Assange and Snowden both named a specific government program called "Nano Defense Quell".
If it is in fact real, The program is essentially a kill switch that's been distributed via popular liquid brands (like coke). That when activated will cause an extremely painful flu that will kill you. The intent is to Quell a revolution. The one document that floats around from time to time talks about it having been distributed successfully to 90+% of the U.S. population and that was years ago.
Interesting none the less, but extremely scary considering this is the exact type of thing our government would do.
Assange and Snowden both named a specific government program called "Nano Defense Quell".
If it is in fact real, their is no hope of revolution if the person at the kill switch is anti-us. The program is essentially a kill switch that's been distributed via popular liquid brands (like coke). That when activated will cause an extremely painful flu that will kill you. The intent is to Quell a revolution. The one document that floats around from time to time talks about it having been distributed successfully to 90+% of the U.S. population and that was years ago.