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Reason: None provided.

-keep in mind, us gentiles are foreigners in this context.

This is a misunderstanding that millions of Christians have, due to false translations of the Bible.

The word "gentile" comes from the Hebrew word "goy" or "goyim" if plural. It means "nation." That is exactly what it means.

God told Abraham, "I will make nations of thee." In Hebrew, it said, "I will make goyim of thee."

Rebekah was pregnant with Esau and Jacob, and she was having problems because they were fighting inside her. God told her, "Two nations are in thy womb." In the original Hebrew, it says, "Two goyim are in they womb."

These translations into English are correct (goy/goyim to nation(s)) because that is the only way the translators could make it make sense. But elsewhere, the translators falsified what the original scripture said, translating it into "gentile."

In the New Testament, where the English word is "gentile," the translators translated from the Greek word "ethnos," which also means "nation(s)."

So, goy and ethnos both mean nations in English, but the translators sometimes translated correctly and other times incorrectly.

The Bible was translated into Latin before it was translated into English and other languages. In Latin, the word "gentilis" was used, when goy and ethnos appeard, at least in many places.

"Gentilis" means "of a clan or race." When the English translations came about, they used the made-up word, "gentile" where goy/ethnos/gentilis was in the other languages.

The modern English Bibles use "gentile" to mean "non-jew," but neither "gentile" nor "jew" was ever in the original scriptures.

Goy and ethnos means a nation, which comes from "nacio," which is a people related by family heritage (i.e. a race of people, or a family within that race).

The true Israelites of the Bible are the Keltic, Germanic, Anglo-Saxon, and Scandinavian Caucasians of the world. This is a nation of people, because "nation" means race, or a family within a race. In Hebrew, the word "arab" means "mixed." The Hebrews understood that the arabs were a mixed race.

The Israelite nation is different from other nations of the world -- both now, and in the Bible. Each nation is different from the others, though many are of mixed races. The jews are a different race from the Israelites, and are a mixed race, partly of Shem, but also partly of Ham, and of Cain: Semite, Canaanite, and Kenite. (Note: The jews are not true Semites because they are not pure. They are Edomites (which are of Esau, who was a Semite). Esau/Edom mixed with Canaanites and Hittites (Canaanites who had also mixed with Kenites and others). The end result of Esau/Edom's race mixing was the Edomites, who are today's jews. The Jewish Encyclopedia admits not only this, but also admits that the jews are not Israelites. They just don't tell anyone else. These are secrets within Jewry.

These jews, as well as others, are the people that Deuteronomy 28 was referring to when "foreigner" was used. They are foreign to the Israelite people (the White race). The jews have perverted the Bible by infiltrating Christianity (which they do not believe in, and their Talmud teaches to hate), and they have warped the real meaning of the Bible, which is why the modern English versions are so confusing to so many Christians.

Note: When the Roman Empire switched to Christianity, they wanted the Old Testament and New Testament translated into Latin. Jews offered their services, claiming they were experts in Hebrew. This is how they infiltrated Christianity, so as to destroy it from within. They had 1,000+ years to continue massaging it to suit their Talmudic purposes, as it was a crime to write the Bible in any language other than Latin. Most people of the time could not read Latin. The European people spoke Greek, not Latin. Latin was reserved to the noble class and the clergy (and their jewish "helpers").

Nobody can understand a pure English version of the Bible today. It must be understood in the context of the original words used in the original scriptures in their original languages.

Thus, the statement, "us gentiles" is a false statement if by "us" you are referring to the White race (I don't know if you are, but I read it that way).

Therefore, the White race are not the "foreigners" mentioned in Deuteronomy 28. Rather, the White race are the Israelites that, if we do not follow God's law, will have all those problems mentioned, and the "foreigners" are today's jews who are the "adversary" to the White race -- and always have been. They are the ones today who are primarily behind all the degeneracy, the foreign invasion of ONLY White countries, the banking system that has bankrupted a once White nation, etc.

The verse in isolation paints foreigners as bad. Or makes it seem that way. But this is inconsistent with other biblical texts and the bible should not contain internal contradiction so it must mean something else

The reason for the apparent contradictions is that the original meanings have been forgotten and distorted. Remember, the Bible says that the Israelite people would forget who they were. The jews claim to be those people, which means if they really were, then they never forgot. And that means that it cannot be them. But the White people today have no clue they are the true Israelites of the Bible. So, it fits.

Furthermore, if "foreigners are bad," then it is God saying it, so go argue with God.

But it does not actually say the foreigners are bad. That is your interpretation. It just says what the foreigners will do if the Israelites do not follow God's law. There is no judgement on the foreigners themselves. You are just reading that into it.

When the Israelites obey God’s commandments, they are promised dominance and prosperity, including being lenders to many nations but borrowing from none. Conversely, disobedience leads to foreign nations gaining power over them, oppressing them, and taking their resources.

Sounds EXACTLY like the history of the White race, up to and including what is going on today in ONLY WHITE COUNTRIES. None of these problems are happening in Africa, Asia, or South America.

These problems are in North America, Europe, and Australia -- only in White countries.

The references to foreigners are part of the broader theme of blessings and curses related to the covenant, rather than an inherent judgment on foreigners themselves.

I agree that it is not a judgement on the foreigners themselves. It is a judgement on the Israelites, that if they turn away from God and God's law, then the foreigners will do these things.

The story of the Bible, especially the covenant, is ONLY about the Israelite people. They are the protagonists of the story. Everyone else is a side note. The jews are the "Adversary" to the Israelites, and are therefore the antagonists. But the jews are a mixed race, and so there are various groups of people in the Bible that played a role in causing problems for the Israelites. Of course, the Israelites themselves also caused their own problems, by not following God's law.

Adam was the first White man (not the first man). His descendants were the "Adamites." The word "adam" means to be ruddy, or the ability to become red in the face, which can only describe the White race.

God gave them some rules, but most of them disobeyed. So, God wiped out most of them with a flood, which was local (not worldwide). This is why there is no record of a flood during that time in China, for example.

Noah was selected to survive and start over for the specific reason he was "pure in his ancestry." He was a great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson of Adam, through Seth (see: Genesis 5).

His son, Shem (aka Sem) became the patriarch of the "Semites." His great-grandson, Eber, became the patriarch of the "Hebrews" (see: Genesis 11).

Abram was a great-great-great-great-grandson of Eber (see also Genesis 11).

Abram was renamed Abraham, and then we had Isaac, Jacob/Israel, and the 12 sons of Israel, who became the patriarchs of nation of Israel. These people were all White, and none of them were jews.

Once you understand that this is a genetic family tree, and not a spiritual thing, the story makes sense. Of course, there is a spiritual element because God breathed the Sprit into Adam, but the story of the Bible is about this particular family tree.

We see in the New Testament, that this family tree would eventually produce Jesus Christ. He was also the Tree of Life back in the Garden of Eden. There were two trees "in the midst," with the Tree of Life representing Good/God/Jesus, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil representing Evil/Satan/Serpent.

The "foreigners" are all the various nations that existed at the time, who were NOT the Israelite nation.

The same is true today. As the White nation continues to turn away from God, the foreigners continue to invade and destroy.

It is as simple (and yet, complex) as that.

6 days ago
3 score
Reason: None provided.

-keep in mind, us gentiles are foreigners in this context.

This is a misunderstanding that millions of Christians have, due to false translations of the Bible.

The word "gentile" comes from the Hebrew word "goy" or "goyim" if plural. It means "nation." That is exactly what it means.

God told Abraham, "I will make nations of thee." In Hebrew, it said, "I will make goyim of thee."

Rebekah was pregnant with Esau and Jacob, and she was having problems because they were fighting inside her. God told her, "Two nations are in thy womb." In the original Hebrew, it says, "Two goyim are in they womb."

These translations into English are correct (goy/goyim to nation(s)) because that is the only way the translators could make it make sense. But elsewhere, the translators falsified what the original scripture said, translating it into "gentile."

In the New Testament, where the English word is "gentile," the translators translated from the Greek word "ethnos," which also means "nation(s)."

So, goy and ethnos both mean nations in English, but the translators sometimes translated correctly and other times incorrectly.

The Bible was translated into Latin before it was translated into English and other languages. In Latin, the word "gentilis" was used, when goy and ethnos appeard, at least in many places.

"Gentilis" means "of a clan or race." When the English translations came about, they used the made-up word, "gentile" where goy/ethnos/gentilis was in the other languages.

The modern English Bibles use "gentile" to mean "non-jew," but neither "gentile" nor "jew" was ever in the original scriptures.

Goy and ethnos means a nation, which comes from "nacio," which is a people related by family heritage (i.e. a race of people, or a family within that race).

The true Israelites of the Bible are the Keltic, Germanic, Anglo-Saxon, and Scandinavian Caucasians of the world. This is a nation of people, because "nation" means race, or a family within a race. In Hebrew, the word "arab" means "mixed." The Hebrews understood that the arabs were a mixed race.

The Israelite nation is different from other nations of the world -- both now, and in the Bible. Each nation is different from the others, though many are of mixed races. The jews are a different race from the Israelites, and are a mixed race, partly of Shem, but also partly of Ham, and of Cain: Semite, Canaanite, and Kenite. (Note: The jews are not true Semites because they are not pure. They are Edomites (which are of Esau, who was a Semite). Esau/Edom mixed with Canaanites and Hittites (Canaanites who had also mixed with Kenites and others). The end result of Esau/Edom's race mixing was the Edomites, who are today's jews. The Jewish Encyclopedia admits not only this, but also admits that the jews are not Israelites. They just don't tell anyone else. These are secrets within Jewry.

These jews, as well as others, are the people that Deuteronomy 28 was referring to when "foreigner" was used. They are foreign to the Israelite people (the White race). The jews have perverted the Bible by infiltrating Christianity (which they do not believe in, and their Talmud teaches to hate), and they have warped the real meaning of the Bible, which is why the modern English versions are so confusing to so many Christians.

Note: When the Roman Empire switched to Christianity, they wanted the Old Testament and New Testament translated into Latin. Jews offered their services, claiming they were experts in Hebrew. This is how they infiltrated Christianity, so as to destroy it from within. They had 1,000+ years to continue massaging it to suit their Talmudic purposes, as it was a crime to write the Bible in any language other than Latin. Most people of the time could not read Latin. The European people spoke Greek, not Latin. Latin was reserved to the noble class and the clergy (and their jewish "helpers").

Nobody can understand a pure English version of the Bible today. It must be understood in the context of the original words used in the original scriptures in their original languages.

Thus, the statement, "us gentiles" is a false statement if by "us" you are referring to the White race (I don't know if you are, but I read it that way).

Therefore, the White race are not the "foreigners" mentioned in Deuteronomy 28. Rather, the White race are the Israelites that, if we do not follow God's law, will have all those problems mentioned, and the "foreigners" are today's jews who are the "adversary" to the White race -- and always have been. They are the ones today who are primarily behind all the degeneracy, the foreign invasion of ONLY White countries, the banking system that has bankrupted a once White nation, etc.

The verse in isolation paints foreigners as bad. Or makes it seem that way. But this is inconsistent with other biblical texts and the bible should not contain internal contradiction so it must mean something else

The reason for the apparent contradictions is that the original meanings have been forgotten and distorted. Remember, the Bible says that the Israelite people would forget who they were. The jews claim to be those people, which means if they really were, then they never forgot. And that means that it cannot be them. But the White people today have no clue they are the true Israelites of the Bible. So, it fits.

Furthermore, if "foreigners are bad," then it is God saying it, so go argue with God.

But it does not actually say the foreigners are bad. That is your interpretation. It just says what the foreigners will do if the Israelites do not follow God's law. There is no judgement on the foreigners themselves. You are just reading that into it.

When the Israelites obey God’s commandments, they are promised dominance and prosperity, including being lenders to many nations but borrowing from none. Conversely, disobedience leads to foreign nations gaining power over them, oppressing them, and taking their resources.

Sounds EXACTLY like the history of the White race, up to and including what is going on today in ONLY WHITE COUNTRIES. None of these problems are happening in Africa, Asia, or South America.

These problems are in North America, Europe, and Australia -- only in White countries.

The references to foreigners are part of the broader theme of blessings and curses related to the covenant, rather than an inherent judgment on foreigners themselves.

I agree that it is not a judgement on the foreigners themselves. It is a judgement on the Israelites, that if they turn away from God and God's law, then the foreigners will do these things.

The story of the Bible, especially the covenant, is ONLY about the Israelite people. They are the protagonists of the story. Everyone else is a side note. The jews are the "Adversary" to the Israelites, and are therefore the antagonists. But the jews are a mixed race, and so there are various groups of people in the Bible that played a role in causing problems for the Israelites. Of course, the Israelites themselves also caused their own problems, by not following God's law.

Adam was the first White man (not the first man). His descendants were the "Adamites." The word "adam" means to be ruddy, or the ability to become red in the face, which can only describe the White race.

God gave them some rules, but most of them disobeyed. So, God wiped out most of them with a flood, which was local (not worldwide). This is why there is no record of a flood during that time in China, for example.

Noah was selected to survive and start over for the specific reason he was "pure in his ancestry." He was a great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson of Adam, through Seth (see: Genesis 5).

His son, Shem (aka Sem) became the patriarch of the "Semites." His great-grandson, Eber, became the patriarch of the "Hebrews" (see: Genesis 11).

Abram was a great-great-great-great-grandson of Eber (see also Genesis 11).

Abram was renamed Abraham, and then we had Isaac, Jacob/Israel, and the 12 sons of Israel, who became the patriarchs of nation of Israel. These people were all White, and none of them were jews.

Once you understand that his is a genetic family tree, and not a spiritual thing, the story makes sense. Of course, there is a spiritual element because God breathed the Sprit into Adam, but the story of the Bible is about this particular family tree.

We see in the New Testament, that this family tree would eventually produce Jesus Christ. He was also the Tree of Life back in the Garden of Eden. There were two trees "in the midst," with the Tree of Life representing Good/God/Jesus, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil representing Evil/Satan/Serpent.

The "foreigners" are all the various nations that existed at the time, who were NOT the Israelite nation.

The same is true today. As the White nation continues to turn away from God, the foreigners continue to invade and destroy.

It is as simple (and yet, complex) as that.

6 days ago
3 score
Reason: None provided.

-keep in mind, us gentiles are foreigners in this context.

This is a misunderstanding that millions of Christians have, due to false translations of the Bible.

The word "gentile" comes from the Hebrew word "goy" or "goyim" if plural. It means "nation." That is exactly what it means.

God told Abraham, "I will make nations of thee." In Hebrew, it said, "I will make goyim of thee."

Rebekah was pregnant with Esau and Jacob, and she was having problems because they were fighting inside her. God told her, "Two nations are in thy womb." In the original Hebrew, it says, "Two goyim are in they womb."

These translations into English are correct (goy/goyim to nation(s)) because that is the only way the translators could make it make sense. But elsewhere, the translators falsified what the original scripture said, translating it into "gentile."

In the New Testament, where the English word is "gentile," the translators translated from the Greek word "ethnos," which also means "nation(s)."

So, goy and ethnos both mean nations in English, but the translators sometimes translated correctly and other times incorrectly.

The Bible was translated into Latin before it was translated into English and other languages. In Latin, the word "gentilis" was used, when goy and ethnos appeard, at least in many places.

"Gentilis" means "of a clan or race." When the English translations came about, they used the made-up word, "gentile" where goy/ethnos/gentilis was in the other languages.

The modern English Bibles use "gentile" to mean "non-jew," but neither "gentile" nor "jew" was ever in the original scriptures.

Goy and ethnos means a nation, which comes from "nacio," which is a people related by family heritage (i.e. a race of people, or a family within that race).

The true Israelites of the Bible are the Keltic, Germanic, Anglo-Saxon, and Scandinavian Caucasians of the world. This is a nation of people, because "nation" means race, or a family within a race. In Hebrew, the word "arab" means "mixed." The Hebrews understood that the arabs were a mixed race.

The Israelite nation is different from other nations of the world -- both now, and in the Bible. Each nation is different from the others, though many are of mixed races. The jews are a different race from the Israelites, and are a mixed race, partly of Shem, but also partly of Ham, and of Cain: Semite, Canaanite, and Kenite. (Note: The jews are not true Semites because they are not pure. They are Edomites (which are of Esau, who was a Semite). Esau/Edom mixed with Canaanites and Hittites (Canaanites who had also mixed with Kenites and others). The end result of Esau/Edom's race mixing was the Edomites, who are today's jews. The Jewish Encyclopedia admits not only this, but also admits that the jews are not Israelites. They just don't tell anyone else. These are secrets within Jewry.

These jews, as well as others, are the people that Deuteronomy 28 was referring to when "foreigner" was used. They are foreign to the Israelite people (the White race). The jews have perverted the Bible by infiltrating Christianity (which they do not believe in, and their Talmud teaches to hate), and they have warped the real meaning of the Bible, which is why the modern English versions are so confusing to so many Christians.

Note: When the Roman Empire switched to Christianity, they wanted the Old Testament and New Testament translated into Latin. Jews offered their services, claiming they were experts in Hebrew. This is how they infiltrated Christianity, so as to destroy it from within. They had 1,000+ years to continue massaging it to suit their Talmudic purposes, as it was a crime to write the Bible in any language other than Latin. Most people of the time could not read Latin. The European people spoke Greek, not Latin. Latin was reserved to the noble class and the clergy (and their jewish "helpers").

Nobody can understand a pure English version of the Bible today. It must be understood in the context of the original words used in the original scriptures in their original languages.

Thus, the statement, "us gentiles" is a false statement if by "us" you are referring to the White race (I don't know if you are, but I read it that way).

Therefore, the White race are not the "foreigners" mentioned in Deuteronomy 28. Rather, the White race are the Israelites that, if we do not follow God's law, will have all those problems mentioned, and the "foreigners" are today's jews who are the "adversary" to the White race -- and always have been. They are the ones today who are primarily behind all the degeneracy, the foreign invasion of ONLY White countries, the banking system that has bankrupted a once White nation, etc.

The verse in isolation paints foreigners as bad. Or makes it seem that way. But this is inconsistent with other biblical texts and the bible should not contain internal contradiction so it must mean something else

The reason for the apparent contradictions is that the original meanings have been forgotten and distorted. Remember, the Bible says that the Israelite people would forget who they were. The jews claim to be those people, which means if they really were, then they never forgot. And that means that it cannot be them. But the White people today have no clue they are the true Israelites of the Bible. So, it fits.

Furthermore, if "foreigners are bad," then it is God saying it, so go argue with God.

But it does not actually say the foreigners are bad. That is your interpretation. It just says what the foreigners will do if the Israelites do not follow God's law. There is no judgement on the foreigners themselves. You are just reading that into it.

When the Israelites obey God’s commandments, they are promised dominance and prosperity, including being lenders to many nations but borrowing from none. Conversely, disobedience leads to foreign nations gaining power over them, oppressing them, and taking their resources.

Sounds EXACTLY like the history of the White race, up to and including what is going on today in ONLY WHITE COUNTRIES. None of these problems are happening in Africa, Asia, or South America.

These problems are in North America, Europe, and Australia -- only in White countries.

The references to foreigners are part of the broader theme of blessings and curses related to the covenant, rather than an inherent judgment on foreigners themselves.

I agree that it is not a judgement on the foreigners themselves. It is a judgement on the Israelites, that if they turn away from God and God's law, then the foreigners will do these things.

The story of the Bible, especially the covenant, is ONLY about the Israelite people. They are the protagonists of the story. Everyone else is a side note. The jews are the "Adversary" to the Israelites, and are therefore the antagonists. But the jews are a mixed race, and so there are various groups of people in the Bible that played a role in causing problems for the Israelites. Of course, the Israelites themselves also caused their own problems, by not following God's law.

Adam was the first White man (not th first man). His descendants were the "Adamites." The word "adam" means to be ruddy, or the ability to become red in the face, which can only describe the White race.

God gave them some rules, but most of them disobeyed. So, God wiped out most of them with a flood, which was local (not worldwide). This is why there is no record of a flood during that time in China, for example.

Noah was selected to survive and start over for the specific reason he was "pure in his ancestry." He was a great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson of Adam, through Seth (see: Genesis 5).

His son, Shem (aka Sem) became the patriarch of the "Semites." His great-grandson, Eber, became the patriarch of the "Hebrews" (see: Genesis 11).

Abram was a great-great-great-great-grandson of Eber (see also Genesis 11).

Abram was renamed Abraham, and then we had Isaac, Jacob/Israel, and the 12 sons of Israel, who became the patriarchs of nation of Israel. These people were all White, and none of them were jews.

Once you understand that his is a genetic family tree, and not a spiritual thing, the story makes sense. Of course, there is a spiritual element because God breathed the Sprit into Adam, but the story of the Bible is about this particular family tree.

We see in the New Testament, that this family tree would eventually produce Jesus Christ. He was also the Tree of Life back in the Garden of Eden. There were two trees "in the midst," with the Tree of Life representing Good/God/Jesus, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil representing Evil/Satan/Serpent.

The "foreigners" are all the various nations that existed at the time, who were NOT the Israelite nation.

The same is true today. As the White nation continues to turn away from God, the foreigners continue to invade and destroy.

It is as simple (and yet, complex) as that.

6 days ago
3 score
Reason: None provided.

-keep in mind, us gentiles are foreigners in this context.

This is a misunderstanding that millions of Christians have, due to false translations of the Bible.

The word "gentile" comes from the Hebrew word "goy" or "goyim" if plural. It means "nation." That is exactly what it means.

God told Abraham, "I will make nations of thee." In Hebrew, it said, "I will make goyim of thee."

Rebekah was pregnant with Esau and Jacob, and she was having problems because they were fighting inside her. God told her, "Two nations are in thy womb." In the original Hebrew, it says, "Two goyim are in they womb."

These translations into English are correct (goy/goyim to nation(s)) because that is the only way the translators could make it make sense. But elsewhere, the translators falsified what the original scripture said, translating it into "gentile."

In the New Testament, where the English word is "gentile," the translators translated from the Greek word "ethnos," which also means "nation(s)."

So, goy and ethnos both mean nations in English, but the translators sometimes translated correctly and other times incorrectly.

The Bible was translated into Latin before it was translated into English and other languages. In Latin, the word "gentilis" was used, when goy and ethnos appeard, at least in many places.

"Gentilis" means "of a clan or race." When the English translations came about, they used the made-up word, "gentile" where goy/ethnos/gentilis was in the other languages.

The modern English Bibles use "gentile" to mean "non-jew," but neither "gentile" nor "jew" was ever in the original scriptures.

Goy and ethnos means a nation, which comes from "nacio," which is a people related by family heritage (i.e. a race of people, or a family within that race).

The true Israelites of the Bible are the Keltic, Germanic, Anglo-Saxon, and Scandinavian Caucasians of the world. This is a nation of people, because "nation" means race, or a family within a race. In Hebrew, the word "arab" means "mixed." The Hebrews understood that the arabs were a mixed race.

The Israelite nation is different from other nations of the world -- both now, and in the Bible. Each nation is different from the others, though many are of mixed races. The jews are a different race from the Israelites, and are a mixed race, partly of Shem, but also partly of Ham, and of Cain: Semite, Canaanite, and Kenite. (Note: The jews are not true Semites because they are not pure. They are Edomites (which are of Esau, who was a Semite). Esau/Edom mixed with Canaanites and Hittites (Canaanites who had also mixed with Kenites and others). The end result of Esau/Edom's race mixing was the Edomites, who are today's jews. The Jewish Encyclopedia admits not only this, but also admits that the jews are not Israelites. They just don't tell anyone else. These are secrets within Jewry.

These jews, as well as others, are the people that Deuteronomy 28 was referring to when "foreigner" was used. They are foreign to the Israelite people (the White race). The jews have perverted the Bible by infiltrating Christianity (which they do not believe in, and their Talmud teaches to hate), and they have warped the real meaning of the Bible, which is why the modern English versions are so confusing to so many Christians.

Nobody can understand a pure English version of the Bible today. It must be understood in the context of the original words used in the original scriptures in their original languages.

Thus, the statement, "us gentiles" is a false statement if by "us" you are referring to the White race (I don't know if you are, but I read it that way).

Therefore, the White race are not the "foreigners" mentioned in Deuteronomy 28. Rather, the White race are the Israelites that, if we do not follow God's law, will have all those problems mentioned, and the "foreigners" are today's jews who are the "adversary" to the White race -- and always have been. They are the ones today who are primarily behind all the degeneracy, the foreign invasion of ONLY White countries, the banking system that has bankrupted a once White nation, etc.

The verse in isolation paints foreigners as bad. Or makes it seem that way. But this is inconsistent with other biblical texts and the bible should not contain internal contradiction so it must mean something else

The reason for the apparent contradictions is that the original meanings have been forgotten and distorted. Remember, the Bible says that the Israelite people would forget who they were. The jews claim to be those people, which means if they really were, then they never forgot. And that means that it cannot be them. But the White people today have no clue they are the true Israelites of the Bible. So, it fits.

Furthermore, if "foreigners are bad," then it is God saying it, so go argue with God.

But it does not actually say the foreigners are bad. That is your interpretation. It just says what the foreigners will do if the Israelites do not follow God's law. There is no judgement on the foreigners themselves. You are just reading that into it.

When the Israelites obey God’s commandments, they are promised dominance and prosperity, including being lenders to many nations but borrowing from none. Conversely, disobedience leads to foreign nations gaining power over them, oppressing them, and taking their resources.

Sounds EXACTLY like the history of the White race, up to and including what is going on today in ONLY WHITE COUNTRIES. None of these problems are happening in Africa, Asia, or South America.

These problems are in North America, Europe, and Australia -- only in White countries.

The references to foreigners are part of the broader theme of blessings and curses related to the covenant, rather than an inherent judgment on foreigners themselves.

I agree that it is not a judgement on the foreigners themselves. It is a judgement on the Israelites, that if they turn away from God and God's law, then the foreigners will do these things.

The story of the Bible, especially the covenant, is ONLY about the Israelite people. They are the protagonists of the story. Everyone else is a side note. The jews are the "Adversary" to the Israelites, and are therefore the antagonists. But the jews are a mixed race, and so there are various groups of people in the Bible that played a role in causing problems for the Israelites. Of course, the Israelites themselves also caused their own problems, by not following God's law.

Adam was the first White man (not th first man). His descendants were the "Adamites." The word "adam" means to be ruddy, or the ability to become red in the face, which can only describe the White race.

God gave them some rules, but most of them disobeyed. So, God wiped out most of them with a flood, which was local (not worldwide). This is why there is no record of a flood during that time in China, for example.

Noah was selected to survive and start over for the specific reason he was "pure in his ancestry." He was a great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson of Adam, through Seth (see: Genesis 5).

His son, Shem (aka Sem) became the patriarch of the "Semites." His great-grandson, Eber, became the patriarch of the "Hebrews" (see: Genesis 11).

Abram was a great-great-great-great-grandson of Eber (see also Genesis 11).

Abram was renamed Abraham, and then we had Isaac, Jacob/Israel, and the 12 sons of Israel, who became the patriarchs of nation of Israel. These people were all White, and none of them were jews.

Once you understand that his is a genetic family tree, and not a spiritual thing, the story makes sense. Of course, there is a spiritual element because God breathed the Sprit into Adam, but the story of the Bible is about this particular family tree.

We see in the New Testament, that this family tree would eventually produce Jesus Christ. He was also the Tree of Life back in the Garden of Eden. There were two trees "in the midst," with the Tree of Life representing Good/God/Jesus, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil representing Evil/Satan/Serpent.

The "foreigners" are all the various nations that existed at the time, who were NOT the Israelite nation.

The same is true today. As the White nation continues to turn away from God, the foreigners continue to invade and destroy.

It is as simple (and yet, complex) as that.

6 days ago
3 score
Reason: None provided.

-keep in mind, us gentiles are foreigners in this context.

This is a misunderstanding that millions of Christians have, due to false translations of the Bible.

The word "gentile" comes from the Hebrew word "goy" or "goyim" if plural. It means "nation." That is exactly what it means.

God told Abraham, "I will make nations of thee." In Hebrew, it said, "I will make goyim of thee."

Rebekah was pregnant with Esau and Jacob, and she was having problems because they were fighting inside her. God told her, "Two nations are in thy womb."

In the original Hebrew, it says, "Two goyim are in they womb."

These translations into English are correct (goy/goyim to nation(s)) because that is the only way the translators could make it make sense. But elsewhere, the translators falsified what the original scripture said, translating it into "gentile."

In the New Testament, where the English word is "gentile," the translators translated from the Greek word "ethnos," which also means "nation(s)."

So, goy and ethnos both mean nations in English, but the translators sometimes translated correctly and other times incorrectly.

The Bible was translated into Latin before it was translated into English and other languages. In Latin, the word "gentilis" was used, when goy and ethnos appeard, at least in many places.

"Gentilis" means "of a clan or race." When the English translations came about, they used the made-up word, "gentile" where goy/ethnos/gentilis was in the other languages.

The modern English Bibles use "gentile" to mean "non-jew," but neither "gentile" nor "jew" was ever in the original scriptures.

Goy and ethnos means a nation, which comes from "nacio," which is a people related by family heritage (i.e. a race of people, or a family within that race).

The true Israelites of the Bible are the Keltic, Germanic, Anglo-Saxon, and Scandinavian Caucasians of the world. This is a nation of people, because "nation" means race, or a family within a race. In Hebrew, the word "arab" means "mixed." The Hebrews understood that the arabs were a mixed race.

The Israelite nation is different from other nations of the world -- both now, and in the Bible. Each nation is different from the others, though many are of mixed races. The jews are a different race from the Israelites, and are a mixed race, partly of Shem, but also partly of Ham, and of Cain: Semite, Canaanite, and Kenite. (Note: The jews are not true Semites because they are not pure. They are Edomites (which are of Esau, who was a Semite). Esau/Edom mixed with Canaanites and Hittites (Canaanites who had also mixed with Kenites and others). The end result of Esau/Edom's race mixing was the Edomites, who are today's jews. The Jewish Encyclopedia admits not only this, but also admits that the jews are not Israelites. They just don't tell anyone else. These are secrets within Jewry.

These jews, as well as others, are the people that Deuteronomy 28 was referring to when "foreigner" was used. They are foreign to the Israelite people (the White race). The jews have perverted the Bible by infiltrating Christianity (which they do not believe in, and their Talmud teaches to hate), and they have warped the real meaning of the Bible, which is why the modern English versions are so confusing to so many Christians.

Nobody can understand a pure English version of the Bible today. It must be understood in the context of the original words used in the original scriptures in their original languages.

Thus, the statement, "us gentiles" is a false statement if by "us" you are referring to the White race (I don't know if you are, but I read it that way).

Therefore, the White race are not the "foreigners" mentioned in Deuteronomy 28. Rather, the White race are the Israelites that, if we do not follow God's law, will have all those problems mentioned, and the "foreigners" are today's jews who are the "adversary" to the White race -- and always have been. They are the ones today who are primarily behind all the degeneracy, the foreign invasion of ONLY White countries, the banking system that has bankrupted a once White nation, etc.

The verse in isolation paints foreigners as bad. Or makes it seem that way. But this is inconsistent with other biblical texts and the bible should not contain internal contradiction so it must mean something else

The reason for the apparent contradictions is that the original meanings have been forgotten and distorted. Remember, the Bible says that the Israelite people would forget who they were. The jews claim to be those people, which means if they really were, then they never forgot. And that means that it cannot be them. But the White people today have no clue they are the true Israelites of the Bible. So, it fits.

Furthermore, if "foreigners are bad," then it is God saying it, so go argue with God.

But it does not actually say the foreigners are bad. That is your interpretation. It just says what the foreigners will do if the Israelites do not follow God's law. There is no judgement on the foreigners themselves. You are just reading that into it.

When the Israelites obey God’s commandments, they are promised dominance and prosperity, including being lenders to many nations but borrowing from none. Conversely, disobedience leads to foreign nations gaining power over them, oppressing them, and taking their resources.

Sounds EXACTLY like the history of the White race, up to and including what is going on today in ONLY WHITE COUNTRIES. None of these problems are happening in Africa, Asia, or South America.

These problems are in North America, Europe, and Australia -- only in White countries.

The references to foreigners are part of the broader theme of blessings and curses related to the covenant, rather than an inherent judgment on foreigners themselves.

I agree that it is not a judgement on the foreigners themselves. It is a judgement on the Israelites, that if they turn away from God and God's law, then the foreigners will do these things.

The story of the Bible, especially the covenant, is ONLY about the Israelite people. They are the protagonists of the story. Everyone else is a side note. The jews are the "Adversary" to the Israelites, and are therefore the antagonists. But the jews are a mixed race, and so there are various groups of people in the Bible that played a role in causing problems for the Israelites. Of course, the Israelites themselves also caused their own problems, by not following God's law.

Adam was the first White man (not th first man). His descendants were the "Adamites." The word "adam" means to be ruddy, or the ability to become red in the face, which can only describe the White race.

God gave them some rules, but most of them disobeyed. So, God wiped out most of them with a flood, which was local (not worldwide). This is why there is no record of a flood during that time in China, for example.

Noah was selected to survive and start over for the specific reason he was "pure in his ancestry." He was a great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson of Adam, through Seth (see: Genesis 5).

His son, Shem (aka Sem) became the patriarch of the "Semites." His great-grandson, Eber, became the patriarch of the "Hebrews" (see: Genesis 11).

Abram was a great-great-great-great-grandson of Eber (see also Genesis 11).

Abram was renamed Abraham, and then we had Isaac, Jacob/Israel, and the 12 sons of Israel, who became the patriarchs of nation of Israel. These people were all White, and none of them were jews.

Once you understand that his is a genetic family tree, and not a spiritual thing, the story makes sense. Of course, there is a spiritual element because God breathed the Sprit into Adam, but the story of the Bible is about this particular family tree.

We see in the New Testament, that this family tree would eventually produce Jesus Christ. He was also the Tree of Life back in the Garden of Eden. There were two trees "in the midst," with the Tree of Life representing Good/God/Jesus, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil representing Evil/Satan/Serpent.

The "foreigners" are all the various nations that existed at the time, who were NOT the Israelite nation.

The same is true today. As the White nation continues to turn away from God, the foreigners continue to invade and destroy.

It is as simple (and yet, complex) as that.

6 days ago
3 score
Reason: None provided.

-keep in mind, us gentiles are foreigners in this context.

This is a misunderstanding that millions of Christians have, due to false translations of the Bible.

The word "gentile" comes from the Hebrew word "goy" or "goyim" if plural. It means "nation." That is exactly what it means.

God told Abraham, "I will make nations of thee." In Hebrew, it said, "I will make goyim of thee."

Rebekah was pregnant with Esau and Jacob, and she was having problems because they were fighting inside her. God told her, "Two nations are in thy womb."

In the original Hebrew, it says, "Two goyim are in they womb."

These translations into English are correct (goy/goyim to nation(s)) because that is the only way the translators could make it make sense. But elsewhere, the translators falsified what the original scripture said, translating it into "gentile."

In the New Testament, where the English word is "gentile," the translators translated from the Greek word "ethnos," which also means "nation(s)."

So, goy and ethnos both mean nations in English, but the translators sometimes translated correctly and other times incorrectly.

The Bible was translated into Latin before it was translated into English and other languages. In Latin, the word "gentilis" was used, when goy and ethnos appeard, at least in many places.

"Gentilis" means "of a clan or race." When the English translations came about, they used the made-up word, "gentile" where goy/ethnos/gentilis was in the other languages.

The modern English Bibles use "gentile" to mean "non-jew," but neither "gentile" nor "jew" was ever in the original scriptures.

Goy and ethnos means a nation, which comes from "nacio," which is a people related by family heritage (i.e. a race of people, or a family within that race).

The true Israelites of the Bible are the Keltic, Germanic, Anglo-Saxon, and Scandinavian Caucasians of the world. This is a nation of people, because "nation" means race, or a family within a race. In Hebrew, the word "arab" means "mixed." The Hebrews understood that the arabs were a mixed race.

The Israelite nation is different from other nations of the world -- both now, and in the Bible. Each nation is different from the others, though many are of mixed races. The jews are a different race from the Israelites, and are a mixed race, partly of Shem, but also partly of Ham, and of Cain: Semite, Canaanite, and Kenite. (Note: The jews are not true Semites because they are not pure. They are Edomites (which are of Esau, who was a Semite). Esau/Edom mixed with Canaanites and Hittites (Canaanites who had also mixed with Kenites and others). The end result of Esau/Edom's race mixing was the Edomites, who are today's jews. The Jewish Encyclopedia admits not only this, but also admits that the jews are not Israelites. They just don't tell anyone else. These are secrets within Jewry.

These jews, as well as others, are the people that Deuteronomy 28 was referring to when "foreigner" was used. They are foreign to the Israelite people (the White race). The jews have perverted the Bible by infiltrating Christianity (which they do not believe in, and their Talmud teaches to hate), and they have warped the real meaning of the Bible, which is why the modern English versions are so confusing to so many Christians.

Nobody can understand a pure English version of the Bible today. It must be understood in the context of the original words used in the original scriptures in their original languages.

Thus, the statement, "us gentiles" is a false statement if by "us" you are referring to the White race (I don't know if you are, but I read it that way).

Therefore, the White race are not the "foreigners" mentioned in Deuteronomy 28. Rather, the White race are the Israelites that, if we do not follow God's law, will have all those problems mentioned, and the "foreigners" are today's jews who are the "adversary" to the White race -- and always have been. They are the ones today who are primarily behind all the degeneracy, the foreign invasion of ONLY White countries, the banking system that has bankrupted a once White nation, etc.

The verse in isolation paints foreigners as bad. Or makes it seem that way. But this is inconsistent with other biblical texts and the bible should not contain internal contradiction so it must mean something else

The reason for the apparent contradictions is that the original meanings have been forgotten and distorted. Remember, the Bible says that the Israelite people would forget who they were. The jews claim to be those people, which means if they really were, then they never forgot. And that means that it cannot be them. But the White people today have no clue they are the true Israelites of the Bible. So, it fits.

Furthermore, if "foreigners are bad," then it is God saying it, so go argue with God.

But it does not actually say the foreigners are bad. That is your interpretation. It just says what the foreigners will do if the Israelites do not follow God's law. There is no judgement on the foreigners themselves. You are just reading that into it.

When the Israelites obey God’s commandments, they are promised dominance and prosperity, including being lenders to many nations but borrowing from none. Conversely, disobedience leads to foreign nations gaining power over them, oppressing them, and taking their resources.

Sounds EXACTLY like the history of the White race, up to and including what is going on today in ONLY WHITE COUNTRIES. None of these problems are happening in Africa, Asia, or South America.

These problems are in North America, Europe, and Australia -- only in White countries.

The references to foreigners are part of the broader theme of blessings and curses related to the covenant, rather than an inherent judgment on foreigners themselves.

I agree that it is not a judgement on the foreigners themselves. It is a judgement on the Israelites, that if they turn away from God and God's law, then the foreigners will do these things.

The story of the Bible, especially the covenant, is ONLY about the Israelite people. They are the protagonists of the story. Everyone else is a side note. The jews are the "Adversary" to the Israelites, and are therefore the antagonists. But the jews are a mixed race, and so there are various groups of people in the Bible that played a role in causing problems for the Israelites. Of course, the Israelites themselves also caused their own problems, by not following God's law.

Adam was the first White man (not th first man). His descendants were the "Adamites." The word "adam" means to be ruddy, or the ability to become red in the face, which can only describe the White race.

God gave them some rules, but most of them disobeyed. So, God wiped out most of them with a flood, which was local (not worldwide). This is why there is no record of a flood during that time in China, for example.

Noah was selected to survive and start over for the specific reason he was "pure in his ancestry." He was great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson of Adam, through Seth (see: Genesis 5).

His son, Shem (aka Sem) became the patriarch of the "Semites." His great-grandson, Eber, became the patriarch of the "Hebrews" (see: Genesis 11).

Abram was the great-great-great-great-grandson of Eber (see also Genesis 11).

Abram was renamed Abraham, and then we had Isaac, Jacob/Israel, and the 12 sons of Israel, who became the patriarchs of nation of Israel. These people were all White, and none of them were jews.

Once you understand that his is a genetic family tree, and not a spiritual thing, the story makes sense. Of course, there is a spiritual element because God breathed the Sprit into Adam, but the story of the Bible is about this particular family tree.

We see in the New Testament, that this family tree would eventually produce Jesus Christ. He was also the Tree of Life back in the Garden of Eden. There were two trees "in the midst," with the Tree of Life representing Good/God/Jesus, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil representing Evil/Satan/Serpent.

The "foreigners" are all the various nations that existed at the time, who were NOT the Israelite nation.

The same is true today. As the White nation continues to turn away from God, the foreigners continue to invade and destroy.

It is as simple (and yet, complex) as that.

6 days ago
3 score
Reason: None provided.

-keep in mind, us gentiles are foreigners in this context.

This is a misunderstanding that millions of Christians have, due to false translations of the Bible.

The word "gentile" comes from the Hebrew word "goy" or "goyim" if plural. It means "nation." That is exactly what it means.

God told Abraham, "I will make nations of thee." In Hebrew, it said, "I will make goyim of thee."

Rebekah was pregnant with Esau and Jacob, and she was having problems because they were fighting inside her. God told her, "Two nations are in thy womb."

In the original Hebrew, it says, "Two goyim are in they womb."

These translations into English are correct (goy/goyim to nation(s)) because that is the only way the translators could make it make sense. But elsewhere, the translators falsified what the original scripture said, translating it into "gentile."

In the New Testament, where the English word is "gentile," the translators translated from the Greek word "ethnos," which also means "nation(s)."

So, goy and ethnos both mean nations in English, but the translators sometimes translated correctly and other times incorrectly.

The Bible was translated into Latin before it was translated into English and other languages. In Latin, the word "gentilis" was used, when goy and ethnos appeard, at least in many places.

"Gentilis" means "of a clan or race." When the English translations came about, they used the made-up word, "gentile" where goy/ethnos/gentilis was in the other languages.

The modern English Bibles use "gentile" to mean "non-jew," but neither "gentile" nor "jew" was ever in the original scriptures.

Goy and ethnos means a nation, which comes from "nacio," which is a people related by family heritage (i.e. a race of people, or a family within that race).

The true Israelites of the Bible are the Keltic, Germanic, Anglo-Saxon, and Scandinavian Caucasians of the world. This is a nation of people, because "nation" means race, or a family within a race. In Hebrew, the word "arab" means "mixed." The Hebrews understood that the arabs were a mixed race.

The Israelite nation is different from other nations of the world -- both now, and in the Bible. Each nation is different from the others, though many are of mixed races. The jews are a different race from the Israelites, and are a mixed race, partly of Shem, but also partly of Ham, and of Cain: Semite, Canaanite, and Kenite. (Note: The jews are not true Semites because they are not pure. They are Edomites (which are of Esau, who was a Semite). Esau/Edom mixed with Canaanites and Hittites (Canaanites who had also mixed with Kenites and others). The end result of Esau/Edom's race mixing was the Edomites, who are today's jews. The Jewish Encyclopedia admits not only this, but also admits that the jews are not Israelites. They just don't tell anyone else. These are secrets within Jewry.

These jews, as well as others, are the people that Deuteronomy 28 was referring to when "foreigner" was used. They are foreign to the Israelite people (the White race). The jews have perverted the Bible by infiltrating Christianity (which they do not believe in, and their Talmud teaches to hate), and they have warped the real meaning of the Bible, which is why the modern English versions are so confusing to so many Christians.

Nobody can understand a pure English version of the Bible today. It must be understood in the context of the original words used in the original scriptures in their original languages.

Thus, the statement, "us gentiles" is a false statement if by "us" you are referring to the White race (I don't know if you are, but I read it that way).

Therefore, the White race are not the "foreigners" mentioned in Deuteronomy 28. Rather, the White race are the Israelites that, if we do not follow God's law, will have all those problems mentioned, and the "foreigners" are today's jews who are the "adversary" to the White race -- and always have been. They are the ones today who are primarily behind all the degeneracy, the foreign invasion of ONLY White countries, the banking system that has bankrupted a once White nation, etc.

The verse in isolation paints foreigners as bad. Or makes it seem that way. But this is inconsistent with other biblical texts and the bible should not contain internal contradiction so it must mean something else

The reason for the apparent contradictions is that the original meanings have been forgotten and distorted. Remember, the Bible says that the Israelite people would forget who they were. The jews claim to be those people, which means if they were, they did not forget. And that means it cannot be them. But the White people today have no clue they are the true Israelites of the Bible. So, it fits.

Furthermore, if "foreigners are bad," then it is God saying it, so go argue with God.

When the Israelites obey God’s commandments, they are promised dominance and prosperity, including being lenders to many nations but borrowing from none. Conversely, disobedience leads to foreign nations gaining power over them, oppressing them, and taking their resources.

Sounds EXACTLY like the history of the White race, up to and including what is going on today in ONLY WHITE COUNTRIES. None of these problems are happening in Africa, Asia, or South America.

These problems are in North America, Europe, and Australia -- only in White countries.

The references to foreigners are part of the broader theme of blessings and curses related to the covenant, rather than an inherent judgment on foreigners themselves.

I agree that it is not a judgement on the foreigners themselves. It is a judgement on the Israelites, that if they turn away from God and God's law, then the foreigners will do these things.

The story of the Bible, especially the covenant, is ONLY about the Israelite people. They are the protagonists of the story. Everyone else is a side note. The jews are the "Adversary" to the Israelites, and are therefore the antagonists. But the jews are a mixed race, and so there are various groups of people in the Bible that played a role in causing problems for the Israelites. Of course, the Israelites themselves also caused their own problems, by not following God's law.

Adam was the first White man (not th first man). His descendants were the "Adamites." The word "adam" means to be ruddy, or the ability to become red in the face, which can only describe the White race.

God gave them some rules, but most of them disobeyed. So, God wiped out most of them with a flood, which was local (not worldwide). This is why there is no record of a flood during that time in China, for example.

Noah was selected to survive and start over for the specific reason he was "pure in his ancestry." He was great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson of Adam, through Seth (see: Genesis 5).

His son, Shem (aka Sem) became the patriarch of the "Semites." His great-grandson, Eber, became the patriarch of the "Hebrews" (see: Genesis 11).

Abram was the great-great-great-great-grandson of Eber (see also Genesis 11).

Abram was renamed Abraham, and then we had Isaac, Jacob/Israel, and the 12 sons of Israel, who became the patriarchs of nation of Israel. These people were all White, and none of them were jews.

Once you understand that his is a genetic family tree, and not a spiritual thing, the story makes sense. Of course, there is a spiritual element because God breathed the Sprit into Adam, but the story of the Bible is about this particular family tree.

We see in the New Testament, that this family tree would eventually produce Jesus Christ. He was also the Tree of Life back in the Garden of Eden. There were two trees "in the midst," with the Tree of Life representing Good/God/Jesus, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil representing Evil/Satan/Serpent.

The "foreigners" are all the various nations that existed at the time, who were NOT the Israelite nation.

The same is true today. As the White nation continues to turn away from God, the foreigners continue to invade and destroy.

It is as simple (and yet, complex) as that.

6 days ago
3 score
Reason: None provided.

-keep in mind, us gentiles are foreigners in this context.

This is a misunderstanding that millions of Christians have, due to false translations of the Bible.

The word "gentile" comes from the Hebrew word "goy" or "goyim" if plural. It means "nation." That is exactly what it means.

God told Abraham, "I will make nations of thee." In Hebrew, it said, "I will make goyim of thee."

Rebekah was pregnant with Esau and Jacob, and she was having problems because they were fighting inside her. God told her, "Two nations are in thy womb."

In the original Hebrew, it says, "Two goyim are in they womb."

These translations into English are correct (goy/goyim to nation(s)) because that is the only way the translators could make it make sense. But elsewhere, the translators falsified what the original scripture said, translating it into "gentile."

In the New Testament, where the English word is "gentile," the translators translated from the Greek word "ethnos," which also means "nation(s)."

So, goy and ethnos both mean nations in English, but the translators sometimes translated correctly and other times incorrectly.

The Bible was translated into Latin before it was translated into English and other languages. In Latin, the word "gentilis" was used, when goy and ethnos appeard, at least in many places.

"Gentilis" means "of a clan or race." When the English translations came about, they used the made-up word, "gentile" where goy/ethnos/gentilis was in the other languages.

The modern English Bibles use "gentile" to mean "non-jew," but neither "gentile" nor "jew" was ever in the original scriptures.

Goy and ethnos means a nation, which comes from "nacio," which is a people related by family heritage (i.e. a race of people, or a family within that race).

The true Israelites of the Bible are the Keltic, Germanic, Anglo-Saxon, and Scandinavian Caucasians of the world. This is a nation of people, because "nation" means race, or a family within a race. In Hebrew, the word "arab" means "mixed." The Hebrews understood that the arabs were a mixed race.

The Israelite nation is different from other nations of the world -- both now, and in the Bible. Each nation is different from the others, though many are of mixed races. The jews are a different race from the Israelites, and are a mixed race, partly of Shem, but also partly of Ham, and of Cain: Semite, Canaanite, and Kenite. (Note: The jews are not true Semites because they are not pure. They are Edomites (which are of Esau, who was a Semite). Esau/Edom mixed with Canaanites and Hittites (Canaanites who had also mixed with Kenites and others).

These jews are the people that Deuteronomy 28 was referring to when "foreigner" was used. They are foreign to the Israelite people (the White race). The jews have perverted the Bible by infiltrating Christianity (which they do not believe in, and their Talmud teaches to hate), and they have warped the real meaning of the Bible, which is why the modern English versions are so confusing to so many Christians.

Nobody can understand a pure English version of the Bible today. It must be understood in the context of the original words used in the original scriptures in their original languages.

Thus, the statement, "us gentiles" is a false statement if by "us" you are referring to the White race (I don't know if you are, but I read it that way).

Therefore, the White race are not the "foreigners" mentioned in Deuteronomy 28. Rather, the White race are the Israelites that, if we do not follow God's law, will have all those problems mentioned, and the "foreigners" are today's jews who are the "adversary" to the White race -- and always have been. They are the ones today who are primarily behind all the degeneracy, the foreign invasion of ONLY White countries, the banking system that has bankrupted a once White nation, etc.

The verse in isolation paints foreigners as bad. Or makes it seem that way. But this is inconsistent with other biblical texts and the bible should not contain internal contradiction so it must mean something else

The reason for the apparent contradictions is that the original meanings have been forgotten and distorted. Remember, the Bible says that the Israelite people would forget who they were. The jews claim to be those people, which means if they were, they did not forget. And that means it cannot be them. But the White people today have no clue they are the true Israelites of the Bible. So, it fits.

Furthermore, if "foreigners are bad," then it is God saying it, so go argue with God.

When the Israelites obey God’s commandments, they are promised dominance and prosperity, including being lenders to many nations but borrowing from none. Conversely, disobedience leads to foreign nations gaining power over them, oppressing them, and taking their resources.

Sounds EXACTLY like the history of the White race, up to and including what is going on today in ONLY WHITE COUNTRIES. None of these problems are happening in Africa, Asia, or South America.

These problems are in North America, Europe, and Australia -- only in White countries.

The references to foreigners are part of the broader theme of blessings and curses related to the covenant, rather than an inherent judgment on foreigners themselves.

I agree that it is not a judgement on the foreigners themselves. It is a judgement on the Israelites, that if they turn away from God and God's law, then the foreigners will do these things.

The story of the Bible, especially the covenant, is ONLY about the Israelite people. They are the protagonists of the story. Everyone else is a side note. The jews are the "Adversary" to the Israelites, and are therefore the antagonists. But the jews are a mixed race, and so there are various groups of people in the Bible that played a role in causing problems for the Israelites. Of course, the Israelites themselves also caused their own problems, by not following God's law.

Adam was the first White man (not th first man). His descendants were the "Adamites." The word "adam" means to be ruddy, or the ability to become red in the face, which can only describe the White race.

God gave them some rules, but most of them disobeyed. So, God wiped out most of them with a flood, which was local (not worldwide). This is why there is no record of a flood during that time in China, for example.

Noah was selected to survive and start over for the specific reason he was "pure in his ancestry." He was great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson of Adam, through Seth (see: Genesis 5).

His son, Shem (aka Sem) became the patriarch of the "Semites." His great-grandson, Eber, became the patriarch of the "Hebrews" (see: Genesis 11).

Abram was the great-great-great-great-grandson of Eber (see also Genesis 11).

Abram was renamed Abraham, and then we had Isaac, Jacob/Israel, and the 12 sons of Israel, who became the patriarchs of nation of Israel. These people were all White, and none of them were jews.

Once you understand that his is a genetic family tree, and not a spiritual thing, the story makes sense. Of course, there is a spiritual element because God breathed the Sprit into Adam, but the story of the Bible is about this particular family tree.

We see in the New Testament, that this family tree would eventually produce Jesus Christ. He was also the Tree of Life back in the Garden of Eden. There were two trees "in the midst," with the Tree of Life representing Good/God/Jesus, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil representing Evil/Satan/Serpent.

The "foreigners" are all the various nations that existed at the time, who were NOT the Israelite nation.

The same is true today. As the White nation continues to turn away from God, the foreigners continue to invade and destroy.

It is as simple (and yet, complex) as that.

6 days ago
3 score
Reason: None provided.

-keep in mind, us gentiles are foreigners in this context.

This is a misunderstanding that millions of Christians have, due to false translations of the Bible.

The word "gentile" comes from the Hebrew word "goy" or "goyim" if plural. It means "nation." That is exactly what it means.

God told Abraham, "I will make nations of thee." In Hebrew, it said, "I will make goyim of thee."

Rebekah was pregnant with Esau and Jacob, and she was having problems because they were fighting inside her. God told her, "Two nations are in thy womb."

In the original Hebrew, it says, "Two goyim are in they womb."

These translations into English are correct (goy/goyim to nation(s)) because that is the only way the translators could make it make sense. But elsewhere, the translators falsified what the original scripture said, translating it into "gentile."

In the New Testament, where the English word is "gentile," the translators translated from the Greek word "ethnos," which also means "nation(s)."

So, goy and ethnos both mean nations in English, but the translators sometimes translated correctly and other times incorrectly.

The Bible was translated into Latin before it was translated into English and other languages. In Latin, the word "gentilis" was used, when goy and ethnos appeard, at least in many places.

"Gentilis" means "of a clan or race." When the English translations came about, they used the made-up word, "gentile" where goy/ethnos/gentilis was in the other languages.

The modern English Bibles use "gentile" to mean "non-jew," but neither "gentile" nor "jew" was ever in the original scriptures.

Goy and ethnos means a nation, which comes from "nacio," which is a people related by family heritage (i.e. a race of people, or a family within that race).

The true Israelites of the Bible are the Keltic, Germanic, Anglo-Saxon, and Scandinavian Caucasians of the world. This is a nation of people, because "nation" means race, or a family within a race. In Hebrew, the word "arab" means "mixed." The Hebrews understood that the arabs were a mixed race.

The Israelite nation is different from other nations of the world -- both now, and in the Bible. Each nation is different from the others, though many are of mixed races. The jews are a different race from the Israelites, and are a mixed race, partly of Shem, but also partly of Ham, and of Cain: Semitic, Canaanite, and Kenite.

These jews are the people that Deuteronomy 28 was referring to when "foreigner" was used. They are foreign to the Israelite people (the White race). The jews have perverted the Bible by infiltrating Christianity (which they do not believe in, and their Talmud teaches to hate), and they have warped the real meaning of the Bible, which is why the modern English versions are so confusing to so many Christians.

Nobody can understand a pure English version of the Bible today. It must be understood in the context of the original words used in the original scriptures in their original languages.

Thus, the statement, "us gentiles" is a false statement if by "us" you are referring to the White race (I don't know if you are, but I read it that way).

Therefore, the White race are not the "foreigners" mentioned in Deuteronomy 28. Rather, the White race are the Israelites that, if we do not follow God's law, will have all those problems mentioned, and the "foreigners" are today's jews who are the "adversary" to the White race -- and always have been. They are the ones today who are primarily behind all the degeneracy, the foreign invasion of ONLY White countries, the banking system that has bankrupted a once White nation, etc.

The verse in isolation paints foreigners as bad. Or makes it seem that way. But this is inconsistent with other biblical texts and the bible should not contain internal contradiction so it must mean something else

The reason for the apparent contradictions is that the original meanings have been forgotten and distorted. Remember, the Bible says that the Israelite people would forget who they were. The jews claim to be those people, which means if they were, they did not forget. And that means it cannot be them. But the White people today have no clue they are the true Israelites of the Bible. So, it fits.

Furthermore, if "foreigners are bad," then it is God saying it, so go argue with God.

When the Israelites obey God’s commandments, they are promised dominance and prosperity, including being lenders to many nations but borrowing from none. Conversely, disobedience leads to foreign nations gaining power over them, oppressing them, and taking their resources.

Sounds EXACTLY like the history of the White race, up to and including what is going on today in ONLY WHITE COUNTRIES. None of these problems are happening in Africa, Asia, or South America.

These problems are in North America, Europe, and Australia -- only in White countries.

The references to foreigners are part of the broader theme of blessings and curses related to the covenant, rather than an inherent judgment on foreigners themselves.

I agree that it is not a judgement on the foreigners themselves. It is a judgement on the Israelites, that if they turn away from God and God's law, then the foreigners will do these things.

The story of the Bible, especially the covenant, is ONLY about the Israelite people. They are the protagonists of the story. Everyone else is a side note. The jews are the "Adversary" to the Israelites, and are therefore the antagonists. But the jews are a mixed race, and so there are various groups of people in the Bible that played a role in causing problems for the Israelites. Of course, the Israelites themselves also caused their own problems, by not following God's law.

Adam was the first White man (not th first man). His descendants were the "Adamites." The word "adam" means to be ruddy, or the ability to become red in the face, which can only describe the White race.

God gave them some rules, but most of them disobeyed. So, God wiped out most of them with a flood, which was local (not worldwide). This is why there is no record of a flood during that time in China, for example.

Noah was selected to survive and start over for the specific reason he was "pure in his ancestry." He was great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson of Adam, through Seth (see: Genesis 5).

His son, Shem (aka Sem) became the patriarch of the "Semites." His great-grandson, Eber, became the patriarch of the "Hebrews" (see: Genesis 11).

Abram was the great-great-great-great-grandson of Eber (see also Genesis 11).

Abram was renamed Abraham, and then we had Isaac, Jacob/Israel, and the 12 sons of Israel, who became the patriarchs of nation of Israel. These people were all White, and none of them were jews.

Once you understand that his is a genetic family tree, and not a spiritual thing, the story makes sense. Of course, there is a spiritual element because God breathed the Sprit into Adam, but the story of the Bible is about this particular family tree.

We see in the New Testament, that this family tree would eventually produce Jesus Christ. He was also the Tree of Life back in the Garden of Eden. There were two trees "in the midst," with the Tree of Life representing Good/God/Jesus, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil representing Evil/Satan/Serpent.

The "foreigners" are all the various nations that existed at the time, who were NOT the Israelite nation.

The same is true today. As the White nation continues to turn away from God, the foreigners continue to invade and destroy.

It is as simple (and yet, complex) as that.

6 days ago
2 score
Reason: None provided.

-keep in mind, us gentiles are foreigners in this context.

This is a misunderstanding that millions of Christians have, due to false translations of the Bible.

The word "gentile" comes from the Hebrew word "goy" or "goyim" if plural. It means "nation." That is exactly what it means.

God told Abraham, "I will make nations of thee." In Hebrew, it said, "I will make goyim of thee."

Rebekah was pregnant with Esau and Jacob, and she was having problems because they were fighting inside her. God told her, "Two nations are in thy womb."

In the original Hebrew, it says, "Two goyim are in they womb."

These translations into English are correct (goy/goyim to nation(s)) because that is the only way the translators could make it make sense. But elsewhere, the translators falsified what the original scripture said, translating it into "gentile."

In the New Testament, where the English word is "gentile," the translators translated from the Greek word "ethnos," which also means "nation(s)."

So, goy and ethnos both mean nations in English, but the translators sometimes translated correctly and other times incorrectly.

The Bible was translated into Latin before it was translated into English and other languages. In Latin, the word "gentilis" was used, when goy and ethnos appeard, at least in many places.

"Gentilis" means "of a clan or race." When the English translations came about, they used the made-up word, "gentile" where goy/ethnos/gentilis was in the other languages.

The modern English Bibles use "gentile" to mean "non-jew," but neither "gentile" nor "jew" was ever in the original scriptures.

Goy and ethnos means a nation, which comes from "nacio," which is a people related by family heritage (i.e. a race of people, or a family within that race).

The true Israelites of the Bible are the Keltic, Germanic, Anglo-Saxon, and Scandinavian Caucasians of the world. This is a nation of people, because "nation" means race, or a family within a race. In Hebrew, the word "arab" means "mixed." The Hebrews understood that the arabs were a mixed race.

The Israelite nation is different from other nations of the world -- both now, and in the Bible. Each nation is different from the others, though many are of mixed races. The jews are a different race from the Israelites, and are a mixed race, partly of Shem, but also partly of Ham, and of Cain: Semitic, Canaanite, and Kenite.

These jews are the people that Deuteronomy 28 was referring to when "foreigner" was used. They are foreign to the Israelite people (the White race). The jews have perverted the Bible by infiltrating Christianity (which they do not believe in, and their Talmud teaches to hate), and they have warped the real meaning of the Bible, which is why the modern English versions are so confusing to so many Christians.

Nobody can understand a pure English version of the Bible today. It must be understood in the context of the original words used in the original scriptures in their original languages.

Thus, the statement, "us gentiles" is a false statement if by "us" you are referring to the White race (I don't know if you are, but I read it that way).

Therefore, the White race are not the "foreigners" mentioned in Deuteronomy 28. Rather, the White race are the Israelites that, if we do not follow God's law, will have all those problems mentioned, and the "foreigners" are today's jews who are the "adversary" to the White race -- and always have been. They are the ones today who are primarily behind all the degeneracy, the foreign invasion of ONLY White countries, the banking system that has bankrupted a once White nation, etc.

The verse in isolation paints foreigners as bad. Or makes it seem that way. But this is inconsistent with other biblical texts and the bible should not contain internal contradiction so it must mean something else

The reason for the apparent contradictions is that the original meanings have been forgotten and distorted. Remember, the Bible says that the Israelite people would forget who they were. The jews claim to be those people, which means if they were, they did not forget. And that means it cannot be them. But the White people today have no clue they are the true Israelites of the Bible. So, it fits.

Furthermore, if "foreigners are bad," then it is God saying it, so go argue with God.

When the Israelites obey God’s commandments, they are promised dominance and prosperity, including being lenders to many nations but borrowing from none. Conversely, disobedience leads to foreign nations gaining power over them, oppressing them, and taking their resources.

Sounds EXACTLY like the history of the White race, up to and including what is going on today in ONLY WHITE COUNTRIES. None of these problems are happening in Africa, Asia, or South America.

These problems are in North America, Europe, and Australia -- only in White countries.

The references to foreigners are part of the broader theme of blessings and curses related to the covenant, rather than an inherent judgment on foreigners themselves.

The story of the Bible, especially the covenant, is ONLY about the Israelites people. They are the protagonists of the stories. Everyone else is a side note. The jews are the "Adversary" to the Israelites, and are therefore the antagonists. But the jews are a mixed race, and so there are various groups of people in the Bible that played a role in causing problems for the Israelites. Of course, the Israelites themselves also caused their own problems, by not following God's law.

Adam was the first White man (not th first man). His descendants were the "Adamites." The word "adam" means to be ruddy, or the ability to become red in the face, which can only describe the White race.

God gave them some rules, but most of them disobeyed. So, God wiped out most of them with a flood, which was local (not worldwide). This is why there is no record of a flood during that time in China, for example.

Noah was selected to survive and start over for the specific reason he was "pure in his ancestry." He was great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson of Adam, through Seth (see: Genesis 5).

His son, Shem (aka Sem) became the patriarch of the "Semites." His great-grandson, Eber, became the patriarch of the "Hebrews" (see: Genesis 11).

Abram was the great-great-great-great-grandson of Eber (see also Genesis 11).

Abram was renamed Abraham, and then we had Isaac, Jacob/Israel, and the 12 sons of Israel, who became the patriarchs of nation of Israel. These people were all White, and none of them were jews.

Once you understand that his is a genetic family tree, and not a spiritual thing, the story makes sense. Of course, there is a spiritual element because God breathed the Sprit into Adam, but the story of the Bible is about this particular family tree.

We see in the New Testament, that this family tree would eventually produce Jesus Christ. He was also the Tree of Life back in the Garden of Eden. There were two trees "in the midst," with the Tree of Life representing Good/God/Jesus, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil representing Evil/Satan/Serpent.

The "foreigners" are all the various nations that existed at the time, who were NOT the Israelite nation.

The same is true today. As the White nation continues to turn away from God, the foreigners continue to invade and destroy.

It is as simple (and yet, complex) as that.

6 days ago
2 score
Reason: None provided.

-keep in mind, us gentiles are foreigners in this context.

This is a misunderstanding that millions of Christians have, due to false translations of the Bible.

The word "gentile" comes from the Hebrew word "goy" or "goyim" if plural. It means "nation." That is exactly what it means.

God told Abraham, "I will make nations of thee." In Hebrew, it said, "I will make goyim of thee."

Rebekah was pregnant with Esau and Jacob, and she was having problems because they were fighting inside her. God told her, "Two nations are in thy womb."

In the original Hebrew, it says, "Two goyim are in they womb."

These translations into English are correct (goy/goyim to nation(s)) because that is the only way the translators could make it make sense. But elsewhere, the translators falsified what the original scripture said, translating it into "gentile."

In the New Testament, where the English word is "gentile," the translators translated from the Greek word "ethnos," which also means "nation(s)."

So, goy and ethnos both mean nations in English, but the translators sometimes translated correctly and other times incorrectly.

The Bible was translated into Latin before it was translated into English and other languages. In Latin, the word "gentilis" was used, when goy and ethnos appeard, at least in many places.

"Gentilis" means "of a clan or race." When the English translations came about, they used the made-up word, "gentile" where goy/ethnos/gentilis was in the other languages.

The modern English Bibles use "gentile" to mean "non-jew," but neither "gentile" nor "jew" was ever in the original scriptures.

Goy and ethnos means a nation, which comes from "nacio," which is a people related by family heritage (i.e. a race of people, or a family within that race).

The true Israelites of the Bible are the Keltic, Germanic, Anglo-Saxon, and Scandinavian Caucasians of the world. This is a nation of people, because "nation" means race, or a family within a race. In Hebrew, the word "arab" means "mixed." The Hebrews understood that the arabs were a mixed race.

The Israelite nation is different from other nations of the world -- both now, and in the Bible. Each nation is different from the others, though many are of mixed races. The jews are a different race from the Israelites, and are a mixed race, partly of Shem, but also partly of Ham, and of Cain: Semitic, Canaanite, and Kenite.

These jews are the people that Deuteronomy 28 was referring to when "foreigner" was used. They are foreign to the Israelite people (the White race). The jews have perverted the Bible by infiltrating Christianity (which they do not believe in, and their Talmud teaches to hate), and they have warped the real meaning of the Bible, which is why the modern English versions are so confusing to so many Christians.

Nobody can understand a pure English version of the Bible today. It must be understood in the context of the original words used in the original scriptures in their original languages.

Thus, the statement, "us gentiles" is a false statement if by "us" you are referring to the White race (I don't know if you are, but I read it that way).

Therefore, the White race are not the "foreigners" mentioned in Deuteronomy 28. Rather, the White race are the Israelites that, if we do not follow God's law, will have all those problems mentioned, and the "foreigners" are today's jews who are the "adversary" to the White race -- and always have been. They are the ones today who are primarily behind all the degeneracy, the foreign invasion of ONLY White countries, the banking system that has bankrupted a once White nation, etc.

The verse in isolation paints foreigners as bad. Or makes it seem that way. But this is inconsistent with other biblical texts and the bible should not contain internal contradiction so it must mean something else

The reason for the apparent contradictions is that the original meanings have been forgotten and distorted. Remember, the Bible says that the Israelite people would forget who they were. The jews claim to be those people, which means if they were, they did not forget. And that means it cannot be them. But the White people today have no clue they are the true Israelites of the Bible. So, it fits.

Furthermore, if "foreigners are bad," then it is God saying it, so go argue with God.

When the Israelites obey God’s commandments, they are promised dominance and prosperity, including being lenders to many nations but borrowing from none. Conversely, disobedience leads to foreign nations gaining power over them, oppressing them, and taking their resources.

Sounds EXACTLY like the history of the White race, up to and including what is going on today in ONLY WHITE COUNTRIES. None of these problems are happening in Africa, Asia, or South America.

These problems are in North America, Europe, and Australia -- all White countries.

The references to foreigners are part of the broader theme of blessings and curses related to the covenant, rather than an inherent judgment on foreigners themselves.

The story of the Bible, especially the covenant, is ONLY about the Israelites people. They are the protagonists of the stories. Everyone else is a side note. The jews are the "Adversary" to the Israelites, and are therefore the antagonists. But the jews are a mixed race, and so there are various groups of people in the Bible that played a role in causing problems for the Israelites. Of course, the Israelites themselves also caused their own problems, by not following God's law.

Adam was the first White man (not th first man). His descendants were the "Adamites." The word "adam" means to be ruddy, or the ability to become red in the face, which can only describe the White race.

God gave them some rules, but most of them disobeyed. So, God wiped out most of them with a flood, which was local (not worldwide). This is why there is no record of a flood during that time in China, for example.

Noah was selected to survive and start over for the specific reason he was "pure in his ancestry." He was great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson of Adam, through Seth (see: Genesis 5).

His son, Shem (aka Sem) became the patriarch of the "Semites." His great-grandson, Eber, became the patriarch of the "Hebrews" (see: Genesis 11).

Abram was the great-great-great-great-grandson of Eber (see also Genesis 11).

Abram was renamed Abraham, and then we had Isaac, Jacob/Israel, and the 12 sons of Israel, who became the patriarchs of nation of Israel. These people were all White, and none of them were jews.

Once you understand that his is a genetic family tree, and not a spiritual thing, the story makes sense. Of course, there is a spiritual element because God breathed the Sprit into Adam, but the story of the Bible is about this particular family tree.

We see in the New Testament, that this family tree would eventually produce Jesus Christ. He was also the Tree of Life back in the Garden of Eden. There were two trees "in the midst," with the Tree of Life representing Good/God/Jesus, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil representing Evil/Satan/Serpent.

The "foreigners" are all the various nations that existed at the time, who were NOT the Israelite nation.

The same is true today. As the White nation continues to turn away from God, the foreigners continue to invade and destroy.

It is as simple (and yet, complex) as that.

6 days ago
2 score
Reason: None provided.

-keep in mind, us gentiles are foreigners in this context.

This is a misunderstanding that millions of Christians have, due to false translations of the Bible.

The word "gentile" comes from the Hebrew word "goy" or "goyim" if plural. It means "nation." That is exactly what it means.

God told Abraham, "I will make nations of thee." In Hebrew, it said, "I will make goyim of thee."

Rebekah was pregnant with Esau and Jacob, and she was having problems because they were fighting inside her. God told her, "Two nations are in thy womb."

In the original Hebrew, it says, "Two goyim are in they womb."

These translations into English are correct (goy/goyim to nation(s)) because that is the only way the translators could make it make sense. But elsewhere, the translators falsified what the original scripture said, translating it into "gentile."

In the New Testament, where the English word is "gentile," the translators translated from the Greek word "ethnos," which also means "nation(s)."

So, goy and ethnos both mean nations in English, but the translators sometimes translated correctly and other times incorrectly.

The Bible was translated into Latin before it was translated into English and other languages. In Latin, the word "gentilis" was used, when goy and ethnos appeard, at least in many places.

"Gentilis" means "of a clan or race." When the English translations came about, they used the made-up word, "gentile" where goy/ethnos/gentilis was in the other languages.

The modern English Bibles use "gentile" to mean "non-jew," but neither "gentile" nor "jew" was ever in the original scriptures.

Goy and ethnos means a nation, which comes from "nacio," which is a people related by family heritage (i.e. a race of people, or a family within that race).

The true Israelites of the Bible are the Keltic, Germanic, Anglo-Saxon, and Scandinavian Caucasians of the world. This is a nation of people, because "nation" means race.

This particular nation is different from other nations of the world -- both now, and in the Bible. The jews are a different race from the Israelites.

These jews are the people that Deuteronomy 28 was referring to when "foreigner" was used. They are foreign to the Israelite people (the White race). The jews have perverted the Bible by infiltrating Christianity (which they do not believe in, and their Talmud teaches to hate), and they have warped the real meaning of the Bible, which is why the modern English versions are so confusing to so many Christians.

Nobody can understand a pure English version of the Bible today. It must be understood in the context of the original words used in the original scriptures in their original languages.

Thus, the statement, "us gentiles" is a false statement if by "us" you are referring to the White race (I don't know if you are, but I read it that way).

Therefore, the White race are not the "foreigners" mentioned in Deuteronomy 28. Rather, the White race are the Israelites that, if we do not follow God's law, will have all those problems mentioned, and the "foreigners" are today's jews who are the "adversary" to the White race -- and always have been. They are the ones today who are primarily behind all the degeneracy, the foreign invasion of ONLY White countries, the banking system that has bankrupted a once White nation, etc.

The verse in isolation paints foreigners as bad. Or makes it seem that way. But this is inconsistent with other biblical texts and the bible should not contain internal contradiction so it must mean something else

The reason for the apparent contradictions is that the original meanings have been forgotten and distorted. Remember, the Bible says that the Israelite people would forget who they were. The jews claim to be those people, which means if they were, they did not forget. And that means it cannot be them. But the White people today have no clue they are the true Israelites of the Bible. So, it fits.

Furthermore, if "foreigners are bad," then it is God saying it, so go argue with God.

When the Israelites obey God’s commandments, they are promised dominance and prosperity, including being lenders to many nations but borrowing from none. Conversely, disobedience leads to foreign nations gaining power over them, oppressing them, and taking their resources.

Sounds EXACTLY like the history of the White race, up to and including what is going on today in ONLY WHITE COUNTRIES. None of these problems are happening in Africa, Asia, or South America.

These problems are in North America, Europe, and Australia -- all White countries.

The references to foreigners are part of the broader theme of blessings and curses related to the covenant, rather than an inherent judgment on foreigners themselves.

The story of the Bible, especially the covenant, is ONLY about the Israelites people. They are the protagonists of the stories. Everyone else is a side note. The jews are the "Adversary" to the Israelites, and are therefore the antagonists. But the jews are a mixed race, and so there are various groups of people in the Bible that played a role in causing problems for the Israelites. Of course, the Israelites themselves also caused their own problems, by not following God's law.

Adam was the first White man (not th first man). His descendants were the "Adamites." The word "adam" means to be ruddy, or the ability to become red in the face, which can only describe the White race.

God gave them some rules, but most of them disobeyed. So, God wiped out most of them with a flood, which was local (not worldwide). This is why there is no record of a flood during that time in China, for example.

Noah was selected to survive and start over for the specific reason he was "pure in his ancestry." He was great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson of Adam, through Seth (see: Genesis 5).

His son, Shem (aka Sem) became the patriarch of the "Semites." His great-grandson, Eber, became the patriarch of the "Hebrews" (see: Genesis 11).

Abram was the great-great-great-great-grandson of Eber (see also Genesis 11).

Abram was renamed Abraham, and then we had Isaac, Jacob/Israel, and the 12 sons of Israel, who became the patriarchs of nation of Israel. These people were all White, and none of them were jews.

Once you understand that his is a genetic family tree, and not a spiritual thing, the story makes sense. Of course, there is a spiritual element because God breathed the Sprit into Adam, but the story of the Bible is about this particular family tree.

We see in the New Testament, that this family tree would eventually produce Jesus Christ. He was also the Tree of Life back in the Garden of Eden. There were two trees "in the midst," with the Tree of Life representing Good/God/Jesus, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil representing Evil/Satan/Serpent.

The "foreigners" are all the various nations that existed at the time, who were NOT the Israelite nation.

The same is true today. As the White nation continues to turn away from God, the foreigners continue to invade and destroy.

It is as simple (and yet, complex) as that.

6 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

-keep in mind, us gentiles are foreigners in this context.

This is a misunderstanding that millions of Christians have, due to false translations of the Bible.

The word "gentile" comes from the Hebrew word "goy" or "goyim" if plural. It means "nation." That is exactly what it means.

God told Abraham, "I will make nations of thee." In Hebrew, it said, "I will make goyim of thee."

Rebekah was pregnant with Esau and Jacob, and she was having problems because they were fighting inside her. God told her, "Two nations are in thy womb."

In the original Hebrew, it says, "Two goyim are in they womb."

These translations into English are correct (goy/goyim to nation(s)) because that is the only way the translators could make it make sense. But elsewhere, the translators falsified what the original scripture said, translating it into "gentile."

In the New Testament, where the English word is "gentile," the translators translated from the Greek word "ethnos," which also means "nation(s)."

So, goy and ethnos both mean nations in English, but the translators sometimes translated correctly and other times incorrectly.

The Bible was translated into Latin before it was translated into English and other languages. In Latin, the word "gentilis" was used, when goy and ethnos appeard, at least in many places.

"Gentilis" means "of a clan or race." When the English translations came about, they used the made-up word, "gentile" where goy/ethnos/gentilis was in the other languages.

The modern English Bibles use "gentile" to mean "non-jew," but neither "gentile" nor "jew" was ever in the original scriptures.

Goy and ethnos means a nation, which comes from "nacio," which is a people related by family heritage (i.e. a race of people, or a family within that race).

The true Israelites of the Bible are the Keltic, Germanic, Anglo-Saxon, and Scandanavian caucasians of the world. This is a nation of people, because it is a race.

This particular nation is different from other nations of the world -- both now, and in the Bible. The jews are a different race from the Israelites.

These jews are the people that Deuteronomy 28 was referring to when "foreigner" was used. They are foreign to the Israelite people (the White race). The jews have perverted the Bible by infiltrating Christianity (which they do not believe in, and their Talmud teaches to hate), and they have warped the real meaning of the Bible, which is why the modern English versions are so confusing to so many Christians.

Nobody can understand a pure English version of the Bible today. It must be understood in the context of the original words used in the original scriptures in their original languages.

Thus, the statement, "us gentiles" is a false statement if by "us" you are referring to the White race (I don't know if you are, but I read it that way).

Therefore, the White race are not the "foreigners" mentioned in Deuteronomy 28. Rather, the White race are the Israelites that, if we do not follow God's law, will have all those problems mentioned, and the "foreigners" are today's jews who are the "adversary" to the White race -- and always have been. They are the ones today who are primarily behind all the degeneracy, the foreign invasion of ONLY White countries, the banking system that has bankrupted a once White nation, etc.

The verse in isolation paints foreigners as bad. Or makes it seem that way. But this is inconsistent with other biblical texts and the bible should not contain internal contradiction so it must mean something else

The reason for the apparent contradictions is that the original meanings have been forgotten and distorted. Remember, the Bible says that the Israelite people would forget who they were. The jews claim to be those people, which means if they were, they did not forget. And that means it cannot be them. But the White people today have no clue they are the true Israelites of the Bible. So, it fits.

Furthermore, if "foreigners are bad," then it is God saying it, so go argue with God.

When the Israelites obey God’s commandments, they are promised dominance and prosperity, including being lenders to many nations but borrowing from none. Conversely, disobedience leads to foreign nations gaining power over them, oppressing them, and taking their resources.

Sounds EXACTLY like the history of the White race, up to and including what is going on today in ONLY WHITE COUNTRIES. None of these problems are happening in Africa, Asia, or South America.

These problems are in North America, Europe, and Australia -- all White countries.

The references to foreigners are part of the broader theme of blessings and curses related to the covenant, rather than an inherent judgment on foreigners themselves.

The story of the Bible, especially the covenant, is ONLY about the Israelites people. They are the protagonists of the stories. Everyone else is a side note. The jews are the "Adversary" to the Israelites, and are therefore the antagonists. But the jews are a mixed race, and so there are various groups of people in the Bible that played a role in causing problems for the Israelites. Of course, the Israelites themselves also caused their own problems, by not following God's law.

Adam was the first White man (not th first man). His descendants were the "Adamites." The word "adam" means to be ruddy, or the ability to become red in the face, which can only describe the White race.

God gave them some rules, but most of them disobeyed. So, God wiped out most of them with a flood, which was local (not worldwide). This is why there is no record of a flood during that time in China, for example.

Noah was selected to survive and start over for the specific reason he was "pure in his ancestry." He was great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson of Adam, through Seth (see: Genesis 5).

His son, Shem (aka Sem) became the patriarch of the "Semites." His great-grandson, Eber, became the patriarch of the "Hebrews" (see: Genesis 11).

Abram was the great-great-great-great-grandson of Eber (see also Genesis 11).

Abram was renamed Abraham, and then we had Isaac, Jacob/Israel, and the 12 sons of Israel, who became the patriarchs of nation of Israel. These people were all White, and none of them were jews.

Once you understand that his is a genetic family tree, and not a spiritual thing, the story makes sense. Of course, there is a spiritual element because God breathed the Sprit into Adam, but the story of the Bible is about this particular family tree.

We see in the New Testament, that this family tree would eventually produce Jesus Christ. He was also the Tree of Life back in the Garden of Eden. There were two trees "in the midst," with the Tree of Life representing Good/God/Jesus, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil representing Evil/Satan/Serpent.

The "foreigners" are all the various nations that existed at the time, who were NOT the Israelite nation.

The same is true today. As the White nation continues to turn away from God, the foreigners continue to invade and destroy.

It is as simple (and yet, complex) as that.

6 days ago
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