Then quit and start your own business. Without having to pay income tax and cheaper labor (as in your example) you can be a lot more competitive and offer much lower prices on your product. Then you'll put your old greedy boss out of business.
Or, other example: You get fellow employees who know the business come with you because you agree to pay them more and offer profit sharing. BOOM. Problem solved.
Its actually always a win win when Uncle Sam isn't robbing you blind.
Then quit and start your own business. Without having to pay income tax and cheaper labor (as in your example) you can be a lot more competitive and offer much lower prices on your product. Then you'll put your old greedy boss out of business.
Or, other example: You get fellow employees who know the business come with you because you agree to pay them more and offer profit sharing. BOOM. Problem solved.
Its actually always a win win when Uncle Sam i'snt robbing you blind.