The chart seems kind of skewed before 1888. Maximum gold US federal reserve/tresury ever had was 22,500 tons. a) 2,000 tons financed the Marshall Plan to rebuild European countries (UN vassal states) after WW 2, ____ b) 5,000 tons at $35 per ounce in 1950s for balance of trade payments to other countries with USA had deficits with, ___c) 3,000 tons to UK and Switzerland during American Vietnam War and LBJ Great Society inflation period in order to “stabilize” the gold pool, ____d) 1970 International Monetary Fund got 1,000 tons for “currency support” and ____ e) 1971 sales and trades of 2,000 tons getting ready for the end of dollar (actually Federal Reserve Notes) convertibility = 13,000 tons accounted for as traded and given away. Note: Americans hold 26,000 tons of gold in private so do not worry when they come out and tell us that China has 30,000 tons
The chart seems kind of skewed before 1888. Maximum gold USA ever had was 22,500 tons. a) 2,000 tons financed the Marshall Plan to rebuild European countries (UN vassal states) after WW 2, ____ b) 5,000 tons at $35 per ounce in 1950s for balance of trade payments to other countries with USA had deficits with, ___c) 3,000 tons to UK and Switzerland during American Vietnam War and LBJ Great Society inflation period in order to “stabilize” the gold pool, ____d) 1970 International Monetary Fund got 1,000 tons for “currency support” and ____ e) 1971 sales and trades of 2,000 tons getting ready for the end of dollar (actually Federal Reserve Notes) convertibility = 13,000 tons accounted for as traded and given away. Note: Americans hold 26,000 tons of gold in private so do not worry when they come out and tell us that China has 30,000 tons
The chart seems kind of skewed before 1888. Maximum gold USA ever had was 22,500 tons. a) 2,000 tons financed the Marshall Plan to rebuild European countries (UN vassal states) after WW 2, ____ b) 5,000 tons at $35 per ounce in 1950s for balance of trade payments to other countries with USA had deficits with, ___c) 3,000 tons to UK and Switzerland during American Vietnam War and LBJ Great Society inflation period in order to “stabilize” the gold pool, ____d) 1970 International Monetary Fund got 1,000 tons for “currency support” and ____ e) 1971 sales and trades of 2,000 tons getting ready for the end of dollar (actually Federal Reserve Notes) convertibility = 13,000 tons accounted for as traded and given away. **** Note: Americans hold 26,000 tons of gold in private**** so do not worry when they come out and tell us that China has 30,000 tons
a) 2,000 tons financed the Marshall Plan to rebuild European countries (UN vassal states) after WW 2, ____ b) 5,000 tons at $35 per ounce in 1950s for balance of trade payments to other countries with USA had deficits with, ___c) 3,000 tons to UK and Switzerland during American Vietnam War and LBJ Great Society inflation period in order to “stabilize” the gold pool, ____d) 1970 International Monetary Fund got 1,000 tons for “currency support” and ____ e) 1971 sales and trades of 2,000 tons getting ready for the end of dollar (actually Federal Reserve Notes) convertibility = 13,000 tons accounted for as traded and given away.