Been saying for years these companies, Microsoft, Facebook. AMAZON, TWITTER, maybe more are all given to these twits. They're not geniuses, they're gifted success and controlled for a purpose. Do people k ow the u.s. postal service gives amazon free shipping? Quite the advantage.
Been saying for years these companies, Microsoft, Facebook. AMAZON, TWITTER, maybe more are all given to these twits. They're not geniuses, they're lifted success and controlled for a purpose. Do people k ow the u.s. postal service gives amazon free shipping? Quite the advantage.
Been saying forebears these companies, Microsoft, Facebook. AMAZON, TWITTER, maybe more are all given to these twits. They're not geniuses, they're lifted success and controlled for a purpose. Do people k ow the u.s. postal service gives amazon free shipping? Quite the advantage.