Being ex military and logistics trade(supply)this is my observation.
How does a tower made of concrete and metal go up in flames from a wildfire! Just an observation. Do they mean an ammo depot is at risk of exploding? Military bases have ammo storage bunkers near airports as in Ottawa where I have worked in. On the outskirts.
I was in the military and have been in ammo and stored ammo in depot storage facilities. Ammo is stored in storage facilities called “magazines”. My trade was in logistics and I have worked and stored ammo and anything related to ammo in these bunkers. They are cement bunkers that are at least 2 or 3 feet thick, maybe more. How would a fire compromise a cement bunker and ignite the ammo being stored inside? just my experience and observation. The military is big on safety and have safety protocols for everything, so this reeks of fearmongering. People who worked in the logistics trade would know this. Evil, I tells ya. Another distraction, but for what this time? Look over here, not over there. Do your research. Amen!
Being ex military and logistics trade(supply)this is my observation. How does a tower made of concrete and metal go up in flames from a wildfire! Just an observation. I was in the military and have worked and been in ammo facilities and stored ammo in depot storage facilities. Ammo is stored in storage facilities called “magazines”. They are cement bunkers that are at least 2 or 3 feet thick, maybe more. How would a fire compromise a cement bunker and ignite the ammo being stored inside?
The military is big on safety and have safety protocols for everything, so this reeks of fearmongering. People who worked in the logistics trade would know this. Evil, I tells ya. Another distraction, but for what this time? Look over here, not over there. Do your research. Amen!