Agents and assets are two different categories altogether. That sucka wouldn't have been able to pass the drug screening, let alone the 6 different psychological assessments or the year long training course at The Farm. And family legacy initiates only get a foot in the door. Their admittance into being an employee is dependent only upon their skills. If anything, he was being used as the blackmail asset for his family and [their] friends. "Plausible Deniability" is the name of the game when you're at the levels the Biden, Clintons, Soetors/Hussein's, etc. Using their kids and other family members to provide the blackmail evidence is how [they] stay ahead of the Patriot Intel agents and LEOs in the Fed apparatus.
Agents and assets are two different categories altogether. That sucka wouldn't have be n able to pass the drug screening, let alone the 6 different psychological assessments or the year long training course at The Farm. And family legacy initiates only get a foot in the door. Their admittance into being an employee is dep ndent only upon their skills