A coin has 2-sides, but it is the same coin no matter which face you look at. If you only see the face, and do not know it is a coin, then each side looks like something different in 2D.
The 3D “coin” is Totalitarianism with a “Communist” face and a “Fascist” face, both designed by globalist-funded groups, and then stamped by the City-of-London Rothschild mint onto a two-sided Royal metal, maritime blank “blessed” by the Vatican.
A coin has 2-sides, but it is the same coin no matter which face you look at. If you only see the face, and do not know it is a coin, then each side looks like something different in 2D.
The 3D “coin” is Totalitarianism with a “Communist” face and a “Fascist” face, both designed by globalist-funded groups, and then stamped onto a two-sided Royal metal blank by the City-of-London Rothschild mint.
A coin has 2-sides, but it is the same coin no matter which face you look at. If you only see the face, and do not know it is a coin, then each side looks like a different thing.
The “coin” is Totalitarianism with a “Communist” face and a “Fascist” face, both designed by globalist-funded groups, and then stamped onto a two-sided Royal metal blank by the City-of-London Rothschild mint.