That's the crux of it all, isn't it, though? No self respecting jew will ever discuss the Talmud with an outsider, the goyim. Muslims won't ever really discuss what the ancient Caliphate and their teachings really talk about, either. Even the "apostates" among them, the defectors won't talk. I don't know one former Jew or Muslim that will really divulge what the back room, behind closed doors teachings really discuss. Same reason why most former freemasons or other secret society members won't divulge what's really taught. It's kind of like being admitted to the Clown agency. Once a (insert above group here), always a (insert above group here).
I have family that claim to be former Jews or former masons, etc. They won't even discuss behind closed door teachings with the rest of us. They always gloss over the subject or outright change the conversational subject when it's brought up. Jews, Muslims, etc keep those teachings hidden from the prospective convert until they've fully shown their commitment to those groups and have been converted for a predetermined period of time determined by their Head Rabbi, Grand Mufti, etc. This is how, where, and why the world's Intel agencies learned ho to be Clowns. They learned from the masters of secrecy.
And I'm convinced this is the reason why those groups have a representation among the prison populations in America. They will purposely have their followers go to prison in search of criminals to convert. By converting criminals, it lends credence, authority, and capability for them to exploit the Gentiles and Christians because most people, even Jews and Muslims inherently have a good heart and will obey laws and follow rules without even realizing it. Especially within those groups. Why do you think Meyer Lansky is celebrated among jews as being a "hero" and "martyr?"
Evil is taught, not inherently built into the human condition as a trait. By sending certain members into the prison system on purpose,either thru criminal behavior or thru the medical and legal industries, it allows both groups to denounce those criminals as not being a "true follower." They claim their radical elements are "radicalizing" their youth, but in reality, those religions are wholly radicalized against non-believers to begin with.
We see the same type of system with the extreme Evangelical Christian Faiths, the FLDS Mormons, and neo-Nazi elements in The West. The Talmudic and Islamic Caliphate teachings were also the basis behind the Catholic Inquisitions and subsequent Spanish, French, and Portuguese Conquistadors of the 1400-1600s. Alot of what those Popes, Cardinals, and Bishops spoke about then proves this. Especially the Papal Bulls regarding conquest and inquisitions. If a non-Christian didn't convert what happeed to them back then? If a non-Jew didn't convert during the cleansing of the Fertile Crescent under Moses'.descebdants, what happened to them? If a non-Muslim doesn't convert when being conquered, what happens to them? Both Jewism and Islamism have infiltrated the Christian Religion and all it's sects and faiths for this reason. The ONLY reason we don't see widespread genocide of non-believers today is because we have global communications. Instead of it taking moths or years for info to spread, it only takes milliseconds today. It would seem that [they] no longer care about hiding intentions for humanity because of the interwebs now, too. They can't stay hidden like they used to b cause of the Autists, thank God. That, and [they] know [they]'re running out of time and [their] true master is running out of time and patience, too.
That's the crux of it all, isn't it, though? No self respecting zjew will ever discuss the Talmud with an outsider, the goyim. Muslims won't ever really discuss what the ancient Caliphate and their teachings really talk about, either. Even the "apostates" among them, the defectors. I don't know one former Jew or Muslim that will really divulge what the back room, behind closed doors teachings really discuss.
And I have family that claim to be former Jews. They won't even discuss Talmidic teachings with the rest of us. They always gloss over the subject or outright change the conversational subject when it's brought up. Jews and Muslims keep those teachings hidden from the prospective convert until they've fully shown their commitment to those groups and have been converted for a predetermined period of time determined by their Head Rabbi or Grand Mufti.
And I'm convinced this is the reason why both of those groups have a representation among the prison populations in America. They will purposely have their followers go to prison in search of criminals to convert. By converting criminals, it lends credence, authority, and capability for them to exploit the Gentiles and Christians because most people, even Jews and Muslims inherently have a good heart and will obey laws and follow rules without even rralizing it.
Evil is taught, not inherently built into the human condition as a trait. By sending certain members into th prison system on purpose, it allows both groups to denounce those criminals as not being a "true follower." They claim their radical elements are "radicalizing" their youth, but in reality, those religions are wholly radicalized against non-believers to begin with.
We see the same type of system with the extreme Evangelical Christian Faiths, the FLDS Mormons, and neo-Nazi elements in The West. The Talmudic and Islamic Caliphate teachings were also the basis behind the Catholic Inquisitions and subsequent Spanish, French, and Portuguese Conquistadors of the 1400-1600s. Alot of what those Popes, Cardinals, and Bishops spoke about then proves this. Especially the Papal Bulls regarding conquest and inquisitions. If a non-Christian didn't convert what happeed to them back then? If a non-Jew didn't convert during the cleansing of the Fertile Crescent under Moses'.descebdants, what happened to them? If a non-Muslim doesn't convert when being conquered, what happens to them? Both Jewism and Islamism have infiltrated the Christian Religion and all it's sects and faiths for this reason. The ONLY reason we don't see widespread genocide of non-believers today is because we have global communications. Instead of it taking moths or years for info to spread, it only takes milliseconds today. It would seem that [they] no longer care about hiding intentions for humanity because of the interwebs now, too. They can't stay hidden like they used to b cause of the Autists, thank God. That, and [they] know [they]'re running out of time and [their] true master is running out of time and patience, too.