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Reason: Spelling

Understand what happened in the days of Kievan Rus when it was ruled by Yaroslav I (Yaroslav the Great, to those who know).

In what is today the south of the region known as the Ukraine, there once lived people called Khazars, in a country called Khazaria. They were irrepressible bandits who constantly attacked travellers and traders along what was then the silk road. However, unlike other bandits, the Khazars had the unusual practice of assuming the places of those they killed, and returning to their countries to steal their identities. This is how Europe first came to be infested with Khazars and how they learned to "shape shift" by interbreeding so they could resemble the people they came to live alongside.

Well, Yaroslav the Great had enough of this and conquered Khazaria. Not wanting to kill them all, for that would be un-Christian, and not wanting to constantly occupy their land to ensure they don't return to their banditry, he forced them to convert to an Abrahamic religion, thinking a relationship with God would bring the Khazars in line.

However, the Khazars chose Judaism or, more specifically, Babylonian Talmudism and Kaballah disguised as Judaism. Secretly, they continued worshipping their Tengric god who, in my opinion, was satan in one of his many forms. Further, the Khazars swore revenge on Yaroslav's line and on all Slavic people, generally.

They spent centuries infiltrating Europe, and managed to grow rich and powerful wherever they went because they were not subject to Christian prohibitions on usury. They ran money counting houses, lending houses, and other Babylonian money magick tricks to grow wealthy enough to take control of Germany, Switzerland, England, and others.

Their first big shot at revenge came when ((Napoleon the freemason)) came to power following what was essentially a communist revolution in France, the French Revolution. Anyone who knows anything about the period knows Imperial France's biggest enemy was the City of London. Napoleon socialized the French economy, but instead of sending his grande armée off to attack England or English interests, he fucking marched all his soldiers off to their deaths in the Russian winter, killing Slavs! Note as well that during his Egyptian campaign, Napoleon cleared what is now present-day Israel of the Mamluks. For his trouble, Napoleon was permitted to retire on a remote tropical island resembling his childhood home, where he spent his days wandering the countryside on horseback.

The communist revolution, primarily instigated by non-Russian Khazars, was their next big shot at taking revenge on the Slavs. They had the Romanovs brutally slaughtered, and murdered tens of millions of Slavs. But the Russian people are difficult to conquer, and by the time the 40s came around, the army was in a constant state of purge because anyone who got any power immediately wanted to remove the communists. There was certainly no threat of a Soviet invasion of Europe; the Soviets had to send Russian men into battle unarmed, with a pistol-wielding commissar at their backs, or else they'd desert, and that was to defend the motherland!

Along came (((Hitler))), who had usurped the righteous movement of Germans who were mad at how Germany was stabbed in the back during WW1 by a (((communist revolution))). Anyone who knows anything about the period knows Germany's biggest enemy was the City of London, who imposed the unequal treaties on Germany following WW1 and who materially supported the communist Weimar regime. Hitler socialized the German economy and built up a gigantic army. But, instead of taking the City of London's troops at Dunkirk and following up by taking London, he sent his troops off to certain death in the Russian winter, killing Slavs! Note as well, Hitler's regime was used as the excuse for Khazarian settlement of the region Napoleon cleared of Mamluks, now called Israel. For his trouble, Hitler was allowed to retire in Argentinian wine country, a locale resembling his childhood home.

And now look what's happening. The Zionist/Khazar controlled West has far bigger problems than friggen RUSSIA! For example, China. And yet, we're blowing all our money and all our weapons helping the Ukraine's (((leader))) kill Slavs. (((They))) intend for all of us to die in the Russian (nuclear) winter, and they hope we'll take as many Slavs with us as we can.

And what's all this about Israel? IMO, the Khazars want to build the third temple and fake the return of the Christ. A world exhausted by nuclear war and depleted of real Christians might just accept such a spiritual leader, who would, of course, demand one world government to end the wars that "Christianity" wrought.

103 days ago
3 score
Reason: Original

Understand what happened in the days of Kievan Rus when it was ruled by Yaroslav I (Yaroslav the Great, to those who know).

In what is today the south of the region known as the Ukraine, there once lived people called Khazars, in a country called Khazaria. They were irrepressible bandits who constantly attacked travellers and traders along what was then the silk road. However, unlike other bandits, the Khazars had the unusual practice of assuming the places of those they killed, and returning to their countries to steal their identities. This is how Europe first came to be infested with Khazars and how they learned to "shape shift" by interbreeding so they could resemble the people they came to live alongside.

Well, Yaroslav the Great had enough of this and conquered Khazaria. Not wanting to kill them all, for that would be un-Christian, and not wanting to constantly occupy their land to ensure they don't return to their banditry, he forced them to convert to an Abrahamic religion, thinking a relationship with God would bring the Khazars in line.

However, the Khazars chose Judaism or, more specifically, Babylonian Talmudism and Kaballah disguised as Judaism. Secretly, they continued worshipping their Tengric god who, in my opinion, was satan in one of his many forms. Further, the Khazars swore revenge on Yaroslav's line and on all Slavic people, generally.

They spent centuries infiltrating Europe, and managed to grow rich and powerful wherever they went because they were not subject to Christian prohibitions on usury. They ran money counting houses, lending houses, and other Babylonian money magick tricks to grow wealthy enough to take control of Germany, Switzerland, England, and others.

Their first big shot at revenge came when ((Napoleon the freemason)) came to power following what was essentially a communist revolution in France, the French Revolution. Anyone who knows anything about the period knows Imperial France's biggest enemy was the City of London. Napoleon socialized the French economy, but instead of sending his grande armée off to attack England or English interest, he fucking marched all his soldiers off to their deaths in the Russian winter, killing Slavs! Note as well that during his Egyptian campaign, Napoleon cleared what is now present-day Israel of the Mamluks. For his trouble, Napoleon was permitted to retire on a remote tropical island resembling his childhood home, where he spent his days wandering the countryside on horseback.

The communist revolution, primarily instigated by non-Russian Khazars, was their next big shot at taking revenge on the Slavs. They had the Romanovs brutally slaughtered, and murdered tens of millions of Slavs. But the Russian people are difficult to conquer, and by the time the 40s came around, the army was in a constant state of purge because anyone who got any power immediately wanted to remove the communists. There was certainly no threat of a Soviet invasion of Europe; the Soviets had to send Russian men into battle unarmed, with a pistol-wielding commissar at their backs, or else they'd desert, and that was to defend the motherland!

Along came (((Hitler))), who had usurped the righteous movement of Germans who were made at how Germany was stabbed in the back during WW1 by a (((communist revolution))). Anyone who knows anything about the period knows Germany's biggest enemy was the City of London, who imposed the unequal treaties on Germany following WW1 and who materially supported the communist Weimar regime. Hitler socialized the German economy and built up a gigantic army. But, instead of taking the City of London's troops at Dunkirk and following up by taking London, he sent his troops off to certain death in the Russian winter, killing Slavs! Note as well, Hitler's regime was used as the excuse for Khazarian settlement of the region Napoleon cleared of Mamluks, now called Israel. For his trouble, Hitler was allowed to retire in Argentinian wine country, a locale resembling his childhood home.

And now look what's happening. The Zionist/Khazar controlled West has far bigger problems than friggen RUSSIA! For example, China. And yet, we're blowing all our money and all our weapons helping the Ukraine's (((leader))) kill Slavs. (((They))) intend for all of us to die in the Russian (nuclear) winter, and they hope we'll take as many Slavs with us as we can.

And what's all this about Israel? IMO, the Khazars want to build the third temple and fake the return of the Christ. A world exhausted by nuclear war and depleted of real Christians might just accept such a spiritual leader, who would, of course, demand one world government to end the wars that "Christianity" wrought.

103 days ago
1 score