I would not be harsh at all on their findings. Reading the ENTIRE report is very important in order to understand the data limitations encountered.. This was a very grueling project, and we are far from knowing (if we ever do know) the hundreds of thousands of deaths that resulted and continue to result from these vaccines.
I would not be harsh at all on their findings. Reading the ENTIRE report is very important in order to understand the data limitations encountered in their research. This was a very grueling project, and we are far from knowing (if we ever do know) the hundreds of thousands of deaths that resulted and continue to result from these vaccines.
I wouldn't be so harsh on their findings. Reading the ENTIRE report is important in order to understand the data limitations encountered in their research. This was a very grueling project, and we are far from knowing (if we ever do know) the hundreds of thousands of deaths that resulted and continue to result from these vaccines.