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Reason: None provided.

I would give them an overview of the type of site it is - touted as a Q research board (though the focus has expanded since Q posts stopped), relevant current news aggregation (domestic and foreign) including links to a myriad of podcasts by other patriots, extensive history resource, forum for analysis of geopolitical topics (including control and corruption) and industry/organization matters (including “healthcare” (sickness/disease propagation and money-making nature of “treatment”), “education” (aka indoctrination and grooming), money-laundering, corporate control, etc), extensive resource on a myriad of other topics (military, alternative healing, law, civics, religion and more) and a great site to learn to improve critical thinking and discernment. In short - if you want to know about what’s going on in the country and the world, you can find it here.

Then I would take a few minutes to describe the overall navigation of the site - front page includes “stickied” items that may be of more importance and it changes throughout the day. Then briefly discuss the “Hot-New-Rising-Top” filters. Next is the all-important search function. Show them how to use it and pick a topic that they may already have some interest in and/or knowledge about. For example, let’s say they’ve been listening to various podcasts, have their favorites and so forth. They might like Kash Patel - so tell them how to search for “Kash” and a whole bunch of posts will pop up about what he’s said, analysis of strategy associated with him, etc. Concerned about rising cancer? Type “cancer” in the search function and start reading. I’d include, of course, the GC as a place to relax and just connect with fellow anons and some of the great aggregator posts some of our brilliant anons put out for us all, but especially for those who don’t have hours to devote to searching through an avalanche of posts due to real life responsibilities like family and work.

Finally, I would suggest they browse for a good long time to get a feel for the board, open an account, read for awhile, contribute if they have an area of expertise (and be prepared to validate their claims) and ask questions about things they’re unclear about (and cautioning them to be prepared to develop a thick skin because we have a few of our own juveniles who like to puff their chests out and claim that points and duration somehow implies “superiority”, resorting to bullying and/or petulant “kids in the treehouse club” mentality, but assuring them that there are FAR more anons who are helpful, knowledgeable adults who will be happy to point them in the right direction). We do, in fact, want to attract new people who have knowledge and expertise they can share with others. It’s mostly a supportive environment (and we do still value our occasional curmudgeonly folks as they help toughen us up), a veritable fount of information and so extensive that they can find many areas they’d be interested in learning more about. As they come across Q references they can delve into the drops and make those connections.

So, please excuse my veritable wall of response here (which could certainly have been formatted better for clarity’s sake). In short:

(1) Loads of interesting information available

(2) Come lurk, join, read and learn how to best navigate the board

(3) Ask questions after they get the lay of the land and most certainly contribute whenever they feel they can and want to and they’ll eventually synch up with the Q drops

My two cents. . . .

13 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

I would give them an overview of the type of site it is - touted as a Q research board (though the focus has expanded since Q posts stopped), relevant current news aggregation (domestic and foreign) including links to a myriad of podcasts by other patriots, extensive history resource, forum for analysis of geopolitical topics (including control and corruption) and industry/organization matters (including “healthcare” (sickness/disease propagation and money-making nature of “treatment”), “education” (aka indoctrination and grooming), money-laundering, corporate control, etc), extensive resource on a myriad of other topics (military, alternative healing, law, civics, religion and more) and a great site to learn to improve critical thinking and discernment. In short - if you want to know about what’s going on in the country and the world, you can find it here.

Then I would take a few minutes to describe the overall navigation of the site - front page includes “stickied” items that may be of more importance and it changes throughout the day. Then briefly discuss the “Hot-New-Rising-Top” filters. Next is the all-important search function. Show them how to use it and pick a topic that they may already have some interest in and/or knowledge about. For example, let’s say they’ve been listening to various podcasts, have their favorites and so forth. They might like Kash Patel - so tell them how to search fir “Kash” and a whole bunch of posts will pop up about what he’s said, analysis of strategy associated with him, etc. Concerned about rising cancer? Type “cancer” in the search function and start reading. I’d include, of course, the GC as a place to relax and just connect with fellow anons and some of the great aggregator posts some of our brilliant anons put out for us all, but especially for those who don’t have hours to devote to searching through an avalanche of posts due to real life responsibilities like family and work.

Finally, I would suggest they browse for a good long time to get a feel for the board, open an account, read for awhile, contribute if they have an area of expertise (and be prepared to validate their claims) and ask questions about things they’re unclear about (and cautioning them to be prepared to develop a thick skin because we have a few of our own juveniles who like to puff their chests out and claim that points and duration somehow implies “superiority”, resorting to bullying and/or petulant “kids in the treehouse club” mentality, but assuring them that there are FAR more anons who are helpful, knowledgeable adults who will be happy to point them in the right direction). We do, in fact, want to attract new people who have knowledge and expertise they can share with others. It’s mostly a supportive environment (and we do still value our occasional curmudgeonly folks as they help toughen us up), a veritable fount of information and so extensive that they can find many areas they’d be interested in learning more about. As they come across Q references they can delve into the drops and make those connections.

So, please excuse my veritable wall of response here (which could certainly have been formatted better for clarity’s sake). In short:

(1) Loads of interesting information available

(2) Come lurk, join, read and learn how to best navigate the board

(3) Ask questions after they get the lay of the land and most certainly contribute whenever they feel they can and want to and they’ll eventually synch up with the Q drops

My two cents. . . .

13 days ago
1 score