Every gay person I ever met was raped, molested, or abused as a child. That’s just who I’ve met, though. It’s hard to find well-studied numbers on what the most accurate percentage of them this is true for, because TPTB want to keep hidden how much emotional and behavioral damage is hidden in a large gay population, and that it may be able to be healed to some degree, because emotional damage = highly manipulable = control = power, which is all these demons really care about.
But I’m only 35% sure she’s actually a dude.
Edit: the “it’s hard to find numbers” claim was from when I looked years ago when I noticed this pattern. There are studies now (assuming this isn’t information war disinfo, but it lines up with what I’ve heard).
A new study led by researchers at Vanderbilt found that 83% of lesbian, gay, bisexual and queer (LGBQ) individuals reported going through adverse childhood experiences such as sexual and emotional abuse, and worse mental health as adults when compared to their heterosexual peers.
Very curious that this came out of Cooper Univer.. Vanderbilt University, of all places.
Every gay person I ever met was raped, molested, or abused as a child. That’s just who I’ve met, though. It’s hard to find well-studied numbers on what the most accurate percentage of them this is true for, because TPTB want to keep hidden how much emotional and behavioral damage is hidden in a large gay population, and that it may be able to be healed to some degree, because emotional damage = highly manipulable = control = power, which is all these demons really care about.
But I’m only 35% sure she’s actually a dude.
Edit: the “it’s hard to find numbers” claim was from when I looked years ago when I noticed this pattern. There are studies now (assuming this isn’t information war disinfo, but it lines up with what I’ve heard).
A new study led by researchers at Vanderbilt found that 83% of lesbian, gay, bisexual and queer (LGBQ) individuals reported going through adverse childhood experiences such as sexual and emotional abuse, and worse mental health as adults when compared to their heterosexual peers.
Every gay person I ever met was raped, molested, or abused as a child. That’s just who I’ve met, though. It’s hard to find well-studied numbers on what the most accurate percentage of them this is true for, because TPTB want to keep hidden how much emotional and behavioral damage is hidden in a large gay population, and that it may be able to be healed to some degree, because emotional damage = highly manipulable = control = power, which is all these demons really care about.
But I’m only 35% sure she’s actually a dude.
Edit: the “it’s hard to find numbers” claim was from when I looked years ago when I noticed this pattern. There are studies now (assuming this isn’t information war disinfo, but it lines up with what I’ve heard).
Every gay person I ever met was raped, molested, or abused as a child. That’s just who I’ve met, though. It’s hard to find well-studied numbers on what the most accurate percentage of them this is true for, because TPTB want to keep hidden how much emotional and behavioral damage is hidden in a large gay population, and that it may be able to be healed to some degree, because emotional damage = highly manipulable = control = power, which is all these demons really care about.
But I’m only 35% sure she’s actually a dude.
Edit: the “it’s hard to find numbers” claim was from when I looked years ago when I noticed this pattern. There may be studies now (assuming this isn’t information war disinfo, but it lines up with what I’ve heard).
Every gay person I ever met was raped, molested, or abused as a child. That’s just who I’ve met, though. It’s hard to find well-studied numbers on what the most accurate percentage of them this is true for, because TPTB want to keep hidden how much emotional and behavioral damage is hidden in a large gay population, and that it may be able to be healed to some degree, because emotional damage = highly manipulable = control = power, which is all these demons really care about.
But I’m only 35% sure she’s actually a dude.
Edit: the “it’s hard to find numbers” claim was from when I looked years ago when I noticed this pattern. There may be studies now (assuming this isn’t information war disinfo).
Every gay person I ever met was raped, molested, or abused as a child. That’s just who I’ve met, though. It’s hard to find well-studied numbers on what the most accurate percentage of them this is true for, because TPTB want to keep hidden how much emotional and behavioral damage is hidden in a large gay population, and that it may be able to be healed to some degree, because emotional damage = highly manipulable = control = power, which is all these demons really care about.
But I’m only 35% sure she’s actually a dude.
Edit: the “it’s hard to find numbers” claim was from when I looked years ago when I noticed this pattern. There may be studies now (assuming this isn’t internet disinfo).
Every gay person I ever met was raped, molested, or abused as a child. That’s just who I’ve met, though. It’s hard to find well-studied numbers on what the most accurate percentage of them this is true for, because TPTB want to keep hidden how much emotional and behavioral damage is hidden in a large gay population, and that it may be able to be healed to some degree, because emotional damage = highly manipulable = control = power, which is all these demons really care about.
But I’m only 35% sure she’s actually a dude.
Edit: the “it’s hard to find numbers” claim was from when I looked years ago when I noticed this pattern. There are studies now.
Every gay person I ever met was raped, molested, or abused as a child. That’s just who I’ve met, though. It’s hard to find well-studied numbers on what the most accurate percentage of them this is true for, because TPTB want to keep hidden how much emotional and behavioral damage is hidden in a large gay population, and that it may be able to be healed to some degree, because emotional damage = highly manipulable = control = power, which is all these demons really care about.
But I’m only 35% sure she’s actually a dude.
Every gay person I ever met was raped, molested, or abused as a child. It’s hard to find well-studied numbers on what the most accurate percentage of them this is true for, because TPTB want to keep hidden how much emotional and behavioral damage is hidden in a large gay population, and that it may be able to be healed to some degree, because emotional damage = highly manipulable = control = power, which is all these demons really care about.
But I’m only 35% sure she’s actually a dude.