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Reason: None provided.


It's a paradox.

The RINOs wanted MOAR war or at least, money to keep the status quo. And suddenly Biden appears reasonable to anti-war peeps, or not, whichever side of the isle you are on.

I akshully think it is someone else (military? diplomats? Soros?) putting the brakes on, due to some recent US military failures (against a bunch bandits with drones), and a clear lack of man-power, or an existential fear of utter failure and bank-collapse.

It appears now to the RINOs, that Biden suddenly got cold feet because of a fit of conscience (A senior moment? LOL easy to say). Perhaps the Biden cabinet guess that FJB can harness the anti-war movement, (also LOL). However, the RINOs now have grounds to say that Biden broke the deal that they had lobbied so hard for (My heart bleeds, they nearly developed a blister on their shiny arses). The difficulty was linking the Israel and Ukraine funding packages in the first place, because Biden only backed out of the Israel part. Also, it appears that the RINOs are pro-genocide to anti-war peeps (reason: because some deaths are more important than others - there are exponentially more Palestinian civilian deaths than Israeli ones). From another perspective, it appears that Biden loves Ukraine more that Israel, because his granparents were Ukrainian Jews. (Ref: Many people are finding stinky manure, everywhere - and the whole narrative is falling apart.

I agree on the 'plan' thesis: My theory at the moment, is that the ole' Left/Right or Communist'Capitalist paradigms are being slashed into ribbons. There is now: Hawks and Doves, and it goes across, not along party lines. This is causing a shake-up, if not, a revolution.

54 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.


It's a paradox.

The RINOs wanted MOAR war. And suddenly Biden appears reasonable, or not, whichever side of the isle you are on. I akshully think it is someone else (military? diplomats? Soros?) putting the brakes on, due to some recent US military failures (against a bunch bandits with drones), and a clear lack of man-power, or an existential fear of utter failure and bank-collapse.

It appears now that Biden suddenly got cold feet because of a fit of conscience (A senior moment? LOL easy to say). Perhaps the Biden cabinet guess that FJB can harness the anti-war movement, (also LOL). However, the RINOs now have grounds to say that Biden broke the deal that they had lobbied so hard for (My heart bleeds, they nearly developed a blister on their shiny arses). Also, it appears that the RINOs are pro-genocide to anti-war peeps, because some deaths are more important than others.

I agree on the 'plan' thesis: My theory at the moment, is that the ole' Left/Right or Communist'Capitalist paradigms are being slashed into ribbons. There is now: Hawks and Doves, and it goes across, not along party lines. This is causing a shake-up, if not, a revolution.

54 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original


It's a paradox.

54 days ago
1 score