no. do not conflate 2nd and 1st combinig.
" A shocking new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine reveals that when pregnant women receive covid vaccines during their first or second trimester they suffer an 82% miscarriage rate, killing 4 out of 5 unborn babies."
Even 13.9% "all trimesters" would be higher in that paper I linked if they aggressively hunted down first trimester events.
Regardless... Live births of Whites are now 8% sudden annual drop. Fertility was impacted.
= = = =
800% higher self aborts in FIRST TRIMESTER, proven.
And also third trimester dead increased some too!:
= = = =
13 Stillborn Deaths In 24 Hours – Rally@Lions Gate Hospital
November 11th 1:00 – 3:00 Lions Gate Hospital Emergency Entrance, North Vancouver
Rally with Dr. Mel Bruchet and Dr. Daniel Nagase. They spoke to the RCMP, and then headed over to the emergency entrance. The Doctor will appreciate our support in standing with him to raise the awareness of the dangers of this experimental injection.
On average they would see 1 stillborn death a month. 3 dulas have reported that there were 13 stillborn deaths in a 24 hour period of women who had taken the experimental injection. The media is not reporting this. Big pharma looks after the media and the media is silent.
= = = =
21 babies under four weeks old died in September , double the normal death rate!!
no. do not conflate 2nd and 1st combinig.
" A shocking new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine reveals that when pregnant women receive covid vaccines during their first or second trimester they suffer an 82% miscarriage rate, killing 4 out of 5 unborn babies."
Even 13.9% "all trimesters" would be higher in that paper I linked if they aggressively hunted down first trimester events.
Regardless... Live births of Whites are now 8% sudden annual drop. Fertility was impacted.