I use the old layout not the community one. I'm also on mobile so I can't say anything for web but I assume it's the same
I didn't see the post view function I would sugguest to make the condensed view the default. Here's the feedback with that in mind:
The yuge tiles cause so much extra scrolling. I have noticed a trend of this with youtube, rumble, xbox, windows etc all are forcing users into this new "giant tile" style, which takes up so much screen space you can only see 1-2 content per page. This means I have to scroll like a madman or I don't see all the content.
The condensed view is much, much better, but I still think things are a bit too padded out. I assume this is to help mobile users, maybe give an "ultra-condensed" option which goes even smaller?
Here's a side by side: https://ibb.co/t2RTGkv
The old layout just has a nice flow to it.
• The contrast between the post title, buttons, post time, usernames, flair
• the red line down the left of stickied posts, and the fact that only stickies are bolded
• the consistant margin down the left side with the up/down votes (very helpful in drawing your attention to the post title, which gets a bit lost in a wash on the scored layout).
• The notifications, New Post, search, post sort functions, side tab, and header are all nicely nested in the top iFrame bar. The scored layout has that stuff all split up, and does not have the post sort functions included in it. Sometimes I'll be halfway down the page and decide to re-sort by New Posts. To do that I'd have to scroll all the way back up, or reload the page. Also, I personally find it distracting and cuts some of the page off to have a separate bar at the bottom, but I can see why you put it down there for mobile users.
• The up/down vote function doesn't "pop". It's just sort of there in the wash. On the old layout it stands out thanks to the arrow design and the fact they're inside that wonderful margin.
Side by side of comments section: https://ibb.co/NNHJpHc
Again, I find the old layout more pleasing to navigate. I'm not sure what I dislike about the new comments but I think it's the thickness of the padding around each comment, the size of the fonts and buttons, and the color of the usernames being white like the comment text. The user icons could also play a factor. Overall for me the more condensed comment tree is easier to read through and follow, which is the only factor I think should matter in regards to the comments section.
What I'd sugguest is giving people the option to switch between the two layouts as I'm sure there are people who like the other.
Bringing me to what I do like:
• the + button for a new post could definitely come in handy. I'd put it in the bottom bar instead of floating over the posts though. Is there a button that could be sacrificed out of the bar to make room for it?
• the back arrow at the top left when viewing a post is nice, but could be better off on the top right corner instead, for easier clicking. However since the old layout always pops a new tab when entering the comments, (I prefer this, sometimes I'll be writing a comment and need to reference another post, or pop up multiple posts I'm interested in but don't have time to check out now) it sort of makes this unnecessary.
• the page position scripting is much more stable. Many times on the old, as you scroll into the next page position zone, it will get confused and show you duplicates of posts you already scrolled past, and when you use the browser's back button to reference a page position some posts don't show up and you have to reload the page from the top. This updated script is by far my favorite aspect of the new layout.
• user icons is awesome but I don't like seeing them in the comments
• I like the banner area at the top
If you notice on this image: https://imgflip.com/i/8tjq29 the margin to the left is VERY helpful to the overall flow and readability.
In summary old vs new:
• need left side margin back
• the regular font for non-stickied posts, bold for sticky. Having every post bolded is a bit jarring after a while of scanning through
• the position of the "hrs ago by username" on the old layout breaks it up nice and helps prevent post titles from becoming a wash.
• the contrast between the non-bold white post titles, the non-bold gray post time, the non-bold blue usernames, and the bold gray buttons is, to be frank, perfection. Not to mention the flair, though I think flair should be only something a mod can attach, to keep it neat.
• the button size and color. I could see nesting everything except Save, Download and Report within a ... drop menu as it is on scored if wanting to make them easier to click, though again, the chunk of little gray bold text running below the posts helps to prevent wash.
• the title / username contrast - prevents wash
Overall I think the scored layout is decent now that I know about the post view option to condense it. My main gripe is about the left margin and the posts becoming a wash as you read through them. The comments section is too zoomed into each comment. The stability is much better in terms of page zone scripting. The icons and banner are a winn! Just not in comments. The texts and buttons could be tweaked some to make each post appear a bit more dynamic to reduce wash. The left side margin is a MUST HAVE, and I'd strongly sugguest putting the up/down vote back inside it. Having the post titles begin at the left side of your screen is not good for readability, and, unless you want to draw attention away from the vote count, having it under the post is also a bad idea. It's called Scored, so we want to have the post's score anchored to it's title, not just some afterthought little button below it.
If you want to go through anything about the layout with me I can say that I consume a shit-ton of content from this site and am very familiar with all the little quirks and small details in terms of the layout. Just let me know, I'm happy to help in any way I can to make it better! One thing I've wanted is the ability to use the Search function on comments as well as posts. Many times I've ran across a good comment only to lose track of where it is later. If this is possible it would greatly increase the site's functionality as an archive.
Mad props to you and the team who run this place. I'm forever grateful 👊💥
I use the old layout not the community one. I'm also on mobile so I can't say anything for web but I assume it's the same
I didn't see the post view function I would sugguest to make the condensed view the default. Here's the feedback with that in mind:
The yuge tiles cause so much extra scrolling. I have noticed a trend of this with youtube, rumble, xbox, windows etc all are forcing users into this new "giant tile" style, which takes up so much screen space you can only see 1-2 content per page. This means I have to scroll like a madman or I don't see all the content.
The condensed view is much, much better, but I still think things are a bit too padded out. I assume this is to help mobile users, maybe give an "ultra-condensed" option which goes even smaller?
Here's a side by side: https://ibb.co/t2RTGkv
The old layout just has a nice flow to it.
• The contrast between the post title, buttons, post time, usernames, flair
• the red line down the left of stickied posts, and the fact that only stickies are bolded
• the consistant margin down the left side with the up/down votes (very helpful in drawing your attention to the post title, which gets a bit lost in a wash on the scored layout).
• The notifications, New Post, search, post sort functions, side tab, and header are all nicely nested in the top iFrame bar. The scored layout has that stuff all split up, and does not have the post sort functions included in it. Sometimes I'll be halfway down the page and decide to re-sort by New Posts. To do that I'd have to scroll all the way back up, or reload the page. Also, I personally find it distracting and cuts some of the page off to have a separate bar at the bottom, but I can see why you put it down there for mobile users.
• The up/down vote function doesn't "pop". It's just sort of there in the wash. On the old layout it stands out thanks to the arrow design and the fact they're inside that wonderful margin.
Side by side of comments section: https://ibb.co/NNHJpHc
Again, I find the old layout more pleasing to navigate. I'm not sure what I dislike about the new comments but I think it's the thickness of the padding around each comment, the size of the fonts and buttons, and the color of the usernames being white like the comment text. The user icons could also play a factor. Overall for me the more condensed comment tree is easier to read through and follow, which is the only factor I think should matter in regards to the comments section.
What I'd sugguest is giving people the option to switch between the two layouts as I'm sure there are people who like the other.
Bringing me to what I do like:
• the + button for a new post could definitely come in handy. I'd put it in the bottom bar instead of floating over the posts though. Is there a button that could be sacrificed out of the bar to make room for it?
• the back arrow at the top left when viewing a post is nice, but could be better off on the top right corner instead, for easier clicking. However since the old layout always pops a new tab when entering the comments, (I prefer this, sometimes I'll be writing a comment and need to reference another post, or pop up multiple posts I'm interested in but don't have time to check out now) it sort of makes this unnecessary.
• the page position scripting is much more stable. Many times on the old, as you scroll into the next page position zone, it will get confused and show you duplicates of posts you already scrolled past, and when you use the browser's back button to reference a page position some posts don't show up and you have to reload the page from the top. This updated script is by far my favorite aspect of the new layout.
• user icons is awesome but I don't like seeing them in the comments
• I like the banner area at the top
If you notice on this image: https://imgflip.com/i/8tjq29 the margin to the left is VERY helpful to the overall flow and readability.
In summary old vs new:
• need left side margin back
• the regular font for non-stickied posts, bold for sticky. Having every post bolded is a bit jarring after a while of scanning through
• the position of the "hrs ago by username" on the old layout breaks it up nice and helps prevent post titles from becoming a wash.
• the contrast between the non-bold white post titles, the non-bold gray post time, the non-bold blue usernames, and the bold gray buttons is, to be frank, perfection. Not to mention the flair, though I think flair should be only something a mod can attach, to keep it neat.
• the button size and color. I could see nesting everything except Save, Download and Report within a ... drop menu as it is on scored if wanting to make them easier to click, though again, the chunk of little gray bold text running below the posts helps to prevent wash.
• the title / username contrast - prevents wash
Overall I think the scored layout is decent now that I know about the post view option to condense it. My main gripe is about the left margin and the posts becoming a wash as you read through them. The comments section is too zoomed into each comment. The stability is much better in terms of page zone scripting. The icons and banner are a winn! Just not in comments. The texts and buttons could be tweaked some to make each post appear a bit more dynamic to reduce wash. The left side margin is a MUST HAVE, and I'd strongly sugguest putting the up/down vote back inside it. Having the post titles begin at the left side of your screen is not good for readability, and, unless you want to draw attention away from the vote count, having it under the post is also a bad idea. It's called Scored, so we want to have the post's score anchored to it's title, not just some afterthought little button below it.
If you want to go through anything about the layout with me I can say that I consume a shit-ton of content from this site and am very familiar with all the little quirks and small details in terms of the layout. Just let me know, I'm happy to help in any way I can to make it better!
Mad props to you and the team who run this place. I'm forever grateful 👊💥
I use the old layout not the community one. I'm also on mobile so I can't say anything for web but I assume it's the same
Here's a side by side: https://ibb.co/t2RTGkv
I didn't see the post view function I would sugguest to make the condensed view the default. Here's the feedback with that in mind:
The yuge tiles cause so much extra scrolling. I have noticed a trend of this with youtube, rumble, xbox, windows etc all are forcing users into this new "giant tile" style, which takes up so much screen space you can only see 1-2 content per page. This means I have to scroll like a madman or I don't see all the content.
The condensed view is much, much better, but I still think things are a bit too padded out. I assume this is to help mobile users, maybe give an "ultra-condensed" option which goes even smaller?
The old layout just has a nice flow to it.
• The contrast between the post title, buttons, post time, usernames, flair
• the red line down the left of stickied posts, and the fact that only stickies are bolded
• the consistant margin down the left side with the up/down votes (very helpful in drawing your attention to the post title, which gets a bit lost in a wash on the scored layout).
• The notifications, New Post, search, post sort functions, side tab, and header are all nicely nested in the top iFrame bar. The scored layout has that stuff all split up, and does not have the post sort functions included in it. Sometimes I'll be halfway down the page and decide to re-sort by New Posts. To do that I'd have to scroll all the way back up, or reload the page. Also, I personally find it distracting and cuts some of the page off to have a separate bar at the bottom, but I can see why you put it down there for mobile users.
• The up/down vote function doesn't "pop". It's just sort of there in the wash. On the old layout it stands out thanks to the arrow design and the fact they're inside that wonderful margin.
Side by side of comments section: https://ibb.co/NNHJpHc
Again, I find the old layout more pleasing to navigate. I'm not sure what I dislike about the new comments but I think it's the thickness of the padding around each comment, the size of the fonts and buttons, and the color of the usernames being white like the comment text. The user icons could also play a factor. Overall for me the more condensed comment tree is easier to read through and follow, which is the only factor I think should matter in regards to the comments section.
What I'd sugguest is giving people the option to switch between the two layouts as I'm sure there are people who like the other.
Bringing me to what I do like:
• the + button for a new post could definitely come in handy. I'd put it in the bottom bar instead of floating over the posts though. Is there a button that could be sacrificed out of the bar to make room for it?
• the back arrow at the top left when viewing a post is nice, but could be better off on the top right corner instead, for easier clicking. However since the old layout always pops a new tab when entering the comments, (I prefer this, sometimes I'll be writing a comment and need to reference another post, or pop up multiple posts I'm interested in but don't have time to check out now) it sort of makes this unnecessary.
• the page position scripting is much more stable. Many times on the old, as you scroll into the next page position zone, it will get confused and show you duplicates of posts you already scrolled past, and when you use the browser's back button to reference a page position some posts don't show up and you have to reload the page from the top. This updated script is by far my favorite aspect of the new layout.
• user icons is awesome but I don't like seeing them in the comments
• I like the banner area at the top
If you notice on this image: https://imgflip.com/i/8tjq29 the margin to the left is VERY helpful to the overall flow and readability.
In summary old vs new:
• need left side margin back
• the regular font for non-stickied posts, bold for sticky. Having every post bolded is a bit jarring after a while of scanning through
• the position of the "hrs ago by username" on the old layout breaks it up nice and helps prevent post titles from becoming a wash.
• the contrast between the non-bold white post titles, the non-bold gray post time, the non-bold blue usernames, and the bold gray buttons is, to be frank, perfection. Not to mention the flair, though I think flair should be only something a mod can attach, to keep it neat.
• the button size and color. I could see nesting everything except Save, Download and Report within a ... drop menu as it is on scored if wanting to make them easier to click, though again, the chunk of little gray bold text running below the posts helps to prevent wash.
• the title / username contrast - prevents wash
Overall I think the scored layout is decent now that I know about the post view option to condense it. My main gripe is about the left margin and the posts becoming a wash as you read through them. The comments section is too zoomed into each comment. The stability is much better in terms of page zone scripting. The icons and banner are a winn! Just not in comments. The texts and buttons could be tweaked some to make each post appear a bit more dynamic to reduce wash. The left side margin is a MUST HAVE, and I'd strongly sugguest putting the up/down vote back inside it. Having the post titles begin at the left side of your screen is not good for readability, and, unless you want to draw attention away from the vote count, having it under the post is also a bad idea. It's called Scored, so we want to have the post's score anchored to it's title, not just some afterthought little button below it.
If you want to go through anything about the layout with me I can say that I consume a shit-ton of content from this site and am very familiar with all the little quirks and small details in terms of the layout. Just let me know, I'm happy to help in any way I can to make it better!
Mad props to you and the team who run this place. I'm forever grateful 👊💥
I use the old layout not the community one. I'm also on mobile so I can't say anything for web but I assume it's the same
Here's a side by side: https://ibb.co/t2RTGkv
I didn't see the post view function I would sugguest to make the condensed view the default. Here's the feedback with that in mind:
The yuge tiles cause so much extra scrolling. I have noticed a trend of this with youtube, rumble, xbox, windows etc all are forcing users into this new "giant tile" style, which takes up so much screen space you can only see 1-2 content per page. This means I have to scroll like a madman or I don't see all the content.
The condensed view is much, much better, but I still think things are a bit too padded out. I assume this is to help mobile users, maybe give an "ultra-condensed" option which goes even smaller?
The old layout just has a nice flow to it.
• The contrast between the post title, buttons, post time, usernames, flair
• the red line down the left of stickied posts, and the fact that only stickies are bolded
• the consistant margin down the left side with the up/down votes (very helpful in drawing your attention to the post title, which gets a bit lost in a wash on the scored layout).
• The notifications, New Post, search, post sort functions, side tab, and header are all nicely nested in the top iFrame bar. The scored layout has that stuff all split up, and does not have the post sort functions included in it. Sometimes I'll be halfway down the page and decide to re-sort by New Posts. To do that I'd have to scroll all the way back up, or reload the page. Also, I personally find it distracting and cuts some of the page off to have a separate bar at the bottom, but I can see why you put it down there for mobile users.
• The up/down vote function doesn't "pop". It's just sort of there in the wash. On the old layout it stands out thanks to the arrow design and the fact they're inside that wonderful margin.
Side by side of comments section: https://ibb.co/NNHJpHc
Again, I find the old layout more pleasing to navigate. I'm not sure what I dislike about the new comments but I think it's the thickness of the padding around each comment, the size of the fonts and buttons, and the color of the usernames being white like the comment text. The user icons could also play a factor. Overall for me the more condensed comment tree is easier to read through and follow, which is the only factor I think should matter in regards to the comments section.
What I'd sugguest is giving people the option to switch between the two layouts as I'm sure there are people who like the other.
Bringing me to what I do like:
• the + button for a new post could definitely come in handy. I'd put it in the bottom bar instead of floating over the posts though. Is there a button that could be sacrificed out of the bar to make room for it?
• the back arrow at the top left when viewing a post is nice, but could be better off on the top right corner instead, for easier clicking. However since the old layout always pops a new tab when entering the comments, (I prefer this, sometimes I'll be writing a comment and need to reference another post, or pop up multiple posts I'm interested in but don't have time to check out now) it sort of makes this unnecessary.
• the page position scripting is much more stable. Many times on the old, as you scroll into the next page position zone, it will get confused and show you duplicates of posts you already scrolled past, and when you use the browser's back button to reference a page position some posts don't show up and you have to reload the page from the top. This updated script is by far my favorite aspect of the new layout.
• user icons is awesome but I don't like seeing them in the comments
• I like the banner area at the top
If you notice on this image: https://imgflip.com/i/8tjq29 the margin to the left is VERY helpful to the overall flow and readability.
In summary old vs new:
• need left side margin back
• the regular font for non-stickied posts, bold for sticky. Having every post bolded is a bit jarring after a while of scanning through
• the position of the "hrs ago by username" breaks it up and helps prevent post titles from becoming a wash.
• the contrast between the non-bold white post titles, the non-bold gray post time, the non-bold blue usernames, and the bold gray buttons is, to be frank, perfection. Not to mention the flair, though I think flair should be only something a mod can attach, to keep it neat.
• the button size and color. I could see nesting everything except Save, Download and Report within a ... drop menu as it is on scored if wanting to make them easier to click, though again, the chunk of little gray bold text running below the posts helps to prevent wash.
• the title / username contrast - prevents wash
Overall I think the scored layout is decent now that I know about the post view option to condense it. My main gripe is about the left margin and the posts becoming a wash as you read through them. The comments section is too zoomed into each comment. The stability is much better in terms of page zone scripting. The icons and banner are a winn! Just not in comments. The texts and buttons could be tweaked some to make each post appear a bit more dynamic to reduce wash. The left side margin is a MUST HAVE, and I'd strongly sugguest putting the up/down vote back inside it. Having the post titles begin at the left side of your screen is not good for readability, and, unless you want to draw attention away from the vote count, having it under the post is also a bad idea. It's called Scored, so we want to have the post's score anchored to it's title, not just some afterthought little button below it.
If you want to go through anything about the layout with me I can say that I consume a shit-ton of content from this site and am very familiar with all the little quirks and small details in terms of the layout. Just let me know, I'm happy to help in any way I can to make it better!
Mad props to you and the team who run this place. I'm forever grateful 👊💥
I use the old layout not the community one. I'm also on mobile so I can't say anything for web but I assume it's the same
Here's a side by side: https://ibb.co/t2RTGkv
I didn't see the post view function I would sugguest to make the condensed view the default. Here's the feedback with that in mind:
The yuge tiles cause so much extra scrolling. I have noticed a trend of this with youtube, rumble, xbox, windows etc all are forcing users into this new "giant tile" style, which takes up so much screen space you can only see 1-2 content per page. This means I have to scroll like a madman or I don't see all the content.
The condensed view is much, much better, but I still think things are a bit too padded out. I assume this is to help mobile users, maybe give an "ultra-condensed" option which goes even smaller?
The old layout just has a nice flow to it.
• The contrast between the post title, buttons, post time, usernames, flair
• the red line down the left of stickied posts, and the fact that only stickies are bolded
• the consistant margin down the left side with the up/down votes (very helpful in drawing your attention to the post title, which gets a bit lost in a wash on the scored layout).
• The notifications, New Post, search, post sort functions, side tab, and header are all nicely nested in the top iFrame bar. The scored layout has that stuff all split up, and does not have the post sort functions included in it. Sometimes I'll be halfway down the page and decide to re-sort by New Posts. To do that I'd have to scroll all the way back up, or reload the page. Also, I personally find it distracting and cuts some of the page off to have a separate bar at the bottom, but I can see why you put it down there for mobile users.
• The up/down vote function doesn't "pop". It's just sort of there in the wash. On the old layout it stands out thanks to the arrow design and the fact they're inside that wonderful margin.
Side by side of comments section: https://ibb.co/NNHJpHc
Again, I find the old layout more pleasing to navigate. I'm not sure what I dislike about the new comments but I think it's the thickness of the padding around each comment, the size of the fonts and buttons, and the color of the usernames being white like the comment text. The user icons could also play a factor. Overall for me the more condensed comment tree is easier to read through and follow, which is the only factor I think should matter in regards to the comments section.
What I'd sugguest is giving people the option to switch between the two layouts as I'm sure there are people who like the other.
Bringing me to what I do like:
• the + button for a new post could definitely come in handy. I'd put it in the bottom bar instead of floating over the posts though. Is there a button that could be sacrificed out of the bar to make room for it?
• the back arrow at the top left when viewing a post is nice, but could be better off on the top right corner instead, for easier clicking. However since the old layout always pops a new tab when entering the comments, (I prefer this, sometimes I'll be writing a comment and need to reference another post, or pop up multiple posts I'm interested in but don't have time to check out now) it sort of makes this unnecessary.
• the page position scripting is much more stable. Many times on the old, as you scroll into the next page position zone, it will get confused and show you duplicates of posts you already scrolled past, and when you use the browser's back button to reference a page position some posts don't show up and you have to reload the page from the top. This updated script is by far my favorite aspect of the new layout.
• user icons is awesome but I don't like seeing them in the comments
• I like the banner area at the top
If you notice on this image: https://imgflip.com/i/8tjq29 the margin to the left is VERY helpful to the overall flow and readability.
In summary old vs new:
• need left side margin back
• the regular font for non-stickied posts, bold for sticky. Having every post bolded is a bit jarring after a while of scanning through
• the position of the "hrs ago by username" breaks it up and helps prevent post titles from becoming a wash.
• the contrast between the non-bold white post titles, the non-bold gray post time, the non-bold blue usernames, and the bold gray buttons is, to be frank, perfection. Not to mention the flair, though I think flair should be only something a mod can attach, to keep it neat.
• the button size and color. I could see nesting everything except Save, Download and Report within a ... drop menu as it is on scored if wanting to make them easier to click, though again, the chunk of little gray bold text running below the posts helps to prevent wash.
• the title / username contrast - prevents wash
Overall I think the scored layout is decent now that I know about the post view option to condense it. My main gripe is about the left margin and the posts becoming a wash as you read through them. The comments section is too zoomed into each comment. The stability is much better in terms of page zone scripting. The icons and banner are a winn! Just not in comments. The texts and buttons could be tweaked some to make each post appear a bit more dynamic to reduce wash. The left side margin is a MUST HAVE, and I'd strongly sugguest putting the up/down vote back inside it. Having the post titles begin at the left side of your screen is not good for readability, and, unless you want to draw attention away from the vote count, having it under the post is also a bad idea. It's called Scored, so we want to have the post's score anchored to it's title, not just some afterthought little button below it.
If you want to go through anything about the layout with me I can say that I consume a shit-ton of content from this site and am very familiar with all the little quirks and small details in terms of the layout. Just let me know, I'm happy to help in any way I can to make it better!
Mad props to you and the team who run this place. I'm forever grateful 👊💥