Sinceres, especially those in a community for Q trained anons, who still conflate Operation Warp Speed, that WAS, as PDJT says, miraculously "great" and did save millions of lives, with The Regimes vaccines are still damaged by the Regimes Destroy Trump By Any Means PsyOp or malevolents attempting to blend in.
President Trumps Operation Warp Speed =/= The NWO Death Cults vaccines
Trumps OWO == President Trumps only way to thwart the NWO Death Cults covid schemes.
Q link:
You Tube. Movie. Hunt for Red October. Scene. Combat tactics, Mr Ryan.
How did the subs Captain avoid the already launched, inescapable, torpedoes that would destroy the sub and everyone on board?
By ACCELERATING towards the torpedoes, at warp speed?, so the torpedoes hit the sub before they were fully operational.
Those who still conflate Operation Warp Speed, that WAS, as PDJT says, miraculously "great" and did save millions of lives, with The Regimes vaccines are still damaged by the Regimes Destroy Trump By Any Means PsyOp