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The one thing I have learned during these trying times...since the reality of Christ's victory on the Cross and how complete His destruction of the prince of darkness. I know we look around and we see the massive evil all around us. However, if you study what actually took place in 70AD in Israel, you realize that nothing has ever happed that matches what God did to Israel via the hand of Rome. If you are a Zionist Evangelical are most Christians in America that attend one of the run of the mill, 501c3, government controlled especially need to re-read Matthew 24...specially verse 34 and also read what Josephus (the preeminent Jewish historian) said about the destruction of Israel in 70AD.

Jesus said in Matthew 24:21-22 that the horror unleashed (the Great Tribulation) on Israel at the behest of God by Rome would be the worst the world had ever seen and that..."no, nor shall ever be." In other words, the level of terror and destruction of this event would never happen again. And indeed, as a student of history...having studied in great detail what exactly happened in Israel...specifically within the walls of the great city of Jerusalem...was by far the worst spectacle of destruction and human suffering ever unleashed on humanity from the beginning of time until then...and has never been replicated since. Even the world wars, the Civil War, the Revolutionary War, Vietnam, 6 Days War, the dropping of the bombs on Japan, the killing fields of Cambodia, 9/ name it...NOTHING compares to what Jesus said would and indeed did happen to Jerusalem in 70AD.

Most Christians are taught that Matthew 24 has not happened. Yet virtually EVERY pastor and layman Christian (Zionist Christian) just believes this propaganda being spewed from those 501c3 seeker friendly churches filling their mush with the regular dose of Rapture hopeum to keep their flocks in submission. In reality, if those same layman Zionist Christians and pastors would study what an eye witness (Josephus) had to say about the fall of Jerusalem, they would find that INDEED...each and every thing Jesus said would happen in Matthew 24 did happen...and it happened in spades and with the complete detailed accuracy we would expect from our Lord Jesus Christ! And all happened in the time frame Christ said it would...Matthew 24:34 "Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled."

I say all this to say that virtually all the great Early Church Fathers were on the same page about the future of Christianity and the power of Christ's Gospel least up until the late 1800's when a couple Rothschild stooges by the name of Darby and Scofield came on the scene and infected Christianity with the deadly virus of Dispensational hogwash! Up until then it was unequivocally taught that the simple, beautiful and supremely powerful message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (John 3:16) would eventually take over the world (Matthew 16:18) and it wouldn't be through a forced, military style conquering; but it would be through the pure love of Jesus message and it's being spread in love by those who have themselves shared in the experience of that saving message of John 3:16. The problem we have at this moment is that we are indeed in the fog of war...both spiritual and physical. We are having a difficult time seeing the wonderful things that God is doing in the world and how His Gospel is continuing to change lives all over the planet. Of course the media, governments and virtually every communication outlet on the planet is trying to hide anything truly good...especially the continuing good of the work of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of men!

But...the reality is...God defeated the prince of this world 2,000 years ago with His resurrection and gave us a testimony to that fact by completely destroying the Old Covenant with magnificent end when Rome tore down Jerusalem brick by brick and made the most beautiful city to ever exist nothing more than a field of rubble. It may seem that the prince of darkness is still the prince of this world, but in reality, Jesus Christ reacquired the keys to the kingdom when He powerfully rose from the dead and was seated at the right hand of the Father and crowned King of kings and Lord of lords. Amen? is my belief that there actually will be no new world order or global government...there will be no Rapture to rescue us all from woes of this world...yes, men's hearts are still evil and the demons are still mad as hell because they know they've lost, but we need to continue to pray without ceasing and try to see through the fog the good that God is doing and continue to fight the good fight of freedom...political freedom and spiritual freedom. God promised the gates of hell wouldn't prevail against the message of the risen Christ!

A couple very good reads are:

The Judgement And Destruction Of Jerusalem by Rev. Wm. Patton (1877) The Complete Works Of Josephus (especially the section on the Jewish Wars) and it goes without saying...The King James Bible!

112 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

The one thing I have learned during these trying times...since the reality of Christ's victory on the Cross and how complete His destruction of the prince of darkness. I know we look around and we see the massive evil all around us. However, if you study what actually took place in 70AD in Israel, you realize that nothing has ever happed that matches what God did to Israel via the hand of Rome. If you are a Zionist Evangelical are most Christians in America that attend one of the run of the mill, 501c3, government controlled especially need to re-read Matthew 24...specially verse 34 and also read what Josephus (the preeminent Jewish historian) said about the destruction of Israel in 70AD.

Jesus said in Matthew 24:21-22 that the horror unleashed (the Great Tribulation) on Israel at the behest of God by Rome would be the worst the world had ever seen and that..."no, nor shall ever be." In other words, the level of terror and destruction of this event would never happen again. And indeed, as a student of history...having studied in great detail what exactly happened in Israel...specifically within the walls of the great city of Jerusalem...was by far the worst spectacle of destruction and human suffering ever unleashed on humanity from the beginning of time until then...and has never been replicated since. Even the world wars, the Civil War, the Revolutionary War, Vietnam, 6 Days War, the dropping of the bombs on Japan, the killing fields of Cambodia, 9/ name it...NOTHING compares to what Jesus said would and indeed did happen to Jerusalem in 70AD.

Most Christians are taught that Matthew 24 has not happened. Yet virtually EVERY pastor and layman Christian (Zionist Christian) just believes this propaganda being spewed from those 501c3 seeker friendly churches filling their mush with the regular dose of Rapture hopeum to keep their flocks in submission. In reality, if those same layman Zionist Christians and pastors would study what an eye witness (Josephus) had to say about the fall of Jerusalem, they would find that INDEED...each and every thing Jesus said would happen in Matthew 24 did happen...and it happened in spades and with the complete detailed accuracy we would expect from our Lord Jesus Christ! And all happened in the time frame Christ said it would...Matthew 24:34 "Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled."

I say all this to say that virtually all the great Early Church Fathers were on the same page about the future of Christianity and the power of Christ's Gospel least up until the late 1800's when a couple Rothschild stooges by the name of Darby and Scofield came on the scene and infected Christianity with the deadly virus of Dispensational hogwash! Up until then it was unequivocally taught that the simple, beautiful and supremely powerful message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (John 3:16) would eventually take over the world (Matthew 16:18) and it wouldn't be through a forced, military style conquering; but it would be through the pure love of Jesus message and it's being spread in love by those who have themselves shared in the experience of that saving message of John 3:16. The problem we have at this moment is that we are indeed in the fog of war...both spiritual and physical. We are having a difficult time seeing the wonderful things that God is doing in the world and how His Gospel is continuing to change lives all over the planet. Of course the media, governments and virtually every communication outlet on the planet is trying to hide anything truly good...especially the continuing good of the work of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of men!

But...the reality is...God defeated the prince of this world 2,000 years ago with His resurrection and gave us a testimony to that fact by completely destroying the Old Covenant with magnificent end when Rome tore down Jerusalem brick by brick and made the most beautiful city to ever exist nothing more than a field of rubble. It may seem that the prince of darkness is still the prince of this world, but in reality, Jesus Christ reacquired the keys to the kingdom when He powerfully rose from the dead and was seated at the right hand of the Father and crowned King of kings and Lord of lords. Amen? is my belief that there actually will be no new world order or global government...there will be no Rapture to rescue us all from woes of this world...yes, men's hearts are still evil and the demons are still mad as hell because they know they've lost, but we need to continue to pray without ceasing and try to see through the fog the good that God is doing. God promised the gates of hell wouldn't prevail against the message of the risen Christ!

112 days ago
1 score