discrimination based on actual or perceived shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics
Tell us the jews have control of Congress without telling us the jews have Control of Congress.
it is the policy of the United States
That means the federal government, not the States. Any State who upholds this unconstitutional garbage should be sued, and the individual government employees should be sued in their own personal names, because this would be coersion to prevent the right of free speech, which is a crime, and no government employee can have immunity from personal lawsuits if they engage in a crime as part of their "official duties."
Congress finds the following:
They list various things that are all based on fraud and lies.
The use of alternative definitions of antisemitism impairs enforcement efforts
They lie about the definitions, and then claim that nobody has a right of free speech to argue against their fake definition.
Of course, they do. Because ...
In reviewing, investigating, or deciding whether there has been a violation ... on the basis of ... an individual’s actual or perceived shared Jewish ancestry or Jewish ethnic characteristics, the Department of Education shall take into consideration the definition of antisemitism ...
Department of Education should be abolished to begin with. They will ONLY use this government's false definition of "antisemitism," which is ALL ABOUT passing laws in the USA like they have already done in other countries, making it illegal to call out the fake Holocaust, etc.
Constitutional Protections.—Nothing in this Act shall be construed to diminish or infringe upon any right protected under the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
Here, they explicitly admit they KNOW this is a clear violation of the First Amendment. But at least this clause provides all the argument needed that this "law" is void on its face, since the ONLY thing it does is violate the First Amendment.
Pure violation of free speech and jewish push for censorship.
Tell me again, these are "God's chosen people."
They are Satan (which means "Adversary" in the original Hebrew language of the Old Testament).
And they prove it yet AGAIN.
THIS is why the jews have been kicked out of more than 100 countries over the past 1,000 years. They ALWAYS work to corrupt their host nations.
discrimination based on actual or perceived shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics
Tell us the jews have control of Congress without telling us the jews have Control of Congress.
it is the policy of the United States
That means the federal government, not the States. Any State who upholds this unconstitutional garbage should be sued, and the individual government employees should be sued in their own personal names, because this would be coersion to prevent the right of free speech, which is a crime, and no government employee can have immunity from personal lawsuits if they engage in a crime as part of their "official duties."
Congress finds the following:
They list various things that are all based on fraud and lies.
The use of alternative definitions of antisemitism impairs enforcement efforts
They lie about the definitions, and then claim that nobody has a right of free speech to argue against their fake definition.
Of course, they do. Because ...
In reviewing, investigating, or deciding whether there has been a violation ... on the basis of ... an individual’s actual or perceived shared Jewish ancestry or Jewish ethnic characteristics, the Department of Education shall take into consideration the definition of antisemitism ...
Department of Education should be abolished to begin with. They will ONLY use this government's false definition of "antisemitism," which is ALL ABOUT passing laws in the USA like they have already done in other countries, making it illegal to call out the fake Holocaust, etc.
Constitutional Protections.—Nothing in this Act shall be construed to diminish or infringe upon any right protected under the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
Here, they explicitly admit they KNOW this is a clear violation of the First Amendment. But at least this clause provides all the argument needed that this "law" is void on its face, since the ONLY thing it does is violate the First Amendment.
Pure violation of free speech and jewish push for censorship.
Tell me again, these are "God's chosen people."
They are Satan (which means "Adversary" in the original Hebrew language of the Old Testament).
And they prove it yet AGAIN.
discrimination based on actual or perceived shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics
Tell us the jews have control of Congress without telling us the jews have Control of Congress.
it is the policy of the United States
That means the federal government, not the States. Any State who upholds this unconstitutional garbage should be sued, and the individual government employees should be sued in their own personal names, because this would be coersion to prevent the right of free speech, which is a crime, and no government employee can have immunity from personal lawsuits if they engage in a crime as part of their "official duties."
Congress finds the following:
They list various things that are all based on fraud and lies.
The use of alternative definitions of antisemitism impairs enforcement efforts
They lie about the definitions, and then claim that nobody has a right of free speech to argue against their fake definition.
Of course, they do. Because ...
In reviewing, investigating, or deciding whether there has been a violation ... on the basis of ... an individual’s actual or perceived shared Jewish ancestry or Jewish ethnic characteristics, the Department of Education shall take into consideration the definition of antisemitism ...
Department of Education should be abolished to begin with. They will ONLY use this government's false definition of "antisemitism," which is ALL ABOUT passing laws in the USA like they have already done in other countries, making it illegal to call out the fake Holocaust, etc.
Constitutional Protections.—Nothing in this Act shall be construed to diminish or infringe upon any right protected under the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
Here, they explicitly admit they KNOW this is a clear violation of the First Amendment. But at least this clause provides all the argument needed that this "law" is void on its face, since the ONLY thing it does is violate the First Amendment.
Pure violation of free speech and jewish push for censorship.
Tell me again, these are "God's chosen people."
They are Satan (the "Adversary" in Hebrew). And they prove it yet AGAIN.
discrimination based on actual or perceived shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics
Tell us the jews have control of Congress without telling us the jews have Control of Congress.
it is the policy of the United States
That means the federal government, not the States. Any State who upholds this unconstitutional garbage should be sued, and the individual government employees should be sued in their own personal names, because this would be coersion to prevent the right of free speech, which is a crime, and no government employee can have immunity from personal lawsuits if they engage in a crime as part of their "official duties."
Congress finds the following:
They list various things that are all based on fraud and lies.
The use of alternative definitions of antisemitism impairs enforcement efforts
They lie about the definitions, and then claim that nobody has a right of free speech to argue against their fake definition.
Of course, they do. Because ...
In reviewing, investigating, or deciding whether there has been a violation ... on the basis of ... an individual’s actual or perceived shared Jewish ancestry or Jewish ethnic characteristics, the Department of Education shall take into consideration the definition of antisemitism ...
Department of Education should be abolished to begin with. They will ONLY use this government's false definition of "antisemitism," which is ALL ABOUT passing laws in the USA like they have already done in other countries, making it illegal to call out the fake Holocaust, etc.
Pure violation of free speech and jewish push for censorship.
Tell me again, these are "God's chosen people."
They are Satan (the "Adversary" in Hebrew). And they prove it yet AGAIN.
discrimination based on actual or perceived shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics
Tell us the jews have control of Congress without telling us the jews have Control of Congress.
it is the policy of the United States
That means the federal government, not the States. Any State who upholds this unconstitutional garbage should be sued, and the individual government employees should be sued in their own personal names, because this would be coersion to prevent the right of free speech, which is a crime, and no government employee can have immunity from personal lawsuits if they engage in a crime as part of their "official duties."
Congress finds the following:
They list various things that are all based on fraud and lies.
The use of alternative definitions of antisemitism impairs enforcement efforts
They lie about the definitions, and then claim that nobody has a right of free speech to argue against their fake definition.
Of course, they do.
discrimination based on actual or perceived shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics
Tell us the jews have control of Congress without telling us the jews have Control of Congress.
it is the policy of the United States
That means the federal government, not the States. Any State who upholds this unconstitutional garbage should be sued, and the individual government employees should be sued in their own personal names, because this would be coersion to prevent the right of free speech, which is a crime, and no government employee can have immunity from personal lawsuits if they engage in a crime as part of their "official duties."
Congress finds the following:
They list various things that are all based on fraud and lies.