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Reason: typos

Why do they want to be mad? What locked them into their view point? What are they actually trying to fight against? What’s driving them? I never figured out how to get through this wall.”

Good questions. They are usually driven by spiteful envy, emotional insecurity, and feelings of inadequacy, as well as being possibly unconsciously motivated by antiChristian demons.

American Christians have been the most charitable group per capita in world history, as well as having done the most to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world. These facts send satan into a rage. This great nation was founded by white men, and its economic system which allowed for such charity was contributed to by hundreds of years’ worth of white generations. For most of the USA’s history, nonwhites were less than 15% of its population, and their philosophical, intellectual, technological, and economic contributions were even less representative. Of course, many nonwhites have led positive lives and have been counted among good Americans, however, people who consciously or not realize that they didn’t have much of a part in the greatness, and who lack the strength of character to improve themselves so they can join in productively, make themselves vulnerable to demonic, antiChristian urges to destroy it. When they see that most of the Americans who are smarter, more capable, and more civilized are white men, they want to attack their betters, preferably indirectly. They don’t want a head-on confrontation where they’ll risk pain. Notice how they made terroristic threats to attack white people in their rural homes but never got around to doing it. Instead, the envious ones attacked the white man’s economy, institutions, and law & order. They used flimsy excuses and called their spite justice. Whenever their excuses were debunked, they ignored the facts.

Anti-whiteness is a form of antiChristianity. Jesus lived in Asia within walking distance of Africa, but since his time those regions have been predominantly pagan/ demonic then islamic, or jewish under Egyptian and Babylonian demonic influence. Christianity found its people hundreds and thousands of miles away in Europe, where the native populations had been bred for empathy which made them instantly amenable to Jesus’ Golden Rule. For example, within St Patrick’s lifetime, most of the people in Ireland were converted to Christianity. This is one of the reasons that the satanic globalists are now so obsessed with replacing the native Irish via irrational immigration. The globalists also want to replace American Christians with practitioners of islam, voodoo, santeria, hinduism, etc.

The situation is slightly more complex when the destructive people are white, but the explanations aren’t difficult to understand. The females also harbor envy and feelings of inadequacy, but they aim their spite along the line of sex rather than race. The white male antifa vandals have often been bought or they’re just insane. There are also cowards who realize that whites are a global minority, so the cowards act sycophantic to nonwhites in hopes of getting a pass, but will suffer the same fate as the other useful idiots.

To get through the wall of spiteful envy, you could pray that they change their hearts and focus their energies on improving themselves instead of destroying nations. You can also call them out like what we’re doing here. If those peaceful efforts fail, be prepared to defend yourself, your nation, and your Christian legacy.

287 days ago
2 score
Reason: Original

Why do they want to be mad? What locked them into their view point? What are they actually trying to fight against? What’s driving them? I never figured out how to get through this wall.”

Good questions. They are usually driven by spiteful envy, emotional insecurity, and feelings of inadequacy, as well as being possibly unconsciously motivated by antiChristian demons.

American Christians have been the most charitable group per capita in world history, as well as having done the most to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world. These facts send Satan into a rage. This great nation was founded by white men, and its economic system which allowed for such charity was contributed to by hundreds of years’ worth of white generations. For most of the USA’s history, nonwhites were less than 15% of its population, and their philosophical, intellectual, technological, and economic contributions were even less representative. Of course, many nonwhites have led positive lives and have been counted among good Americans, however, people who consciously or not realize that they didn’t have much of a part in the greatness, and who lack the strength of character to improve themselves so they can join in productively, make themselves vulnerable to demonic, antiChristian urges to destroy it. When they see that most of the Americans who are smarter, more capable, and more civilized are white men, they want to attack their betters, preferably indirectly. They don’t want a head-on confrontation where they’ll risk pain. Notice how they made terrorist threats to attack white people in their rural homes but never got around to doing it. Instead, the envious ones attacked the white man’s economy, institutions, and law & order. They used flimsy excuses and called their spite justice. Whenever their excuse was debunked, they ignored the facts.

Anti-whiteness is a form of antiChristianity. Jesus lived in Asia within walking distance of Africa, but since his time those regions have been predominantly pagan/ demonic then islamic, or jewish under Egyptian and Babylonian demonic influence. Christianity found its people hundreds and thousands of miles away in Europe, where the native populations had been bred for empathy which made them instantly amenable to Jesus’ Golden Rule. For example, within St Patrick’s lifetime, most of the people in Ireland were converted to Christianity. This is one of the reasons that the satanic globalists are now so obsessed with replacing the native Irish via irrational immigration. The globalists also want to replace American Christians with practitioners of islam, voodoo, santeria, hinduism, etc.

The situation is slightly more complex when the destructive people are white, but the explanations aren’t difficult to understand. The females also harbor envy and feelings of inadequacy, but they aim their spite along the line of sex rather than race. The white male antifa vandals have often been bought or they’re just insane. There are also cowards who realize that whites are a global minority, so the cowards act sycophantic to nonwhites in hopes of getting a pass, but will suffer the same fate as the other useful idiots.

To get through the wall of spiteful envy, you could pray that they change their hearts and focus their energies on improving themselves instead of destroying nations. You can also call them out like what we’re doing here. If those peaceful efforts fail, be prepared to defend yourself, your nation, and your Christian legacy.

287 days ago
1 score