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Reason: None provided.

Great City = Harlot = Jerusalem

Slight issue with this, 17:5 states that the woman is "the MOTHER of harlots and abominations of the earth", so this would be the "source-harlot", the one who harlot Jerusalem was BORN through. (aka the one through which the harlotry originated). We can agree that the usage of the word harlet is to refer to a people following other peoples' ways instead of their God's ways, yes? That is the essence of Babylon. They are just one giant slop-trough of customs, yes? So was Rome. There's another common denominator here and that is the compulsory worship of a political / religious leader. This can be seen in Caesar as well as the Popes, and no doubt was the case with Nimrod. In the OT Babylon was the first organized, political and religious power. (tower of Babel) so it makes sense to me that this was the originating source from which Jerusalem got it's "harlot ways" from, as well as all the other nations. Of course Jerusalem would have picked up these ways from many places other than Babylon, but Babylon was where those nations got them from aswell, going back to the tower before God split them all up when confusing the tonges. It all begun in Babylon and will end in Babylon with her destruction. I conclude that Rome was and is the culmunation of Babylon, thus "Babylon the Great", bringing in all aspects of every "Babylonian Mystery Religion" including sun worship, mother worship, idol worship, talking to the dead, bowing to a man (aka submitting to his authority in religion above the Spirit of God), taking your doctrines from man instead of God, human sacrifice, polytheism* (now replaced with "saint worship") etc. (I am not excluding the Jews and other tribes of Israel from their abominations, only saying that these practices did not originate with them, they were adopted by them, from other nations, from Babel).

Furthermore the city of Jerusalem, when compared to Rome, was not "great", while Rome was most certainly great, as was Babylon. Further still the Papacy and Rome have "ruled over the kings of the earth" for the longest successive period in history, and Israel / Jerusalem most certainly have not. If anything they have been one of the most ruled OVER nations in history.

Indeed God likened Jerusalem to a harlot who betrayed her covenant with Him by engaging in spiritual adultery with other nations. The metaphor of a harlot symbolizes Jerusalem's unfaithfulness and her pursuit of idolatry and immorality. However if these gentile nations had been acting in accord with God's will, being "laws unto themselves" as Paul wrote, then Jerusalem would not have been chastened for adopting their ways as they would be acceptable ways to God. The only reason it was an issue is because the ways they adopted were against God, and I claim these ways originated in Babel, continued through Babylon & Chaldea and culminated in Rome, aka Babylon the Great, who committed the worst offenses against the Saints of God in all of human history, up until the 1800s when they were inflicted with the deadly would, healed, and, I will admit, I haven't gotten much farther than this. It's a lot to digest especially when I also have to vomit years of preterism, futurism, and other oddities.

It's a bit tricky to follow due to a couple of page-scan errors but I found a PDF from 1899 which clearly lays out the prophecy's fulfillment. I would attempt to write this in summation but feel that the author did it so well that I'd probably make a mess of it. I have not read anything else in this PDF nor any other work by the author, but will probably do so.


p. 49 - p. 64 are the relevent bits if you would like to take a look but needless to say I am not convinced by your arguement. I agree that Jerusalem was likened to an harlot but it is more accurately said that they "played" the harlot, meaning that this was not their original essence, rather something they adopted later. The OG harlet is Babylon, the "mother". And that mother is now called "Rome".


  1. Isaiah 1:21: "How the faithful city has become a whore, she who was full of justice! Righteousness lodged in her, but now murderers."
  2. Hosea 9:1: "Do not rejoice, Israel; do not be jubilant like the other nations. For you have been unfaithful (as opposed to a time when they were) to your God; you love the wages of a prostitute at every threshing floor."
  3. Jeremiah 3:3: "Therefore the showers have been withheld, and the spring rain has not come; yet you have the forehead of a whore; you refuse to be ashamed." <- pride despite her fall from righteousness, a facial state of arrogance, puffed up thinking she's justified
  4. Jeremiah 2:20: "Long ago you broke off your yoke and tore off your bonds; (used to have a yoke and bonds) you said, ‘I will not serve you!’ Indeed, on every high hill and under every spreading tree you lay down as a prostitute."
  5. Jeremiah 3:1-11: This passage depicts God's relationship with Israel as a marriage covenant, with Israel depicted as an unfaithful wife who has turned (as opposed to a time she was turned to God) to other gods and nations for security and provision. The imagery includes descriptions of adultery and prostitution to convey Israel's spiritual unfaithfulness.

Every passage except the one about her obstinance alludes to a period of: once clean, then made unclean. The tower of babel, I contend, was unclean from the beginning and is the source of the uncleanliness which Israel / Jerusalem soiled herself with. This is the key and the reason for the name "Mother of harlots". The mother is the place from which the children are brought forth from. Israel and Jerusalem are not said to be the source of these abominable practices. Other nations are. Where did they get them? Babel. And so Babel/Babelon/Babylon the Great, Rome, Papacy, Vatican, all the same. Now she has many children and gets others drunk with her doctrines, creeping in unawares. And this explains all the confusion surrounding the Apocalypse. Babylon defined. "Gate of the gods (many)", "confusion"

Babel, Babylon

From balal; confusion; Babel (i.e. Babylon), including Babylonia and the Babylonian empire -- Babel, Babylon.

see HEBREW balal

*initially mistakenly wrote 'polygamy' instead of polytheism

132 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Great City = Harlot = Jerusalem

Slight issue with this, 17:5 states that the woman is "the MOTHER of harlots and abominations of the earth", so this would be the "source-harlot", the one who harlot Jerusalem was BORN through. (aka the one through which the harlotry originated). We can agree that the usage of the word harlet is to refer to a people following other peoples' ways instead of their God's ways, yes? That is the essence of Babylon. They are just one giant slop-trough of customs, yes? So was Rome. There's another common denominator here and that is the compulsory worship of a political / religious leader. This can be seen in Caesar as well as the Popes, and no doubt was the case with Nimrod. In the OT Babylon was the first organized, political and religious power. (tower of Babel) so it makes sense to me that this was the originating source from which Jerusalem got it's "harlot ways" from, as well as all the other nations. Of course Jerusalem would have picked up these ways from many places other than Babylon, but Babylon was where those nations got them from aswell, going back to the tower before God split them all up when confusing the tonges. It all begun in Babylon and will end in Babylon with her destruction. I conclude that Rome was and is the culmunation of Babylon, thus "Babylon the Great", bringing in all aspects of every "Babylonian Mystery Religion" including sun worship, mother worship, idol worship, talking to the dead, bowing to a man (aka submitting to his authority in religion above the Spirit of God), taking your doctrines from man instead of God, human sacrifice, polygamy (now replaced with "saint worship") etc. (I am not excluding the Jews and other tribes of Israel from their abominations, only saying that these practices did not originate with them, they were adopted by them, from other nations, from Babel).

Furthermore the city of Jerusalem, when compared to Rome, was not "great", while Rome was most certainly great, as was Babylon. Further still the Papacy and Rome have "ruled over the kings of the earth" for the longest successive period in history, and Israel / Jerusalem most certainly have not. If anything they have been one of the most ruled OVER nations in history.

Indeed God likened Jerusalem to a harlot who betrayed her covenant with Him by engaging in spiritual adultery with other nations. The metaphor of a harlot symbolizes Jerusalem's unfaithfulness and her pursuit of idolatry and immorality. However if these gentile nations had been acting in accord with God's will, being "laws unto themselves" as Paul wrote, then Jerusalem would not have been chastened for adopting their ways as they would be acceptable ways to God. The only reason it was an issue is because the ways they adopted were against God, and I claim these ways originated in Babel, continued through Babylon & Chaldea and culminated in Rome, aka Babylon the Great, who committed the worst offenses against the Saints of God in all of human history, up until the 1800s when they were inflicted with the deadly would, healed, and, I will admit, I haven't gotten much farther than this. It's a lot to digest especially when I also have to vomit years of preterism, futurism, and other oddities.

It's a bit tricky to follow due to a couple of page-scan errors but I found a PDF from 1899 which clearly lays out the prophecy's fulfillment. I would attempt to write this in summation but feel that the author did it so well that I'd probably make a mess of it. I have not read anything else in this PDF nor any other work by the author, but will probably do so.


p. 49 - p. 64 are the relevent bits if you would like to take a look but needless to say I am not convinced by your arguement. I agree that Jerusalem was likened to an harlot but it is more accurately said that they "played" the harlot, meaning that this was not their original essence, rather something they adopted later. The OG harlet is Babylon, the "mother". And that mother is now called "Rome".


  1. Isaiah 1:21: "How the faithful city has become a whore, she who was full of justice! Righteousness lodged in her, but now murderers."
  2. Hosea 9:1: "Do not rejoice, Israel; do not be jubilant like the other nations. For you have been unfaithful (as opposed to a time when they were) to your God; you love the wages of a prostitute at every threshing floor."
  3. Jeremiah 3:3: "Therefore the showers have been withheld, and the spring rain has not come; yet you have the forehead of a whore; you refuse to be ashamed." <- pride despite her fall from righteousness, a facial state of arrogance, puffed up thinking she's justified
  4. Jeremiah 2:20: "Long ago you broke off your yoke and tore off your bonds; (used to have a yoke and bonds) you said, ‘I will not serve you!’ Indeed, on every high hill and under every spreading tree you lay down as a prostitute."
  5. Jeremiah 3:1-11: This passage depicts God's relationship with Israel as a marriage covenant, with Israel depicted as an unfaithful wife who has turned (as opposed to a time she was turned to God) to other gods and nations for security and provision. The imagery includes descriptions of adultery and prostitution to convey Israel's spiritual unfaithfulness.

Every passage except the one about her obstinance alludes to a period of: once clean, then made unclean. The tower of babel, I contend, was unclean from the beginning and is the source of the uncleanliness which Israel / Jerusalem soiled herself with. This is the key and the reason for the name "Mother of harlots". The mother is the place from which the children are brought forth from. Israel and Jerusalem are not said to be the source of these abominable practices. Other nations are. Where did they get them? Babel. And so Babel/Babelon/Babylon the Great, Rome, Papacy, Vatican, all the same. Now she has many children and gets others drunk with her doctrines, creeping in unawares. And this explains all the confusion surrounding the Apocalypse. Babylon defined. "Gate of the gods (many)", "confusion"

Babel, Babylon

From balal; confusion; Babel (i.e. Babylon), including Babylonia and the Babylonian empire -- Babel, Babylon.

see HEBREW balal

132 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Great City = Harlot = Jerusalem

Slight issue with this, 17:5 states that the woman is "the MOTHER of harlots and abominations of the earth", so this would be the "source-harlot", the one who harlot Jerusalem was BORN through. (aka the one through which the harlotry originated). We can agree that the usage of the word harlet is to refer to a people following other peoples' ways instead of their God's ways, yes? That is the essence of Babylon. They are just one giant slop-trough of customs, yes? So was Rome. There's another common denominator here and that is the compulsory worship of a political / religious leader. This can be seen in Caesar as well as the Popes, and no doubt was the case with Nimrod. In the OT Babylon was the first organized, political and religious power. (tower of Babel) so it makes sense to me that this was the originating source from which Jerusalem got it's "harlot ways" from, as well as all the other nations. Of course Jerusalem would have picked up these ways from many places other than Babylon, but Babylon was where those nations got them from aswell, going back to the tower before God split them all up when confusing the tonges. It all begun in Babylon and will end in Babylon with her destruction. I conclude that Rome was and is the culmunation of Babylon, thus "Babylon the Great", bringing in all aspects of every "Babylonian Mystery Religion" including sun worship, mother worship, idol worship, talking to the dead, bowing to a man (aka submitting to his authority in religion above the Spirit of God), taking your doctrines from man instead of God, human sacrifice, polygamy (now replaced with "saint worship") etc. (I am not excluding the Jews and other tribes of Israel from their abominations, only saying that these practices did not originate with them, they were adopted by them, from other nations, from Babel).

Furthermore the city of Jerusalem, when compared to Rome, was not "great", while Rome was most certainly great, as was Babylon. Further still the Papacy and Rome have "ruled over the kings of the earth" for the longest successive period in history, and Israel / Jerusalem most certainly have not. If anything they have been one of the most ruled OVER nations in history.

Indeed God likened Jerusalem to a harlot who betrayed her covenant with Him by engaging in spiritual adultery with other nations. The metaphor of a harlot symbolizes Jerusalem's unfaithfulness and her pursuit of idolatry and immorality. However if these gentile nations had been acting in accord with God's will, being "laws unto themselves" as Paul wrote, then Jerusalem would not have been chastened for adopting their ways as they would be acceptable ways to God. The only reason it was an issue is because the ways they adopted were against God, and I claim these ways originated in Babel, continued through Babylon & Chaldea and culminated in Rome, aka Babylon the Great, who committed the worst offenses against the Saints of God in all of human history, up until the 1800s when they were inflicted with the deadly would, healed, and, I will admit, I haven't gotten much farther than this. It's a lot to digest especially when I also have to vomit years of preterism, futurism, and other oddities.

It's a bit tricky to follow due to a couple of page-scan errors but I found a PDF from 1899 which clearly lays out the prophecy's fulfillment. I would attempt to write this in summation but feel that the author did it so well that I'd probably make a mess of it. I have not read anything else in this PDF nor any other work by the author, but will probably do so.


p. 49 - p. 64 are the relevent bits if you would like to take a look but needless to say I am not convinced by your arguement. I agree that Jerusalem was likened to an harlot but it is more accurately said that they "played" the harlot, meaning that this was not their original essence, rather something they adopted later. The OG harlet is Babylon, the "mother". And that mother is now called "Rome".


  1. Isaiah 1:21: "How the faithful city has become a whore, she who was full of justice! Righteousness lodged in her, but now murderers."
  2. Hosea 9:1: "Do not rejoice, Israel; do not be jubilant like the other nations. For you have been unfaithful (as opposed to a time when they were) to your God; you love the wages of a prostitute at every threshing floor."
  3. Jeremiah 3:3: "Therefore the showers have been withheld, and the spring rain has not come; yet you have the forehead of a whore; you refuse to be ashamed." <- pride despite her fall from righteousness, a facial state of arrogance, puffed up thinking she's justified
  4. Jeremiah 2:20: "Long ago you broke off your yoke and tore off your bonds; (used to have a yoke and bonds) you said, ‘I will not serve you!’ Indeed, on every high hill and under every spreading tree you lay down as a prostitute."
  5. Jeremiah 3:1-11: This passage depicts God's relationship with Israel as a marriage covenant, with Israel depicted as an unfaithful wife who has turned (as opposed to a time she was turned to God) to other gods and nations for security and provision. The imagery includes descriptions of adultery and prostitution to convey Israel's spiritual unfaithfulness.

Every passage except the one about her obstinance alludes to a period of: once clean, then made unclean. The tower of babel, I contend, was unclean from the beginning and is the source of the uncleanliness which Israel / Jerusalem soiled herself with. This is the key and the reason for the name "Mother of harlots". The mother is the place from which the children are brought forth from. Israel and Jerusalem are not said to be the source of these abominable practices. Other nations are. Where did they get them? Babel. And so Babel/Babelon/Babylon the Great, Rome, Papacy, Vatican, all the same. Now she has many children and gets others drunk with her doctrines, creeping in unawares. And this explains all the confusion surrounding the Apocalypse. Babylon defined. "Gate of the gods (many)" "confusion"

132 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

Great City = Harlot = Jerusalem

Slight issue with this, 17:5 states that the woman is "the MOTHER of harlots and abominations of the earth", so this would be the "source-harlot", the one who harlot Jerusalem was BORN through. (aka the one through which the harlotry originated). We can agree that the usage of the word harlet is to refer to a people following other peoples' ways instead of their God's ways, yes? That is the essence of Babylon. They are just one giant slop-trough of customs, yes? So was Rome. There's another common denominator here and that is the compulsory worship of a political / religious leader. This can be seen in Caesar as well as the Popes, and no doubt was the case with Nimrod. In the OT Babylon was the first organized, political and religious power. (tower of Babel) so it makes sense to me that this was the originating source from which Jerusalem got it's "harlot ways" from, as well as all the other nations. Of course Jerusalem would have picked up these ways from many places other than Babylon, but Babylon was where those nations got them from aswell, going back to the tower before God split them all up when confusing the tonges. It all begun in Babylon and will end in Babylon with her destruction. I conclude that Rome was and is the culmunation of Babylon, thus "Babylon the Great", bringing in all aspects of every "Babylonian Mystery Religion" including sun worship, mother worship, idol worship, talking to the dead, bowing to a man (aka submitting to his authority in religion above the Spirit of God), taking your doctrines from man instead of God, human sacrifice, etc. (I am not excluding the Jews and other tribes of Israel from their abominations, only saying that these practices did not originate with them, they were adopted by them, from other nations, from Babel).

Furthermore the city of Jerusalem, when compared to Rome, was not "great", while Rome was most certainly great, as was Babylon. Further still the Papacy and Rome have "ruled over the kings of the earth" for the longest successive period in history, and Israel / Jerusalem most certainly have not. If anything they have been one of the most ruled OVER nations in history.

Indeed God likened Jerusalem to a harlot who betrayed her covenant with Him by engaging in spiritual adultery with other nations. The metaphor of a harlot symbolizes Jerusalem's unfaithfulness and her pursuit of idolatry and immorality. However if these gentile nations had been acting in accord with God's will, being "laws unto themselves" as Paul wrote, then Jerusalem would not have been chastened for adopting their ways as they would be acceptable ways to God. The only reason it was an issue is because the ways they adopted were against God, and I claim these ways originated in Babel, continued through Babylon & Chaldea and culminated in Rome, aka Babylon the Great, who committed the worst offenses against the Saints of God in all of human history, up until the 1800s when they were inflicted with the deadly would, healed, and, I will admit, I haven't gotten much farther than this. It's a lot to digest especially when I also have to vomit years of preterism, futurism, and other oddities.

It's a bit tricky to follow due to a couple of page-scan errors but I found a PDF from 1899 which clearly lays out the prophecy's fulfillment. I would attempt to write this in summation but feel that the author did it so well that I'd probably make a mess of it. I have not read anything else in this PDF nor any other work by the author, but will probably do so.


p. 49 - p. 64 are the relevent bits if you would like to take a look but needless to say I am not convinced by your arguement. I agree that Jerusalem was likened to an harlot but it is more accurately said that they "played" the harlot, meaning that this was not their original essence, rather something they adopted later. The OG harlet is Babylon, the "mother". And that mother is now called "Rome".


  1. Isaiah 1:21: "How the faithful city has become a whore, she who was full of justice! Righteousness lodged in her, but now murderers."
  2. Hosea 9:1: "Do not rejoice, Israel; do not be jubilant like the other nations. For you have been unfaithful (as opposed to a time when they were) to your God; you love the wages of a prostitute at every threshing floor."
  3. Jeremiah 3:3: "Therefore the showers have been withheld, and the spring rain has not come; yet you have the forehead of a whore; you refuse to be ashamed." <- pride despite her fall from righteousness, a facial state of arrogance, puffed up thinking she's justified
  4. Jeremiah 2:20: "Long ago you broke off your yoke and tore off your bonds; (used to have a yoke and bonds) you said, ‘I will not serve you!’ Indeed, on every high hill and under every spreading tree you lay down as a prostitute."
  5. Jeremiah 3:1-11: This passage depicts God's relationship with Israel as a marriage covenant, with Israel depicted as an unfaithful wife who has turned (as opposed to a time she was turned to God) to other gods and nations for security and provision. The imagery includes descriptions of adultery and prostitution to convey Israel's spiritual unfaithfulness.

Every passage except the one about her obstinance alludes to a period of: once clean, then made unclean. The tower of babel, I contend, was unclean from the beginning and is the source of the uncleanliness which Israel / Jerusalem soiled herself with. This is the key and the reason for the name "Mother of harlots". The mother is the place from which the children are brought forth from. Israel and Jerusalem are not said to be the source of these abominable practices. Other nations are. Where did they get them? Babel. And so Babel/Babelon/Babylon the Great, Rome, Papacy, Vatican, all the same. Now she has many children and gets others drunk with her doctrines, creeping in unawares. And this explains all the confusion surrounding the Apocalypse. Babylon defined.

132 days ago
1 score