LOL. We're all on something! That is unavoidavle for living organisms. Whether you call these things foods, or drugs, or supplements, vitamins, minerals or stimulants, or herbs, or chemicals or essentials... these are words. We artificially put things into categories when in reality the lines blur between these things. We can addict to anything and everything! Think symbiosis! It's how plants and really all organisms interpenetrate each other and intertwine into meshes of mutually supporting life networks. The key is finding maximally healthy balances with these interrelationships.
LOL. We're all on something! That is unavoidavle for living organisms. Whether you call these things foods, or drugs, or supplements, vitamins, minerals or stimulants, or herbs, or essentials... these are words. We artificially put things into categories when in reality the lines blur between these things. We can addict to anything and everything! Think symbiosis! It's how plants and really all organisms interpenetrate each other and intertwine into meshes of mutually supporting life networks. The key is finding maximally healthy balances with these interrelationships.