Largest untapped gold deposit in US (maybe world) is likely in Yellowstone volcano caldera. Why do you think they called it “Yellowstone”? Right in our faces. Magma brings gold/silver up near surface where it can be mined.
Probable locations of large US gold deposits in order of probability:
Yellowstone NP
All Alaska Nat’l Parks & Wildlife Preserves
Grand Canyon NP
Yosemite NP
Mt. Zion NP, and other Western NPs
Under Lake Mead (Hoover Dam) and similar reservoirs; and under “Fed Lands”, esp. in Nevada.
Under Native American “reservations”. What is being “reserved”? Why does Dept of Interior prevent drilling and mining in most cases?
In seawater via molecular extraction/reassembly.
Largest untapped gold deposit in world is likely in Yellowstone volcano caldera. Why do you think they called it “Yellowstone”? Right in our faces. Magma brings gold/silver up near surface where it can be mined.
Probable locations of large gold deposits in order of probability:
Yellowstone NP
All Alaska Nat’l Parks & Wildlife Preserves
Grand Canyon NP
Yosemite NP
Mt. Zion NP, and other Western NPs
Under Lake Mead (Hoover Dam) and similar reservoirs; and under “Fed Lands”, esp. in Nevada.
Under Native American “reservations”. What is being “reserved”? Why does Dept of Interior prevent drilling and mining in most cases?
In seawater via molecular extraction/reassembly.
Largest untapped gold deposit in world is likely in Yellowstone volcano caldera. Why do you think they called it “Yellowstone”? Right in our faces. Magma brings gold/silver up near surface where it can be mined.
Probable locations of large gold deposits in order of probability:
Yellowstone NP
All Alaska Nat’l Parks & Wildlife Preserves
Grand Canyon NP
Yosemite NP
Mt. Zion NP, and other Western NPs
Under Lake Mead (Hoover Dam) and similar reservoirs
Under Native American “reservations”. What is being “reserved”? Why does Dept of Interior prevent drilling and mining in most cases?
In seawater via molecular extraction/reassembly.