I really wonder how many people have actually read the bible front to back. Its mostly repetitive drivel. Seriously, its the OG mkultra. Psalms are the OG media industry music. You are reading the first big corporations lord of the rings books. I can recognize manipulation, the q drops have helped me do this. Is very obvious in retrospect.
Life is a tree, producing fruits on a cyclic nature for you to consume, the bible is but an already harvested apple speckled with rot, we can try to convince others that the good parts are still good, but it is better to consume fresh fruit, which is essentially your living word of god, not ancient polticial control movitivated interpretations of the word of god. Dont be at the concert focusing on your phone which is just recording a blemished degraded video of the actual concert you are at. Instead -be- at the concert and enjoy it for what it is.
I really wonder how many people have actually read the bible front to back. Its mostly repetitive drivel. Seriously, its the OG mkultra. Psalms are the OG media industry music. You are reading the first big corporations lord of the rings books. I can recognize manipulation, the q drops have helped me do this. Is very obvious in retrospect.
Life is a tree, producing fruits on a cyclic nature for you to consume, the bible is but an already harvested apple speckled with rot, we can try to convince others that the good parts are still good, but it is better to consume fresh fruit, which is essentially your living word of god, not ancient polticial control movitivated interpretations of the word of god. Dont be at the concert focusing your phone which is just recording a blemished video of the actual concert you are at. Instead -be- at the concert and enjoy it for what it is.
I really wonder how many people have actually read the bible front to back. Its mostly repetitive drivel. Seriously, its the OG mkultra. Psalms are the OG media industry music. You are reading the first big corporations lord of the rings books. I can recognize manipulation, the q drops have helped me do this. Is very obvious in retrospect.