While true, without the context that the Nazi party either got hijacked, was always intended to be very bad, got completely misrepresented in history books, or all of those, it’s not a great idea to present this.
I’ve pointed out that one reason the German people supported the Nazis was because of this, and people will say, “makes sense!” but if you jump to defending Nazis they’ll equate it with MAGA.
Pointing out that Germany was conquered by Prussia 40 years prior to WWI, all the German generals in BOTH wars were Prussian, and the king of prussia liked to diddle children, was a raving homosexual groomer, and named his palace “the little dangling comma” and they had a fascination with “pickles” and gross sexual degeneracy, and talked about creating an “Aryan” (or “Iranian”) super race rather than a “German” super race helps put the situation that the German people were in more into place (ruled by foreigners).
Prior to all that, the Germans had just been humble farmers…
Does anyone know if there are any links between Prussia and Iran other than the war helmets being identical and “Prussia” sounding an awful lot like “Persia”? It’s downstream on the Dnieper River from Kyiv.
What’s this in the eagles right claw? Is that a symbol for the pope? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Preu%C3%9Fischer_Adler.svg was this from claiming to be the Holy Roman Emperor?
While true, without the context that the Nazi party either got hijacked, was always intended to be very bad, got completely misrepresented in history books, or all of those, it’s not a great idea to present this.
I’ve pointed out that one reason the German people supported the Nazis was because of this, and people will say, “makes sense!” but if you jump to defending Nazis they’ll equate it with MAGA.
Pointing out that Germany was conquered by Prussia 40 years prior to WWI, all the German generals in BOTH wars were Prussian, and the king of prussia liked to diddle children, was a raving homosexual groomer, and named his palace “the little dangling comma” and they had a fascination with “pickles” and gross sexual degeneracy, and talked about creating an “Aryan” (or “Iranian”) super race rather than a “German” super race helps put the situation that the German people were in more into place (ruled by foreigners).
Prior to all that, the Germans had just been humble farmers…
Does anyone know if there are any links between Prussia and Iran other than the war helmets being identical and “Prussia” sounding an awful lot like “Persia”?
What’s this in the eagles right claw? Is that a symbol for the pope? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Preu%C3%9Fischer_Adler.svg was this from claiming to be the Holy Roman Emperor?
While true, without the context that the Nazi party either got hijacked, was always intended to be very bad, got completely misrepresented in history books, or all of those, it’s not a great idea to present this.
I’ve pointed out that one reason the German people supported the Nazis was because of this, and people will say, “makes sense!” but if you jump to defending Nazis they’ll equate it with MAGA.
Pointing out that Germany was conquered by Prussia 40 years prior to WWI, all the German generals in BOTH wars were Prussian, and the king of prussia liked to diddle children, was a raving homosexual groomer, and named his palace “the little dangling comma” and they had a fascination with “pickles” and gross sexual degeneracy, and talked about creating an “Aryan” (or “Iranian”) super race rather than a “German” super race helps put the situation that the German people were in more into place (ruled by foreigners).
Prior to all that, the Germans had just been humble farmers…
Does anyone know if there are any links between Prussia and Iran other than the war helmets being identical and “Prussia” sounding an awful lot like “Persia”?
While true, without the context that the Nazi party either got hijacked, was always intended to be very bad, got completely misrepresented in history books, or all of those, it’s not a great idea to present this.
I’ve pointed out that one reason the German people supported the Nazis was because of this, and people will say, “makes sense!” but if you jump to defending Nazis they’ll equate it with MAGA.
Pointing out that Germany was conquered by Prussia 40 years prior to WWI, all the German generals in BOTH wars were Prussian, and the king of prussia liked to diddle children, was a raving homosexual groomer, and named his palace “the little dangling comma” and they had a fascination with “pickles” and gross sexual degeneracy, and talked about creating an “Aryan” (or “Iranian”) super race rather than a “German” super race helps put the situation that the German people were in more into place.
Prior to all that, the Germans had just been humble farmers…
Does anyone know if there are any links between Prussia and Iran other than the war helmets being identical and “Prussia” sounding an awful lot like “Persia”?