He permabanned my other account (1 of 5) for talking bad about having homosexuality shoved down our throats. He told me to grab a bud light and sit on the bleachers and that GAW is for elite researchers 😂 he told me not to respond or that I would be permanently banned. He really expected me not to respond to his faggot ass, So scary!! Like we can’t just create another damn profile 🤣 what a fucking little bitch, anyway, he’s a faggot from Canada that for some reason is a mod for a website that is based around the idea that America will save the world because let’s face it, Canada can’t even save themselves much less anyone else lmao. But yeah, he’s a faggot. I’ve literally been following this since Q first posted and we went from Reddit to Voat and he called me a shill 🤣 I just stopped responding to him because I started to realize once he said that “he’s not scared and he’s relatively fit” that I’d mop the floors with him. Just because you think you’re kinda fit doesn’t mean you’d stand a chance against someone who’s been literally training to fight for years. Fuck that pussy lmao.
He permabanned my other account (1 of 5) for talking bad about having homosexuality shoved down our throats. He told me to grab a bud light and sit on the bleachers and that GAW is for elite researchers 😂 he told me not to respond or that I would be permanently banned. He really expected me not to respond to his faggot ass, So scary!! Like we can’t just create another damn profile 🤣 what a fucking little bitch, anyway, he’s a faggot from Canada that for some reason is a mod for a website that is based around the idea that America will save the world because let’s face it, Canada can’t even save themselves much less anyone else lmao. But yeah, he’s a faggot. I’ve literally been following this since Q first posted and we went from Reddit to Voat and he called me a shill 🤣