I hope this team will provide scientific research and not simply statistical evidence. If they can show that childhood vaccines are a causal factor of autism by negatively changing children’s brain chemistry, directly, or alternatively indirectly through the gut microbiome, then I think they might be on to something. But bringing a case and simply saying that ever since the 1986 laws protecting vax manufacturersand ever since 1990 change in childhood vaccinations = increase in autism, I don’t think they have a winning argument to convince the courts.____ Here’s a study correlating gut microbiome to autism: https://www.euronews.com/health/2023/07/11/groundbreaking-research-reveals-definitive-association-between-gut-microbiome-and-autism ( https://archive.ph/30pFv ). Other research can show that childhood vaccines can alter infants’ gut microbiome, waiting for the studies on this. Got to put the 2 factors together to make a solid case. I believe this is hero Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s thesis, that too much vaccinations (MMR, for example) lead to autism in many children.
I hope this team will provide scientific research and not simply statistical evidence. If they can show that childhood vaccines are a causal factor of autism by negatively changing children’s brain chemistry, directly, or alternatively indirectly through the gut microbiome, then I think they might be on to something. But bringing a case and simply saying that ever since the 1986 laws protecting vax manufacturersand ever since 1990 change in childhood vaccinations = increase in autism, I don’t think they have a winning argument to convince the courts.____ Here’s a study correlating gut microbiome to autism: https://www.euronews.com/health/2023/07/11/groundbreaking-research-reveals-definitive-association-between-gut-microbiome-and-autism ( https://archive.ph/30pFv ). Other research can show that childhood vaccines can alter infants’ gut microbiome, waiting for the studies on this. Got to put the 2 factors together to make a solid case.