Line 12: The word "and" must be replaced with "or"
Or else loophole
"Well, it isn't a mandate by ALL THREE, so the mandate stands!!!"
I'm not a lawyer, but this is exactly what they do
Line 12: "and" should be replaced with "or"
Or else loophole
"Well, it isn't a mandate by ALL THREE, so the mandate stands!!!"
I'm not a lawyer, but this is exactly what they do
Line 12: "and" should be replaced with "or"
Or else loophole
"Well, it isn't a mandate by ALL THREE, so the mandate stands!!!"
I'm not a lawyer, but this is exactly what they do to fuck things up
Line 12: "and" should be replaced with "or"
Or else loophole
"Well, it isn't a mandate by ALL THREE, so the mandate stands!!!"
I'm not a lawyer, but this is exactly what they do
Line 12: "and" should be replaced with "or"
Or else loophole
"Well, it isn't a mandate by ALL THREE, so the mandate stands!!!"
I'm not a lawyer, but this is exactly what they do and why everything is as fucked up as it is
Line 12, "and" should be replaced with "or"
Or else loophole
"Well, it wasn't a mandate by ALL THREE, so the mandate stands!!!"
I'm not a lawyer, but this is exactly what they do and why everything is as fucked up as it is