It’s easier to consider it like church doctrine, writ very, very large.
The same way the Methodist church is currently promoting LGBTP wamen pastors of color, and the Episcopalian church is aiding and abetting an invasion, they’re both doing so based off doctrine, and not scripture.
Just like these church doctrines, there are parts of the Talmud that are not off-base - merely context and historic records, and there are other parts that are horrific.
All teachings must be weighed against scripture, which a lot of Talmudists, and increasingly, Christian denominations, do not do very regularly.
It’s easier to consider it like church doctrine, writ very, very large.
The same way the Methodist church is currently promoting LGBTP wamen pastors of color, and the Episcopalian church is aiding and abetting an invasion, they’re both doing so based off doctrine, and not scripture.
Just like these church doctrines, there are parts of the Talmud that are not off-base - merely context and historic records, and there are other parts that are horrific.
All teachings must be weighed against scripture, which a lot of Talmudists, and increasingly, Christian denominations, do very regularly.