"For millennia the satanist cult has controlled humanity through subterfuge and infiltration, quietly working from the shadows until they had achieved a population that is nearly completely controlled through propaganda and economics"
This is such a good summary of who they are and what they are doing. As I said, they are all endtime accelerationists, it was long game and shadow moves for most of history but this is the 4th quarter, tie game and they are playing desperate (sloppy) because they know Q, Trump, and the patriots are setting up screens and controlling the ball..and once Jesus gets off the bench it is over. 777-16 God wins.
"For millennia the satanist cult has controlled humanity through subterfuge and infiltration, quietly working from the shadows until they had achieved a population that is nearly completely controlled through propaganda and economics"
This is such a good summary of what they are and what they are doing. As I said, they are all endtime accelerationists, it was long game and shadow moves for most of history but this is the 4th quarter, tie game and they are playing desperate (sloppy) because they know Q, Trump, and the patriots are setting up screens and controlling the ball..and once Jesus gets off the bench it is over. 777-0 God wins.
"For millennia the satanist cult has controlled humanity through subterfuge and infiltration, quietly working from the shadows until they had achieved a population that is nearly completely controlled through propaganda and economics"
This is such a good summary of what they are and what they are doing. As I said, they are all endtime accelerationists, it was long game and shadow moves for most of history but this is the 4th quarter, tie game and they are playing desperate (sloppy) because they know Q, Trump, and the patriots are setting up screens and controlling the ball..and once Jesus gets off the bench it is over. 777-0 God wins.