooster.

Chairman Wang Jian heads a global Fortune 500 company with a workforce of more than 410,000 whose focus is on tourism and financial services whose largesse includes 6,500 eyesight recovery operations around the world.

In his acceptance address, which he gave in Chinese with simultaneous English translation, Chairman Wang Jian proclaimed that the Jewish and Chinese cultures are “the two oldest cultures in the world with the imperative of responsibility for the less fortunate.

Full text of the speeches held on the Purim celebration were Wang Jian was honored with the "glitzy gold mask" - They love families, traditions and generational connectedness!!


(btw: CARNIVAL MUCH? Who were the Venetians really -> masks? The Rhodanites? Ashkenazi? Kazars? The medieval black death started from Caffa (Ukraine) with merchant ships! Think abut that!)

"On Purim we dress up with masks and costumes. This seemingly superficial custom is laden with deeper meaning. On Purim we remember that in the world, nothing is as it seems. The real world lies beneath all the superficiality.

In fact, the words Megillat Esther, the Scroll of Esther, also means to reveal (megaleh in Hebrew) the hidden (haster). The Purim story peels back the mask and reveals that which is hidden.

Many of the main characters in the Esther story wear masks, not identifying who they really are or what their true motives are. Haman pretends to have the only the king’s best interests in mind when he advises the king to annihilate the Jewish People, pretending that the Jews are a threat to his kingdom since they follow their own laws and customs, and not those of the rest of Persia. In reality, he sought to destroy the Jews for his own evil genocidal wishes, as he was the descendant of Amalek, the ancient biblical tribe that was best on the destruction of the Jewish People.

Mordechai never reveals that he is a relative and friend of Esther’s; he pretends to be a simple person who happened to save the King’s life. It is Esther who reveals it to the king at the end that Mordechai is her dear relative.

And of course, Esther herself wears a mask; she pretends to be a gentile queen, never revealing her Jewish identity, until the very end of the Purim story."

1 year ago
58 score
Reason: None provided.


My previous posts about Obama, Robert Wolf, Anthony Scaramucci brought me to Wang Jian/chinese HNA group and his sudden death 'fall from a wall' - ...

EDIT: (regarding my original story, see above, I examined also Amy Gutmann more closely, but forgot to mention it, therefore ...)

DON'T FORGET TO FOLLOW THE PEN(N) (here: Penn University)!!!

Read carefully this wiki page = many more connections to follow!

"Another highlight in innovation is Penn's biomedical research and clinical breakthroughs, approved by the FDA to treat cancer using a patient's own immune system.[22] The Wall Street Journal noted that "Today the university [Penn] lays claim to having incubated the world's biggest cancer breakthrough."[23] In addition, it is Penn Medicine researchers who developed the mRNA vaccine technology that is a critical component of Pfizer/BioNTech's and Moderna's COVID-19 vaccines, which are being deployed globally in the fight against COVID-19.[24]"

"Penn began an expansion east of the Schuylkill River with the purchase of the DUPONT Marshall Laboratory in September 2010. Gutmann said that the Marshall Lab property has "infinite possibilities" as a place to nurture startups and "technology transfer", where faculty with "great discoveries can attract venture capital" and bring ideas to market.[45]"

"In Fall 2016, Penn opened its Pennovation Center, the anchor of a 23-acre site that the university has dubbed Pennovation Works, on a Grays Ferry site along the south bank of the Schuylkill which was once home to the DuPont Co.'s Marshall Labs (where workers discovered the substance that led to the development of Teflon). The $35-million project is about 1 1/2 miles from the center of Penn's West Philadelphia campus. A large, red-letter sign reads "Pennovation" over the three-story, 58,000-square foot facility.[46] Pennovation includes an addition that resembles a crystal formation, representing the "crystallization of ideas"

(this sounds very much like George-Floyd-Cult) "On December 8, 2014, The Daily Pennsylvanian reported that student protesters concerned about the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, disrupted a holiday party for students at Gutmann's home. As a gesture of support for the students' cause, Gutmann joined them in lying on the ground to symbolize the four-and-a-half hours that Brown's body was left lying on the street in Ferguson after his death.[49]

-> see also 'Princeton University': "star professor K. Anthony Appiah (co-author with Gutmann of Color Conscious: The Political Morality of Race).[14]"

... and so on and on: Just read the whole wiki from top to bottom very carefully and follow blue links.

.... BUT it got MUCH deeper!

(while researching Wang Jian, Purim and Rothschild -> see further below, ...


(enjoy to explore this webpage - a hoax, art, mocking us?)

... but then I found this:


(CAT LADY?) "October 2012 - January 2013, "The Countess and Her Cats", The Mark Twain House and Museum, Hartford, CT"

(!!!!!!!) Spring 1999, "Through the Looking-Glass", Darkly, National Boston Video Center, Boston, MA[37]

"A tarot deck based upon the writings of William Shakespeare, "The Shakespeare Oracle: Let the Bard Predict Your Future," written by A. Bronwyn Llewellyn, was illustrated by von Buhler and released in 2003.[63]"

THE WHOLE WORLD IS A STAGE (see also further below regarding PURIM & MASKS)

(I close now before I am totally lost in this - tell me, if you find more regarding all of this)

HERE IS THE RESEARCH regarding Wang Jian / HNA:

The sudden death of HNA co-chairman Wang Jian after an accident in France has complicated the restructuring at the Chinese aviation-to-finance conglomerate, which has been ordered by Beijing to return to its aviation roots after an aggressive international acquisition spree.

**Wang, 57, died on Tuesday after falling off a wall near a scenic church in Provence. **Wang, a former civil aviation official, directed most of the operations at the company he had jointly headed since it was founded in the early 1990s.

Wang was seen as the driving force behind the $40bn spending binge that turned HNA from a regional airline into a conglomerate with stakes in businesses ranging from Hilton Worldwide to Deutsche Bank.

Many international bankers saw him as the primary point of contact in the group — US private equity group Blackstone, which sold a number of assets to HNA, even threw a party in New York featuring masks of Wang’s face in 2017.

His death sparked internet conspiracy theories. But local French police said Wang fell accidentally and foul play was not suspected. He was anxious about his own longevity, according to one business associate, and even purchased sets of expensive furniture made of rare sandalwood in the belief that this would help him live longer. "

"**For three years, HNA had international asset managers salivating as it gobbled up global assets in a $40bn shopping spree.

Last February Blackstone, which frequently sells to Chinese buyers, hosted HNA co-founder Wang Jian in a charity fundraiser in New York, featuring GLITZY GOLD MASK OF MR WANG'S FACE.

Two months later HNA inked one of its highest-profile deals, with the purchase of a 9.9 per cent stake in Deutsche Bank, Germany’s biggest lender.***

EVERY SINGLE TIME: Purim Celebration - Wearing masks (also Wang Jian s. a.):

Q-Drop 196 (also 195):

They are meeting to celebrate purim!

"Former mayor Michael Bloomberg ... The story of Purim tells of an immigrant queen—Esther—and a king who felt Jews were responsible for all of his kingdom’s problems and had to be eliminated … As the story goes, Esther intervenes… convinces the king he was wrong and saves the lives of the Jews."

"Purim Ball Co-Chair Stephen A. Schwarzman, chairman and CEO of the Blackstone Group, presented Global Corporate Honoree Chairman Wang Jian, co-founder of HNA with a crystal bowl decorated with two roosters in keeping with the current Chinese calendar’s “Year of the Rooster.

Chairman Wang Jian heads a global Fortune 500 company with a workforce of more than 410,000 whose focus is on tourism and financial services whose largesse includes 6,500 eyesight recovery operations around the world.

In his acceptance address, which he gave in Chinese with simultaneous English translation, Chairman Wang Jian proclaimed that the Jewish and Chinese cultures are “the two oldest cultures in the world with the imperative of responsibility for the less fortunate.

Full text of the speeches held on the Purim celebration were Wang Jian was honored with the "glitzy gold mask" - They love families, traditions and generational connectedness!!


(btw: CARNIVAL MUCH? Who were the Venetians really -> masks? The Rhodanites? Ashkenazi? Kazars? The medieval black death started from Caffa (Ukraine) with merchant ships! Think abut that!)

"On Purim we dress up with masks and costumes. This seemingly superficial custom is laden with deeper meaning. On Purim we remember that in the world, nothing is as it seems. The real world lies beneath all the superficiality.

In fact, the words Megillat Esther, the Scroll of Esther, also means to reveal (megaleh in Hebrew) the hidden (haster). The Purim story peels back the mask and reveals that which is hidden.

Many of the main characters in the Esther story wear masks, not identifying who they really are or what their true motives are. Haman pretends to have the only the king’s best interests in mind when he advises the king to annihilate the Jewish People, pretending that the Jews are a threat to his kingdom since they follow their own laws and customs, and not those of the rest of Persia. In reality, he sought to destroy the Jews for his own evil genocidal wishes, as he was the descendant of Amalek, the ancient biblical tribe that was best on the destruction of the Jewish People.

Mordechai never reveals that he is a relative and friend of Esther’s; he pretends to be a simple person who happened to save the King’s life. It is Esther who reveals it to the king at the end that Mordechai is her dear relative.

And of course, Esther herself wears a mask; she pretends to be a gentile queen, never revealing her Jewish identity, until the very end of the Purim story."

1 year ago
54 score
Reason: None provided.


My previous posts about Obama, Robert Wolf, Anthony Scaramucci brought me to Wang Jian/chinese HNA group and his sudden death 'fall from a wall' - ...

EDIT: (regarding my original story, see above, I examined also Amy Gutmann more closely, but forgot to mention it, therefore ...)

DON'T FORGET TO FOLLOW THE PENN (here: Penn University)!!!

Read carefully this wiki page = many more connections to follow!

"Another highlight in innovation is Penn's biomedical research and clinical breakthroughs, approved by the FDA to treat cancer using a patient's own immune system.[22] The Wall Street Journal noted that "Today the university [Penn] lays claim to having incubated the world's biggest cancer breakthrough."[23] In addition, it is Penn Medicine researchers who developed the mRNA vaccine technology that is a critical component of Pfizer/BioNTech's and Moderna's COVID-19 vaccines, which are being deployed globally in the fight against COVID-19.[24]"

"Penn began an expansion east of the Schuylkill River with the purchase of the DUPONT Marshall Laboratory in September 2010. Gutmann said that the Marshall Lab property has "infinite possibilities" as a place to nurture startups and "technology transfer", where faculty with "great discoveries can attract venture capital" and bring ideas to market.[45]"

"In Fall 2016, Penn opened its Pennovation Center, the anchor of a 23-acre site that the university has dubbed Pennovation Works, on a Grays Ferry site along the south bank of the Schuylkill which was once home to the DuPont Co.'s Marshall Labs (where workers discovered the substance that led to the development of Teflon). The $35-million project is about 1 1/2 miles from the center of Penn's West Philadelphia campus. A large, red-letter sign reads "Pennovation" over the three-story, 58,000-square foot facility.[46] Pennovation includes an addition that resembles a crystal formation, representing the "crystallization of ideas"

(this sounds very much like George-Floyd-Cult) "On December 8, 2014, The Daily Pennsylvanian reported that student protesters concerned about the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, disrupted a holiday party for students at Gutmann's home. As a gesture of support for the students' cause, Gutmann joined them in lying on the ground to symbolize the four-and-a-half hours that Brown's body was left lying on the street in Ferguson after his death.[49]

-> see also 'Princeton University': "star professor K. Anthony Appiah (co-author with Gutmann of Color Conscious: The Political Morality of Race).[14]"

... and so on and on: Just read the whole wiki from top to bottom very carefully and follow blue links.

.... BUT it got MUCH deeper!

(while researching Wang Jian, Purim and Rothschild -> see further below, ...


(enjoy to explore this webpage - a hoax, art, mocking us?)

... but then I found this:


(CAT LADY?) "October 2012 - January 2013, "The Countess and Her Cats", The Mark Twain House and Museum, Hartford, CT"

(!!!!!!!) Spring 1999, "Through the Looking-Glass", Darkly, National Boston Video Center, Boston, MA[37]

"A tarot deck based upon the writings of William Shakespeare, "The Shakespeare Oracle: Let the Bard Predict Your Future," written by A. Bronwyn Llewellyn, was illustrated by von Buhler and released in 2003.[63]"

THE WHOLE WORLD IS A STAGE (see also further below regarding PURIM & MASKS)

(I close now before I am totally lost in this - tell me, if you find more regarding all of this)

HERE IS THE RESEARCH regarding Wang Jian / HNA:

The sudden death of HNA co-chairman Wang Jian after an accident in France has complicated the restructuring at the Chinese aviation-to-finance conglomerate, which has been ordered by Beijing to return to its aviation roots after an aggressive international acquisition spree.

**Wang, 57, died on Tuesday after falling off a wall near a scenic church in Provence. **Wang, a former civil aviation official, directed most of the operations at the company he had jointly headed since it was founded in the early 1990s.

Wang was seen as the driving force behind the $40bn spending binge that turned HNA from a regional airline into a conglomerate with stakes in businesses ranging from Hilton Worldwide to Deutsche Bank.

Many international bankers saw him as the primary point of contact in the group — US private equity group Blackstone, which sold a number of assets to HNA, even threw a party in New York featuring masks of Wang’s face in 2017.

His death sparked internet conspiracy theories. But local French police said Wang fell accidentally and foul play was not suspected. He was anxious about his own longevity, according to one business associate, and even purchased sets of expensive furniture made of rare sandalwood in the belief that this would help him live longer. "

"**For three years, HNA had international asset managers salivating as it gobbled up global assets in a $40bn shopping spree.

Last February Blackstone, which frequently sells to Chinese buyers, hosted HNA co-founder Wang Jian in a charity fundraiser in New York, featuring GLITZY GOLD MASK OF MR WANG'S FACE.

Two months later HNA inked one of its highest-profile deals, with the purchase of a 9.9 per cent stake in Deutsche Bank, Germany’s biggest lender.***

EVERY SINGLE TIME: Purim Celebration - Wearing masks (also Wang Jian s. a.):

Q-Drop 196 (also 195):

They are meeting to celebrate purim!

"Former mayor Michael Bloomberg ... The story of Purim tells of an immigrant queen—Esther—and a king who felt Jews were responsible for all of his kingdom’s problems and had to be eliminated … As the story goes, Esther intervenes… convinces the king he was wrong and saves the lives of the Jews."

"Purim Ball Co-Chair Stephen A. Schwarzman, chairman and CEO of the Blackstone Group, presented Global Corporate Honoree Chairman Wang Jian, co-founder of HNA with a crystal bowl decorated with two roosters in keeping with the current Chinese calendar’s “Year of the Rooster.

Chairman Wang Jian heads a global Fortune 500 company with a workforce of more than 410,000 whose focus is on tourism and financial services whose largesse includes 6,500 eyesight recovery operations around the world.

In his acceptance address, which he gave in Chinese with simultaneous English translation, Chairman Wang Jian proclaimed that the Jewish and Chinese cultures are “the two oldest cultures in the world with the imperative of responsibility for the less fortunate.

Full text of the speeches held on the Purim celebration were Wang Jian was honored with the "glitzy gold mask" - They love families, traditions and generational connectedness!!


(btw: CARNIVAL MUCH? Who were the Venetians really -> masks? The Rhodanites? Ashkenazi? Kazars? The medieval black death started from Caffa (Ukraine) with merchant ships! Think abut that!)

"On Purim we dress up with masks and costumes. This seemingly superficial custom is laden with deeper meaning. On Purim we remember that in the world, nothing is as it seems. The real world lies beneath all the superficiality.

In fact, the words Megillat Esther, the Scroll of Esther, also means to reveal (megaleh in Hebrew) the hidden (haster). The Purim story peels back the mask and reveals that which is hidden.

Many of the main characters in the Esther story wear masks, not identifying who they really are or what their true motives are. Haman pretends to have the only the king’s best interests in mind when he advises the king to annihilate the Jewish People, pretending that the Jews are a threat to his kingdom since they follow their own laws and customs, and not those of the rest of Persia. In reality, he sought to destroy the Jews for his own evil genocidal wishes, as he was the descendant of Amalek, the ancient biblical tribe that was best on the destruction of the Jewish People.

Mordechai never reveals that he is a relative and friend of Esther’s; he pretends to be a simple person who happened to save the King’s life. It is Esther who reveals it to the king at the end that Mordechai is her dear relative.

And of course, Esther herself wears a mask; she pretends to be a gentile queen, never revealing her Jewish identity, until the very end of the Purim story."

1 year ago
53 score
Reason: Original


My previous posts about Obama, Robert Wolf, Anthony Scaramucci brought me to Wang Jian/chinese HNA group and his sudden death 'fall from a wall' - ...

.... BUT it got MUCH deeper!

(while researching Wang Jian, Purim and Rothschild -> see further below, ...


(enjoy to explore this webpage - a hoax, art, mocking us?)

... but then I found this:


(CAT LADY?) "October 2012 - January 2013, "The Countess and Her Cats", The Mark Twain House and Museum, Hartford, CT"

(!!!!!!!) Spring 1999, "Through the Looking-Glass", Darkly, National Boston Video Center, Boston, MA[37]

"A tarot deck based upon the writings of William Shakespeare, "The Shakespeare Oracle: Let the Bard Predict Your Future," written by A. Bronwyn Llewellyn, was illustrated by von Buhler and released in 2003.[63]"

THE WHOLE WORLD IS A STAGE (see also further below regarding PURIM & MASKS)

(I close now before I am totally lost in this - tell me, if you find more regarding all of this)

HERE IS THE RESEARCH regarding Wang Jian / HNA:

The sudden death of HNA co-chairman Wang Jian after an accident in France has complicated the restructuring at the Chinese aviation-to-finance conglomerate, which has been ordered by Beijing to return to its aviation roots after an aggressive international acquisition spree.

**Wang, 57, died on Tuesday after falling off a wall near a scenic church in Provence. **Wang, a former civil aviation official, directed most of the operations at the company he had jointly headed since it was founded in the early 1990s.

Wang was seen as the driving force behind the $40bn spending binge that turned HNA from a regional airline into a conglomerate with stakes in businesses ranging from Hilton Worldwide to Deutsche Bank.

Many international bankers saw him as the primary point of contact in the group — US private equity group Blackstone, which sold a number of assets to HNA, even threw a party in New York featuring masks of Wang’s face in 2017.

His death sparked internet conspiracy theories. But local French police said Wang fell accidentally and foul play was not suspected. He was anxious about his own longevity, according to one business associate, and even purchased sets of expensive furniture made of rare sandalwood in the belief that this would help him live longer. "

"**For three years, HNA had international asset managers salivating as it gobbled up global assets in a $40bn shopping spree.

Last February Blackstone, which frequently sells to Chinese buyers, hosted HNA co-founder Wang Jian in a charity fundraiser in New York, featuring GLITZY GOLD MASK OF MR WANG'S FACE.

Two months later HNA inked one of its highest-profile deals, with the purchase of a 9.9 per cent stake in Deutsche Bank, Germany’s biggest lender.***

EVERY SINGLE TIME: Purim Celebration - Wearing masks (also Wang Jian s. a.):

Q-Drop 196 (also 195):

They are meeting to celebrate purim!

"Former mayor Michael Bloomberg ... The story of Purim tells of an immigrant queen—Esther—and a king who felt Jews were responsible for all of his kingdom’s problems and had to be eliminated … As the story goes, Esther intervenes… convinces the king he was wrong and saves the lives of the Jews."

"Purim Ball Co-Chair Stephen A. Schwarzman, chairman and CEO of the Blackstone Group, presented Global Corporate Honoree Chairman Wang Jian, co-founder of HNA with a crystal bowl decorated with two roosters in keeping with the current Chinese calendar’s “Year of the Rooster.

Chairman Wang Jian heads a global Fortune 500 company with a workforce of more than 410,000 whose focus is on tourism and financial services whose largesse includes 6,500 eyesight recovery operations around the world.

In his acceptance address, which he gave in Chinese with simultaneous English translation, Chairman Wang Jian proclaimed that the Jewish and Chinese cultures are “the two oldest cultures in the world with the imperative of responsibility for the less fortunate.

Full text of the speeches held on the Purim celebration were Wang Jian was honored with the "glitzy gold mask" - They love families, traditions and generational connectedness!!


(btw: CARNIVAL MUCH? Who were the Venetians really -> masks? The Rhodanites? Ashkenazi? Kazars? The medieval black death started from Caffa (Ukraine) with merchant ships! Think abut that!)

"On Purim we dress up with masks and costumes. This seemingly superficial custom is laden with deeper meaning. On Purim we remember that in the world, nothing is as it seems. The real world lies beneath all the superficiality.

In fact, the words Megillat Esther, the Scroll of Esther, also means to reveal (megaleh in Hebrew) the hidden (haster). The Purim story peels back the mask and reveals that which is hidden.

Many of the main characters in the Esther story wear masks, not identifying who they really are or what their true motives are. Haman pretends to have the only the king’s best interests in mind when he advises the king to annihilate the Jewish People, pretending that the Jews are a threat to his kingdom since they follow their own laws and customs, and not those of the rest of Persia. In reality, he sought to destroy the Jews for his own evil genocidal wishes, as he was the descendant of Amalek, the ancient biblical tribe that was best on the destruction of the Jewish People.

Mordechai never reveals that he is a relative and friend of Esther’s; he pretends to be a simple person who happened to save the King’s life. It is Esther who reveals it to the king at the end that Mordechai is her dear relative.

And of course, Esther herself wears a mask; she pretends to be a gentile queen, never revealing her Jewish identity, until the very end of the Purim story."

1 year ago
1 score