6/17/24 - This is from my personal experience and observations after he became president:
Work went to Hell. I used to work, be tired, but feel satisfied after a work day. Sometimes we even had cheese and wine parties after work. After he became president, everyone had to work until you felt you got hit by a train everyday.
He closed mental institutions creating crazy homeless people you see today. He said that mental patients should live with family members and attend outpatient mental health programs in the community. He knew damn well that wasn't going to work. Look how that turned out.
He fired the traffic controllers who wanted a raise. Many a plane crashed after that.
He presented "Trickle-down Economics": The richer the rich became, the more money would trickle down to the average man.
He regularly attended the Bohemian Grove: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EWRUcedUwAMGOaj.jpg:large
He was owned by the Rockefellers and did their bidding:
Fiona Barnett - Survivor of child sex abuse: Richard Nixon was a pedophile & sexually abused her. This is a photo of Dr. Anthony Kidman who sexually abused her and his daughter Nicole Kidman who witnessed it. http://p0.ipstatp.com/large/005a4feee5f340964c18
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORqq7LdTdS4 https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/i?id=e5145d4c51aa6d267a323e44492399f1b7761bce-7947652-images-thumbs&ref=rim&n=33&w=480&h=270
Fiona’s Drawings About her experience with Nixon - Warning, Graphic, NSFW, NSFL
And: https://cathyfox.files.wordpress.com/2015/11/1e.jpg
Nixon was gay:
6/17/24 - This is from my personal experience and observations after he became president:
Work went to Hell. I used to work, be tired, but feel satisfied after a work day. Sometimes we even had cheese and wine parties after work. After he became president, everyone had to work until you felt you got hit by a train everyday.
He closed mental institutions creating crazy homeless people you see today. He said that mental patients should live with family members and attend outpatient mental health programs in the community. He knew damn well that wasn't going to work. Look how that turned out.
He fired the traffic controllers who wanted a raise. Many a plane crashed after that.
He presented "Trickle-down Economics": The richer the rich became, the more money would trickle down to the average man.
He regularly attended the Bohemian Grove: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EWRUcedUwAMGOaj.jpg:large
He was owned by the Rockefellers and did their bidding:
Fiona Barnett - Survivor of child sex abuse: Richard Nixon was a pedophile & sexually abused her.
This is a photo of Dr. Anthony Kidman who sexually abused her and his daughter Nicole Kidman who witnessed it.
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORqq7LdTdS4 https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/i?id=e5145d4c51aa6d267a323e44492399f1b7761bce-7947652-images-thumbs&ref=rim&n=33&w=480&h=270
Fiona’s Drawings About her experience with Nixon - Warning, Graphic, NSFW, NSFL
And: https://cathyfox.files.wordpress.com/2015/11/1e.jpg
Nixon was gay: