800M oz annual WORLD silver production, but only ~20%, 160M, is not consumed in manufacturing. Upside down on supply vs demand for 4 years straight and price has just nudged up maybe 30%?
Low price suppresses incentive for production, creating continuous shortage. This is not free price movement. We appear to be looking at 10 more years of supply shortage even if new mines were built starting today.
800M oz annual WORLD silver production, but only ~20%, 160M, is not consumed in manufacturing. Upside down on supply vs demand for 4 years straight and price has just nudged up maybe 30%?
Low price suppresses incentive for production, creating continuous shortage. This is not free price movement. We appear to be looking at 10 more years of supply shortage even if new mines were built today.
800M oz annual WORLD silver production, but only ~20%, 160M, is not consumed in manufacturing. Upside down on supply vs demand for 4 years straight and price has just nudged up maybe 30%?
Low price suppresses incentive for production, creating continuous shortage. This is not free price movement. We appear to be looking at 10 more years of shortage even if new mines were built today.