Either you are lying on purpose or you have no idea what you are talking about.
Lightning is debt / IOU based and broken by design as it requires block size over 100MB to onboard the amount of users to reach the goal set by Satoshi (Electronic Cash for the world). This is even written in the Lightning whitepaper and with BTC refusing to go the path of BCH with properly increased block size or hard forks you will be fucked.
If you are not lying on purpose you are eating the mainstream swamp-narrative shit sandwich while bragging about it. Very embarrassing.
You should know that the company Block Stream have been used as a tool by Mastercard to destroy Bitcoin. If not then thats even more embarrassing.
Either you are lying on purpose or you have no idea what you are talking about.
Lightning is debt / IOU based and broken by design as it requires block size over 100MB to onboard the amount of users to reach the goal set by Satoshi (Electronic Cash for the world) and with BTC refusing to go the path of BCH with properly increased block size or hard forks you will be fucked.
If you are not lying on purpose you are eating the mainstream swamp-narrative shit sandwich while bragging about it. Very embarrassing.
Either you are lying on purpose or you have no idea what you are talking about.
Lightning is debt / IOU based and broken by design as requires block size over 100MB to onboard the amount of users to reach the goal set by Satoshi (Electronic Cash for the world) and with BTC refusing to go the path of BCH with properly increased block size or hard forks you will be fucked.
If you are not lying on purpose you are eating the mainstream swamp-narrative shit sandwich while bragging about it. Very embarrassing.