They have many similarities (using different terms) but the biggest difference is LA uses Napoleonic law. It’s the only state that does. Texas has the ability to succeed and has even set up its own power grid. That being said….
The current Governor was elected and he was the AG during Covid. He was at the forefront of the fight against mandates, forced injections etc. I believe he’s won every case.
Now that he’s governor, he has been literally taking LA back for the people.
Half of NOPD’s force left when they saw the writing on the wall during BLM. Once he became governor, he has been sending state troopers in to clean up the mess the mayor has made (New Orleans is a C40 city).
He passed the WHO/WEF ban
He’s fighting the EPA for the fishermen, oyster and crawfish farmers.
He’s fighting climate change for the huge amount of people who work in oil and gas.
He’s fighting the school systems for the kids.
He’s called for a constitutional convention to rewrite dated laws rather than trying to piecemeal through amendments.
There hasn’t been a whole lot of controversy around him even though I believe he has done more than any single individual since Covid started. Either he is concerned about what’s coming down the line and is getting the state ready or he’s in on the plan.
With all that being said, I find the timing and choice of Mike Johnson a constitutional attorney to be right in line with the plan. Even if it’s against popular opinion.
They have many similarities (using different terms) but the biggest difference is LA uses Napoleonic law. It’s the only state that does. Texas has the ability to succeed and has even set up its own power grid. That being said….
The current Governor was elected and he was the AG during Covid. He was at the forefront of the fight against mandates, forced injections etc. I believe he’s won every case.
Now that he’s governor, he has been literally taking LA back for the people.
Half of NOPD’s force left when they saw the writing on the wall during BLM. Once he became governor, he has been sending state troopers in to clean up the mess the mayor has made (New Orleans is a C40 city).
He passed the WHO/WEF ban
He’s fighting the EPA for the fishermen, oyster and crawfish farmers.
He’s fighting climate change for the huge amount of people who work in oil and gas.
He’s fighting the school systems for the kids.
There hasn’t been a whole lot of controversy around him even though I believe he has done more than any single individual since Covid started. With all that being said, I find the timing and choice of Mike Johnson a constitutional attorney to be right in line with the plan. Even if it’s against popular opinion.