No. You don't get to assert i can trust Russell Brand.
He's in the media, he's automatically untrustworthy and has a steeper hill to climb to earn trust than joe schmoe down the road, or pepe anon on this board.
He sure acts like he's on the wave of the great awakening, but only God knows his heart. We have to watch he does and says, as we be careful who we follow.
The possibility still exists that he could trying to seize on familiarity, be a controlled talking head for the great awakening, steering or lulling us back to listening to a talking head. But the great awakening means we are the news now - and we're done with talking heads. Show us by your woks.
No. You don't get to assert i can trust Russell Brand.
He's in the media, he's automatically untrustworthy and has a steeper hill to climb to earn trust than joe schmoe down the road, or pepe anon on this board.
He sure acts like he's on the wave of the great awakening, but only God knows his heart. We have to watch he does and says, as we be careful who we follow.
The possibility still exists that he could trying to seize on familiarity, be a controlled talking head for the great awakening, steering or lulling us back to listening to a talking head. But the great awakening means we are the news now - and we're done with talking heads.
No. You don't get to assert i can trust Russell Brand.
He's in the media, he's automatically untrustworthy and has a steeper hill to climb to earn trust than joe schmoe down the road, or pepe anon on this board.
He sure acts like he's on the wave of the great awakening, but only God knows his heart. We have to watch he does and says, as we be careful who we follow.
The possibility still exists that he could trying to seize on familiarity, be a controlled talking head for the great awakening, steer it or lull us back to listening to a talking head. But the great awakening means we are the news now - and we're done with talking heads.
No. You don't get to assert i can trust Russell Brand.
He's in the media, he's automatically untrustworthy and has a steeper hill to climb to earn trust than joe schmoe down the road, or pepe anon on this board.