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Aaaaand ... WHY did it have to be Gerald Ford as the new VP/Prez?

Because Ford was not only on the Warren Commission, but he was the one responsible for making sure that the "official" photos of JFK after the shooting made it look like shots came only from the rear.

Ford's assistant, Arlen Specter, was the one who "came up with" the so-called "Magic Bullet Theory." Clearly, Specter was not smart enough to figure that one out. It was spoon-fed to him by CIA/FBI operatives. Specter was rewarded with an easy senate gig for the rest of his life. But he was a fucking moron.

Ford was a deep state puppet.

Another important clue in all of this was that JFK fired two CIA officials after they violated his orders regarding the Bay of Pigs screw up.

The Bay of Pigs invasion was planned in the final days of the Eisenhower admin, and presented to JFK as a "must do" thing. JFK agreed, but stated that he did not want any planes or boats to show USA flags or other signs of being from USA.

Allen Dulles was CIA director, and was in charge of the invasion. Charles Cabell was CIA deputy director, and was in charge of the air attack (he was also a 4-star general in the Air Force).

They did not do as JFK instructed; the world found out it was a USA attack on Cuba, and JFK fired both Dulles and Cabell.

When JFK was murdered, the mayor of Dallas was Earle Cabell, Charles' brother. Their father and grandfather had both also been mayors of Dallas, so they had that place locked up. There is no question that Dallas was the target, and any theories about it being a secondary consideration are likely disinfo.

Alan Dulles was in charge of the Warren Commission. Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warten was just a figurehead to make it look good, but Dulles ran it, and Ford was his sidekick.

In Nixon's secret audio tapes that were discovered, with a long section erased, he referred to the "Bay of Pigs thing," which was his code term for the JFK murder.

Seems that Nixon was nosing around where the CIA didn't want him. My guess would be that the erased part of the tape had to do with this subject.

I once read that Jack Ruby (real name: Jack Rubenstein) had worked for Nixon at one time. So, Nixon was more clued in than most people realize. Nixon was also hand-picked by Prescott Bush (yeah, THAT Bush clan) to run for Congress. Two years after becoming a member of the House, Nixon was again hand-picked to be Eisenhower's running mate. Nixon ran the covert ops against Iran and other places, just like GHW Bush did later with Reagan.

It's not the news and history that is important. It is what [they] DON'T tell you about the news and history that IS important -- Lie through omission.

242 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Aaaaand ... WHY did it have to be Gerald Ford as the new VP/Prez?

Because Ford was not only on the Warren Commission, but he was the one responsible for making sure that the "official" photos of JFK after the shooting made it look like shots came only from the rear.

Ford's assistant, Arlen Specter, was the one who "came up with" the so-called "Magic Bullet Theory." Clearly, Specter was not smart enough to figure that one out. It was spoon-fed to him by CIA/FBI operatives. Specter was rewarded with an easy senate gig for the rest of his life. But he was a fucking moron.

Ford was a deep state puppet.

Another important clue in all of this was that JFK fired two CIA officials after they violated his orders regarding the Bay of Pigs screw up.

The Bay of Pigs invasion was planned in the final days of the Eisenhower admin, and presented to JFK as a "must do" thing. JFK agreed, but stated that he did not want any planes or boats to show USA flags or other signs of being from USA.

Allen Dulles was CIA director, and was in charge of the invasion. Charles Cabell was CIA deputy director, and was in charge of the air attack (he was also a 4-star general in the Air Force).

They did not do as JFK instructed; the world found out it was a USA attack on Cuba, and JFK fired both Dulles and Cabell.

When JFK was murdered, the mayor of Dallas was Earle Cabell, Charles' brother. Their father and grandfather had both also been mayors of Dallas, so they had that place locked up. There is no question that Dallas was the target, and any theories about it being a secondary consideration are likely disinfo.

Alan Dulles was in charge of the Warren Commission. Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warten was just a figurehead to make it look good, but Dulles ran it, and Ford was his sidekick.

In Nixon's secret audio tapes that were discovered, with a long section erased, he referred to the "Bay of Pigs thing," which was his code term for the JFK murder.

Seems that Nixon was nosing around where the CIA didn't want him. My guess would be that the erased part of the tape had to do with this subject.

I once read that Jack Ruby (real name: Jack Rubenstein) had worked for Nixon at one time. So, Nixon was more clued in that most people realize. Nixon was also hand-picked by Prescott Bush (yeah, THAT Bush clan) to run for Congress. Two years after becoming a member of the House, Nixon was again hand-picked to be Eisenhower's running mate. Nixon ran the covert ops against Iran and other places, just like GHW Bush did later with Reagan.

It's not the news and history that is important. It is what [they] DON'T tell you about the news and history that IS important -- Lie through omission.

242 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Aaaaand ... WHY did it have to be Gerald Ford as the new VP/Prez?

Because Ford was not only on the Warren Commission, but he was the one responsible for making sure that the "official" photos of JFK after the shooting made it look like shots came only from the rear.

Ford's assistant, Arlen Specter, was the one who "came up with" the so-called "Magic Bullet Theory." Clearly, Specter was not smart enough to figure that one out. It was spoon-fed to him by CIA/FBI operatives. Specter was rewarded with an easy senate gig for the rest of his life. But he was a fucking moron.

Ford was a deep state puppet.

Another important clue in all of this was that JFK fired two CIA officials after they violated his orders regarding the Bay of Pigs screw up.

The Bay of Pigs invasion was planned in the final days of the Eisenhower admin, and presented to JFK as a "must do" thing. JFK agreed, but stated that he did not want any planes or boats to show USA flags or other signs of being from USA.

Allen Dulles was CIA director, and was in charge of the invasion. Charles Cabell was CIA deputy director, and was in charge of the air attack (he was also a 4-star general in the Air Force).

They did not do as JFK instructed; the world found out it was a USA attack on Cuba, and JFK fired both Dulles and Cabell.

When JFK was murdered, the mayor of Dallas was Earle Cabell, Charles' brother. Their father and grandfather had both also been mayors of Dallas, so they had that place locked up. There is no question that Dallas was the target, and any theories about it being a secondary consideration are likely disinfo.

Alan Dulles was in charge of the Warren Commission. Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Waren was just a figurehead to make it look good, but Dulles ran it, and Ford was his sidekick.

In Nixon's secret audio tapes that were discovered, with a long section erased, he referred to the "Bay of Pigs thing," which was his code term for the JFK murder.

Seems that Nixon was nosing around where the CIA didn't want him. My guess would be that the erased part of the tape had to do with this subject.

I once read that Jack Ruby (real name: Jack Rubenstein) had worked for Nixon at one time. So, Nixon was more clued in that most people realize. Nixon was also hand-picked by Prescott Bush (yeah, THAT Bush clan) to run for Congress. Two years after becoming a member of the House, Nixon was again hand-picked to be Eisenhower's running mate. Nixon ran the covert ops against Iran and other places, just like GHW Bush did later with Reagan.

It's not the news and history that is important. It is what [they] DON'T tell you about the news and history that IS important -- Lie through omission.

242 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Aaaaand ... WHY did it have to be Gerald Ford as the new VP/Prez?

Because Ford was not only on the Warren Commission, but he was the one responsible for making sure that the "official" photos of JFK after the shooting made it look like shots came only from the rear.

Ford's assistant, Arlen Specter, was the one who "came up with" the so-called "Magic Bullet Theory." Clearly, Specter was not smart enough to figure that one out. It was spoon-fed to him by CIA/FBI operatives. Specter was rewarded with an easy senate gig for the rest of his life. But he was a fucking moron.

Ford was a deep state puppet.

Another important clue in all of this was that JFK fired two CIA officials after they violated his orders regarding the Bay of Pigs screw up.

The Bay of Pigs invasion was planned in the final days of the Eisenhower admin, and presented to JFK as a "must do" thing. JFK agreed, but stated that he did not want any planes or boats to show USA flags or other signs of being from USA.

Allen Dulles was CIA director, and was in charge of the invasion. Charles Cabell was CIA deputy director, and was in charge of the air attack (he was also a 4-star general in the Air Force).

They did not do as JFK instructed; the world found out it was a USA attack on Cuba, and JFK fired both Dulles and Cabell.

When JFK was murdered, the mayor of Dallas was Earle Cabell, Charles' brother. Their father and grandfather had both also been mayors of Dallas, so they had that place locked up. There is no question that Dallas was the target, and any theories about it being a secondary consideration are likely disinfo.

Alan Dulles was in charge of the Warren Commission. Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Waren was just a figurehead to make it look good, but Dulles ran it, and Ford was his sidekick.

In Nixon's secret audio tapes that were discovered, with a long section erased, he referred to the "Bay of Pigs thing," which was his code term for the JFK murder.

Seems that Nixon was nosing around where the CIA didn't want him.

I once read that Jack Ruby (real name: Jack Rubenstein) had worked for Nixon at one time.

It's not the news and history that is important. It is what [they] DON'T tell you about the news and history that IS important -- Lie through omission.

242 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Aaaaand ... WHY did it have to be Gerald Ford as the new VP/Prez?

Because Ford was not only on the Warren Commission, but he was the one responsible for making sure that the "official" photos of JFK after the shooting made it look like shots came only from the rear.

Ford's assistant, Arlen Specter, was the one who "came up with" the so-called "Magic Bullet Theory." Clearly, Specter was not smart enough to figure that one out. It was spoon-fed to him by CIA/FBI operatives. Specter was rewarded with an easy senate gig for the rest of his life. But he was a fucking moron.

Ford was a deep state puppet.

Another important clue in all of this was that JFK fired two CIA officials after they violated his orders regarding the Bay of Pigs screw up.

The Bay of Pigs invasion was planned in the final days of the Eisenhower admin, and presented to JFK as a "must do" thing. JFK agreed, but stated that he did not want any planes or boats to show USA flags or other signs of being from USA.

Allen Dulles was CIA director, and was in charge of the invasion. Charles Cabell was CIA deputy director, and was in charge of the air attack (he was also a 4-star general in the Air Force).

They did not do as JFK instructed; the world found out it was a USA attack on Cuba, and JFK fired both Dulles and Cabell.

When JFK was murdered, the mayor of Dallas was Earle Cabell, Charles' brother.

Alan Dulles was in charge of the Warren Commission. Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Waren was just a figurehead to make it look good, but Dulles ran it, and Ford was his sidekick.

In Nixon's secret audio tapes that were discovered, with a long section erased, he referred to the "Bay of Pigs thing," which was his code term for the JFK murder.

Seems that Nixon was nosing around where the CIA didn't want him.

I once read that Jack Ruby (real name: Jack Rubenstein) had worked for Nixon at one time.

It's not the news and history that is important. It is what [they] DON'T tell you about the news and history that IS important -- Lie through omission.

242 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Aaaaand ... WHY did it have to be Gerald Ford as the new VP/Prez?

Because Ford was not only on the Warren Commission, but he was the one responsible for making sure that the "official" photos of JFK after the shooting made it look like shots came only from the rear.

Ford's assistant, Arlen Specter, was the one who "came up with" the so-called "Magic Bullet Theory." Clearly, Specter was not smart enough to figure that one out. It was spoon-fed to him by CIA/FBI operatives. Specter was rewarded with easy senate gig the rest of his life.

Ford was a deep state puppet.

Another important clue in all of this was that JFK fired two CIA officials after they violated his orders regarding the Bay of Pigs screw up.

The Bay of Pigs invasion was planned in the final days of the Eisenhower admin, and presented to JFK as a "must do" thing. JFK agreed, but stated that he did not want any planes or boats to show USA flags or other signs of being from USA.

Allen Dulles was CIA director, and was in charge of the invasion. Charles Cabell was CIA deputy director, and was in charge of the air attack (he was also a 4-star general in the Air Force).

They did not do as JFK instructed; the world found out it was a USA attack on Cuba, and JFK fired both Dulles and Cabell.

When JFK was murdered, the mayor of Dallas was Earle Cabell, Charles' brother.

Alan Dulles was in charge of the Warren Commission. Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Waren was just a figurehead to make it look good, but Dulles ran it, and Ford was his sidekick.

In Nixon's secret audio tapes that were discovered, with a long section erased, he referred to the "Bay of Pigs thing," which was his code term for the JFK murder.

Seems that Nixon was nosing around where the CIA didn't want him.

I once read that Jack Ruby (real name: Jack Rubenstein) had worked for Nixon at one time.

It's not the news and history that is important. It is what [they] DON'T tell you about the news and history that IS important -- Lie through omission.

242 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

Aaaaand ... WHY did it have to be Gerald Ford as the new VP/Prez?

Because Ford was not only on the Warren Commission, but he was the one responsible for making sure that the "official" photos of JFK after the shooting made it look like shots came only from the rear.

Ford's assistant, Arlen Specter, was the one who "came up with" the so-called "Magic Bullet Theory." Clearly, Specter was not smart enough to figure that one out. It was spoon-fed to him by CIA/FBI operatives. Specter was rewarded with easy senate gig the rest of his life.

Ford was a deep state puppet.

Another important clue in all of this was that JFK fired two CIA officials after they violated his orders regarding the Bay of Pigs screw up.

The Bay of Pigs invasion was planned in the final days of the Eisenhower admin, and presented to JFK as a "must do" thing. JFK agreed, but stated that he did not want any planes or boats to show USA flags or other signs of being from USA.

Allen Dulles was CIA director, and was in charge of the invasion. Charles Cabell was CIA deputy director, and was in charge of the air attack (he was also a 4-star general in the Air Force).

They did not do as JFK instructed; the world found out it was a USA attack on Cuba, and JFK fired both Dulles and Cabell.

When JFK was murdered, the mayor of Dallas was Earle Cabell, Charles' brother.

Alan Dulles was in charge of the Warren Commission. Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Waren was just a figurehead to make it look good, but Dulles ran it, and Ford was his sidekick.

In Nixon's secret audio tapes that were discovered, with a long section erased, he referred to the "Bay of Pigs thing," which was his code term for the JFK murder.

Seems that Nixon was nosing around where the CIA didn't want him.

I once read that Jack Ruby (real name: Jack Rubenstein) had worked for Nixon at one time.

242 days ago
1 score