Something happened on July 14, 1985 when George HW Bush Sr. did a “soft coup” with CIA help and made himself some sort of “Chairman of the Corp with CIC-like authority” via Continuity of Gov’t (COG).
He or the person/entity in possession of his identity (see 1992 Japan incident) appears to have held this authority until Jan 17/18 of 2017 (his arrest with “hospitalization” as cover) when it transferred back to military and then to Trump/CIC/Chairman on Jan 20, 2017.
Something happened on July 14, 1985 when George HW Bush Sr. did a “soft coup” with CIA help and made himself some sort of “Chairman of the Corp with CIC-like authority” via Continuity of Gov’t (COG).
He or the person in possession of his identity (see 1992 Japan incident) appears to have held this authority until Jan 17/18 of 2017 (his arrest with “hospitalization” as cover) when it transferred back to military and then to Trump/CIC/Chairman on Jan 20, 2017.