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Reason: None provided.

I've said it before, but I am getting crickets from many libs. They are over the bitching stage and have moved on to the hide, be quite, and cower phase where they know how wrong they have been, yet can't sack up and admit it.

This last elderly abuse session sealed it. I may never hear from some of them again, simply because they can't look me in the eye. Truth truly does expose all.

4 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

I've said it before, but I am getting crickets from many libs. They are over the bitching stage and have moved on to the hide, be quite, and cower phase where they know how wrong they have been, yet can't sack up and admit it.

This last elderly abuse session sealed it. I may never hear from some of them again simply, because they can't look me in the eye. Truth truly does expose all.

4 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

I've said it before, but I am getting crickets from many libs. They are over the bitching stage and have moved on to the hide, be quite, and cower phase where they know how wrong they have been, yet can't sack up and admit it.

This last elderly abuse session sealed it. I may never here from some of them again simply, because they can't look me in the eye. Truth truly does expose all.

4 days ago
1 score