Amazing the protection given by God and the large team of good souls that must work around the clock. The effort needed to protect him his family and his very large kahunas must be immence and smartly planned. The fact they can't touch him with blackmail must be hard, maybe we'll see some really lo blows. Comes to mind a certain judge that had daughter's boyfriends car blown up an he was killed following, which ended with judge backing out of his stance on said issue. Must be extremely technical for the ss and others to navigate those type of threats at a certain point you would just have to have the attitude an those around you that the risk is worth it and no matter who in his circles is harmed the planned continues which is ultimate dedication.
Amazing the protection given by God and the large team of good souls that mudt work tiresly, needed to protect him his family and his very large kahunas. The fact they can't touch him eith blackmail must be hard, maybe we'll see some really lo blows. Comes to mind a certain judge where his daughter's boyfriends car blew up an he was killed following with judge backing out of his stance on said issue. Must be extremely technical for the ss and others to navigate those type of threats