Also the issue of being able to find a good woman to have kids with - as a young man, you have a better chance of getting struck by lightning 7 times in a row.
Every contemporary western woman is deranged and likely lost. One would be a fool to enter the viper’s nest at this point. And I say this as a single, 34-year-old man.
I’m so fucked. So are millions of other men.
Also the issue that being able to find a good woman to have kids with, as a young man - you have a better chance of getting struck by lightning 7 times in a row.
Every contemporary western woman is deranged and likely lost. One would be a fool to enter the viper’s nest at this point. And I say this as a single, 34-year-old man.
I’m so fucked. So are millions of other men.
Also the issue that being able to find a good woman to have kids with, as a young man - you have a better chance of getting struck by lightning 7 times in a row.
Every contemporary western woman is deranged and likely lost. One would be a fool to enter the viper’s nest at this point. And I say this as a single, 34-year old man.
I’m so fucked. So are millions of other men.