Prove it.
I don't have to prove anything. Read "Mein Kampf."
We are talking about what HITLER thought, not what you think.
For a man who wasn't provoking war, he certainly had a massive war machine with some seriously cutting edge technologies, engineering and battle tactics that the European theater could not hope to contend with.
If you don't understand what had been going on since WW1, then you will never understand this apparent contradiction (in your mind). And most people don't because they don't.
When 90% of Holocaust information is curated works
"Curated" ... by whom, exactly?
It doesn't matter whether I like what he says or doesn't, it is easy to romanticize socialism and the world has seen enough about how "this one kind of socialism is different from all the others!"
The ONLY point I am making here is that Hitler's understanding of "socialism" was very different from Marx' understanding of "socialism."
The fact that you don't understand this distinction, and refuse to understand it, makes your points about it moot.
I have repeatedly bashed the left in this very forum nearly every time Hitler comes up because they will label you a Nazi for wanting to read or having read books like Mein Kampf.
Who fucking cares what leftist loonies want to label you?
Haven't you gotten over that shit by now?
I certainly challenge you to provide proof that national socialism is different, better and more functional without the same inevitable drawbacks it always suffers from.
Look at the RESULTS Hitler got in 5 years.
Would it have continued had the war never happened? We will never know.
But he took the world's worst economy and turned it into the world's best economy in 5 years, all the while the USA and other western European countries were experiencing the Great Depression.
He kicked the bankers out and ended usury.
He cleaned up the degeneracy -- that western countries are once again faced with today -- and did it with utmost efficiency.
The Volkswagen, an affordable car -- something unkown to most people today.
When people got married, they could buy a house cheaply. For every child they had, 25% of the mortgage was forgiven. 4 kids means a free-and-clear house.
And yet, the economy was booming.
There was virtually no crime in the streets.
I'm not saying this is the ideal type of socio-economic system, but it was better for those people living then than what is happening in the West right now.
And guess what the dirty little secret to his success was?
Nobody wants to admit the real reason he had such success, but it was because he kicked the jews out of his government and out of his country.
Amazing what the results were.
Prove it.
I don't have to prove anything. Read "Mein Kampf."
We are talking about what HITLER thought, not what you think.
For a man who wasn't provoking war, he certainly had a massive war machine with some seriously cutting edge technologies, engineering and battle tactics that the European theater could not hope to contend with.
If you don't understand what had been going on since WW1, then you will never understand this distinction. And most people don't because they don't.
When 90% of Holocaust information is curated works
"Curated" ... by whom, exactly?
It doesn't matter whether I like what he says or doesn't, it is easy to romanticize socialism and the world has seen enough about how "this one kind of socialism is different from all the others!"
The ONLY point I am making here is that Hitler's understanding of "socialism" was very different from Marx' understanding of "socialism."
The fact that you don't understand this distinction, and refuse to understand it, makes your points about it moot.
I have repeatedly bashed the left in this very forum nearly every time Hitler comes up because they will label you a Nazi for wanting to read or having read books like Mein Kampf.
Who fucking cares what leftist loonies want to label you?
Haven't you gotten over that shit by now?
I certainly challenge you to provide proof that national socialism is different, better and more functional without the same inevitable drawbacks it always suffers from.
Look at the RESULTS Hitler got in 5 years.
Would it have continued had the war never happened? We will never know.
But he took the world's worst economy and turned it into the world's best economy in 5 years, all the while the USA and other western European countries were experiencing the Great Depression.
He kicked the bankers out and ended usury.
He cleaned up the degeneracy -- that western countries are once again faced with today -- and did it with utmost efficiency.
The Volkswagen, an affordable car -- something unkown to most people today.
When people got married, they could buy a house cheaply. For every child they had, 25% of the mortgage was forgiven. 4 kids means a free-and-clear house.
And yet, the economy was booming.
There was virtually no crime in the streets.
I'm not saying this is the ideal type of socio-economic system, but it was better for those people living then than what is happening in the West right now.
And guess what the dirty little secret to his success was?
Nobody wants to admit the real reason he had such success, but it was because he kicked the jews out of his government and out of his country.
Amazing what the results were.
Prove it.
I don't have to prove anything. Read "Mein Kampf."
We are talking about what HITLER thought, not what you think.
For a man who wasn't provoking war, he certainly had a massive war machine with some seriously cutting edge technologies, engineering and battle tactics that the European theater could not hope to contend with.
If you don't understand what had been going on since WW1, then you will never understand this distinction. And most people don't because they don't.
When 90% of Holocaust information is curated works
"Curated" ... by whom, exactly?
It doesn't matter whether I like what he says or doesn't, it is easy to romanticize socialism and the world has seen enough about how "this one kind of socialism is different from all the others!"
The ONLY point I am making here is that Hitler's understanding of "socialism" was very different from Marx' understanding of "socialism."
The fact that you don't understand this distinction, and refuse to understand it, makes your points about it moot.
I have repeatedly bashed the left in this very forum nearly every time Hitler comes up because they will label you a Nazi for wanting to read or having read books like Mein Kampf.
Who fucking cares what leftist loonies want to label you?
Haven't you gotten over that shit by now?
I certainly challenge you to provide proof that national socialism is different, better and more functional without the same inevitable drawbacks it always suffers from.
Look at the RESULTS Hitler got in 5 years.
Would it have continued had the war never happened? We will never know.
But he took the world's worst economy and turned it into the world's best economy in 5 years, all the while the USA and other western European countries were experiencing the Great Depression.
He kicked the bankers out and ended usury.
He cleaned up the degeneracy -- that western countries are once again faced with -- and did it with utmost efficiency.
The Vokswagon, and affordable car -- something unkown to most people today.
When people got married, they could buy a house cheaply. For every child they had, 25% of the mortgage was forgiven. 4 kids means a free-and-clear house.
And yet, the economy was booming.
There was virtually no crime in the streets.
I'm not saying this is the ideal type of socio-economic system, but it was better for those people living then than what is happening in the West right now.
And guess what the dirty little secret to his success was?
Nobody wants to admit the real reason he had such success, but it was because he kicked the jews out of his government and out of his country.
Amazing what the results were.
Prove it.
I don't have to prove anything. Read "Mein Kampf."
We are talking about what HITLER thought, not what you think.
For a man who wasn't provoking war, he certainly had a massive war machine with some seriously cutting edge technologies, engineering and battle tactics that the European theater could not hope to contend with.
If you don't understand what had been going on since WW1, then you will never understand it. And most people don't because they don't.
When 90% of Holocaust information is curated works
"Curated" ... by whom, exactly?
It doesn't matter whether I like what he says or doesn't, it is easy to romanticize socialism and the world has seen enough about how "this one kind of socialism is different from all the others!"
The ONLY point I am making here is that Hitler's understanding of "socialism" was very different from Marx' understanding of "socialism."
That fact that you don't understand it, and refuse to understand it, makes your points about it moot.
I have repeatedly bashed the left in this very forum nearly every time Hitler comes up because they will label you a Nazi for wanting to read or having read books like Mein Kampf.
Who fucking cares what leftists loonies what to label you?
Haven't you gotten over that shit by now?
I certainly challenge you to provide proof that national socialism is different, better and more functional without the same inevitable drawbacks it always suffers from.
Look at the RESULTS Hitler got in 5 years.
Would it have continued had the war never happened? We will never know.
But he took the world's worst economy and turned it into the world's best economy in 5 years, all the while the USA and other western European countries were experiencing the Great Depression.
He kicked the bankers out and ended usury.
He cleaned up the degeneracy -- that western countries are once again faced with -- and did it with utmost efficiency.
The Vokswagon, and affordable car -- something unkown to most people today.
When people got married, they could buy a house cheaply. For every child they had, 25% of the mortgage was forgiven. 4 kids means a free-and-clear house.
And yet, the economy was booming.
There was virtually no crime in the streets.
I'm not saying this is the ideal type of socio-economic system, but it was better for those people living then than what is happening in the West right now.
And guess what the dirty little secret to his success was?
Nobody wants to admit the real reason he had such success, but it was because he kicked the jews out of his government and out of his country.
Amazing what the results were.